Hey yuinz nice to meet y'all.
You too
wassup cowboy lol;
How ya been, haven't talked to you in a while. Hows being the admin o' LR been treatin' you? The community been good lately?
Oh damn!
I didnt even think twice so much on my head right now, yes.. . . the old days of CowBoy~Kaos, lol those were fun.
Its nice to see you again how is everything going. hey pm me when you get a chance I will catch up with you in ts or msn if you like.
lol I been good, got a sweet deal at Clemson and now I go to school there. In 3 years I'll be working fer Blackwater.
Gimme the TS adress and whatnot and lets get all caught up lol.
BTW you talked to Sarge lately?
looks like a MSN conversation
anyways, welcome to the LR dude
thanks firewolf. TLR is always a good community.
finaly possitve attitude admin!
um Moderator, dont inflate his head :lol:
Quote from "Knife"
finaly possitve attitude admin!
Fifty floggings with a wet noodle! :mrgreen:
lol Thats me, Mr. Positive... lol
I didn't understood one word from the last Dodge's post, but lol anyways
oh noz, Dodge being positive :shock: :shock: :shock: I haven't seen that in a while... RUN!!! (j/k)
Quote from "Fire_Wolf_br"
I didn't understood one word from the last Dodge's post, but lol anyways
lol I'm no good at positive or negative, I'm only good at being a good guy.