little help here

  • hi two things

    first, i need help with my mod beacause i crete my base and i want to set to buy the nomad faction but i dont know how.

    second, when add patrol, population zone in game or trafic in tradelane, i dont see the faction and ship.

    help me plz

  • Quote from "Dead-eye"

    and how do u use the edit button?

    Well you click on it, and it takes you back to the post-writing screen and then you just... edit your post...

    Any way, ET... I wish I could help you but I'm about as proficient at moding as a attention deficit Chimp.

  • Quote from "ET1996"

    and how do i modify the refire rate of a gun?

    In weapon_equip.ini;

    nickname = gd_im_gun01_mark03
    ids_name = 263254
    ids_info = 264254
    DA_archetype = equipment\models\weapons\li_laser_beam.cmp
    material_library = equipment\models\li_equip.mat
    HP_child = HPConnect
    hit_pts = 1923
    explosion_resistance = 1.000000
    debris_type = debris_normal
    parent_impulse = 20
    child_impulse = 80
    volume = 0.000000
    mass = 10
    hp_gun_type = hp_gun_special_6
    damage_per_fire = 0
    power_usage = 31.620001
    refire_delay = 0.250000 <------------------------------------------------------ This
    muzzle_velocity = 700
    use_animation = Sc_fire
    toughness = 4.200000
    flash_particle_name = ci_tachyon_03_flash
    flash_radius = 15
    light_anim = l_gun01_flash
    projectile_archetype = gd_im_gun01_mark03_ammo
    separation_explosion = sever_debris
    auto_turret = false
    turn_rate = 90
    lootable = true
    LODranges = 0, 20, 60, 100

    I believe (but don't cut my head off if I'm wrong), the closer you get to zero, the faster it refires. You basicly just have to play with it to get it juuuuuuusssstttttt rrrriiiigggghhhhtttt.

  • thx and if you could help me with the mod i give you the link <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... flmod.html</a><!-- m --> and again how do you mod the ship of a faction and the weapon beacause i want to set to the rheinland millitary the craider and to the nomad to change the nomad laser nomad cannon nomad blaster ect. to change it in beam (i think beam its 0) if you are helping me in the mod and you have finish host it then give me the link

  • Quote

    I believe (but don't cut my head off if I'm wrong), the closer you get to zero, the faster it refires. You basicly just have to play with it to get it juuuuuuusssstttttt rrrriiiigggghhhhtttt.

    Refire rate is easy to calculate. In the ini file, the DELAY of refire is in seconds. So 1/(refire_DELAY value) = refire RATE

  • base faction is:
    reputation = fc_n_grp <-here u put faction which u want to belong

    nomad reputation is fc_n_grp that will make base ownership to nomad
    good luck

  • Quote from "Knife"

    base faction is:
    nomad reputation is fc_n_grp that will make base ownership to nomad
    good luck

    lol not good luck im a nomad...