The Comical, Amusing and Nonsensical Thread.

  • I participate in many fora and one thing they all seem to enjoy is humor. Some boards enjoy (or understand) a joke better than others. As I have a few MB of stored humor I've gleaned from the Internet, I thought I might kick off such an interchange in here. Before that happens, it might be a good idea to get some idea from the Admins:

    • Would a humor topic be acceptable,
    • If not, it is reason enough that this is a gaming forum and not a jokes forum, but
    • If so,

      1. what type of jokes would NOT be acceptable, or
      2. should we just post and learn by trial and error,
      3. would it be allowed that anyone who mistakenly posted something unacceptable only had their entry removed and a polite warning via PM?

    I'm sure there may be all sorts of limits that may allow such a topic to start growing but I thought I would start it off with those I thought most important. If allowed, this topic could then serve as the sole repository for such attempts (unless there's another I'm not aware of!) keeping any contamination from the rest of the area. The first post or two could also serve as an indication of what is acceptable and what is not.

    Just like the cat who ate cheese just so he could sit in front of the mouse-hole with baited breath, I await Admins response. (Sorry, I'm partial to puns ...

  • There was a humor thread at one time, though has been lost. You can create one if you want. Pics, jokes and such, though please link the pics. As to the humor, keep it family friendly. Those not so, will be edited. ;)

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • "Comic, Humour, and Frivolity Thread" wasn't it; natural home of Nickless, King of Daft, and his v2.0 reincarnation :) Nick was ace, haven't heard from in ages, wonder how he's doing? I think Comrade Loc might still be in touch with him, they're both Dutchies. We used to have lots of the tulip-growing folk, Loc, Nick, Eraser (he did say hi the other week though) Wiz, FF, a few others but I forget now, top fellas at any rate.

    did you know that Loc actually tried to undertake a hajj to Tawakalnistan a while back? in the snow and driving wind of deepest midwinter he set off on the last train from Nottingham before New Year, got as far as Blythe Bridge station, then got kicked off the train. Poor lad ended up getting a taxi all the way back, he was only 6 miles from the shining domes and glistening spires of the Peoples Palace, and the warm hearths of the infidels quarters in the deepest dungeons of the Grand Central Mosque. And he was only 1/4 mile from me mother-in-law's bungalow in Blythe Bridge, the old bat would have driven him over too. Silly boy thought he'd surprise his Uncle Taw but neglected to take my phone number with him. Everyone knows that it's Tawakalnistan Central 001 (being the only telephone actually in Tawakalnistan, although I'm thinking of installing a GPO phonebox on the corner where the border with the infidel UK is... it'll take old money too.)

    anyway, yes yes, humour and frivolity thread, indeed, good idea, within the rules though of course! Mind you, you might be forgiven for saying that every thread with FD and his cr*ppy Mac is a comedy thread, it always makes me laugh!

  • Quote from "iMac-Knight"

    ... keep it family friendly. Those not so, will be edited.

    Hmm, that's a tough one (me being a 22 year retired Navy, ex-Enlisted Officer) but I will do what I can. No bad language in this one but the content may be cause for deletion. I will take that chance. If this post is gone next time I come in, I will know even this level is too much ...

  • I'll wait a while and give someone else a chance ... ;) The computer I'm sitting at only has 64.2 MB of this stuff. The computer with the Humor Archive has 728 MB.

  • Quote from "The Shroud"

    By popular demand and boredom, I have resurrected it.

    Behold my funny video.

    I'm sorry, I don't understand. Why is it considered funny? Please explain so that any Vulcan of normal intelligence can understand ... :P ;)

  • Never never ask the impossible of shroud :P

    I knew someone would get the thread going again.

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Quote from "Spock"

    I'm sorry, I don't understand. Why is it considered funny? Please explain so that any Vulcan of normal intelligence can understand ... :P ;)

    Your innocence will be lost if I explain it, and you will be baptised in a fiery blaze of the greatest meme ever. :P

  • Ah yes - so it shall be here, lost in comical relief. I'm gonna get my stuff ready and see if anyone reports having lost bladder control soon enough :D

    "A little excitement in an otherwise dull day..."

  • Quote from "Lancerwarrior"

    ... see if anyone reports having lost bladder control soon enough

    Fascinating, this is a bodily functions topic?

  • Quote

    Fascinating, this is a bodily functions topic?

    why yes, yes it is; there's a long tradition of discussing foul medical conditions and bodily functions on TLR. Why I remember the time that I once used up three pages of a thread discussing the time that I had a camera shoved down my well use your imagination <>shudder>

    Your tech-support calls, whilst hilarious, are remarkably close to the truth! The things people have said to me over the years surpass even those in levels of stupidity....

  • Somehow I have a feeling my stated intent for the topic I originally started does not match the direction this new version seems to be going. Not that it is wrong, just not what I'd envisioned.

    While I enjoy a good play on words as much as the next Vulcan, I was more hoping to list "jokes" in an attempt to ascertain which were considered truly humorous by humans. Instead, now I will have to attempt to decipher which statements are "funny" and which not amongst those put forth by others.

    I will finish here by posting something which others say is funny but that I find only too true.

  • funny but sad cos it's true.

    bizarre isn't it? we're more protective of kids now than ever and we're raising a generation of helpless ditherers who know next to nothing about the real world, have every allergy under the sun, and are constantly being diagnosed with this or that syndrome or ailment. We sue councils and companies and even our neighbours if little Johnny (more likely to be Zac Frou-Frou these days) so much as comes home with scratch, and if anyone helps them, my God they'll be up before the beak for molestation faster than they can say Gary Glitter.

    when I was a kid, back in the Sixties/Seventies, we wandered for miles, we'd be out before 9 and not come home till dark, we'd get cuts, bruises, sprains etc from climbing, swings, building bases, burning out old cars, smashing up derelict buildings, we'd come home filthy watch a few cartoons then go and play with our lead-painted toys and oddly enough we didn't get snared by paedophiles or Al-Quaeda recruiters. This world of fear that we're raising our children to live in is no good for them, no good at all.