After scripted storyline Level 38+, I bailed out of too many missions trying different gun missle configurations etc & now when I go to the missions board at any base, there are no missions available, Just Message: No Missions .... You Can't Cut It ......
What can I edit to correct this, & have missions available again ?!?!? :mrgreen:
No Missions at Bases - Message : You Can't Cut It
Well usually 2 reasons you can't get missions! Your in one at the moment (SP should show a mission where next level $ requirement's are or you've still got one on your map screen) or your faction is too low with the base your at. Try the savegame editor for the faction based problem.
Editing it will look like fc_ln_grp[]House -0.6 (1 is highest, -1 lowest)
List of factions: (don't mess with the Corrupt stuff during single play)
fc_ln_grp = Corrupt Liberty Navy
li_n_grp = Liberty Navy
li_lsf_grp = Liberty Security Force
li_p_grp = Liberty Police, Inc.
br_n_grp = Bretonia Armed Forces
br_p_grp = Bretonia Police
fc_kn_grp = Corrupt Kusari Naval Forces
ku_n_grp = Kusari Naval Forces
ku_p_grp = Kusari State Police
rh_n_grp = Rheinland Military
fc_rn_grp = Corrupt Rheinland Military
rh_p_grp = Rheinland Police
co_shi_grp = Samura Industries
co_khc_grp = Daumann Heavy Construction
co_kt_grp = Kishiro Technologies
br_m_grp = BMM
co_me_grp = Deep Space Engineering
co_be_grp = Border World Exports
co_rs_grp = Republican Shipping
co_vr_grp = Ageira Technologies
co_gts_grp = Galactic Trading Service
rh_m_grp = Kruger Minerals
co_ti_grp = Planetform, Inc.
co_ic_grp = Interspace Commerce
co_ss_grp = Universal Shipping
co_hsp_grp = Cryer Pharmaceuticals
co_alg_grp = ALG Waste Disposal
co_os_grp = Orbital Spa and Cruise
co_nws_grp = Gateway Shipping
fc_c_grp = Corsairs
fc_ou_grp = Outcasts
fc_rh_grp = Red Hessians
fc_bd_grp = Blood Dragons
fc_j_grp = Junkers
fc_h_grp = Hogosha
fc_m_grp = Mollys
fc_x_grp = Xenos
fc_b_grp = Bundschuh
fc_g_grp = Gaians
fc_lh_grp = Lane Hackers
fc_u_grp = Unioners
fc_gc_grp = Golden Crysanthemums
fc_lwb_grp = LWB
fc_fa_grp = Farmers Alliance
fc_lr_grp = Liberty Rogues
fc_or_grp = The Order
gd_gm_grp = Gas Miners Guild
fc_n_grp = Nomads
gd_im_grp = Independent Miners Guild
gd_z_grp = Zoners
gd_bh_grp = Bounty Hunters Guild
fc_ouk_grp = Kress's Men
fc_uk_grp = <no name>*
fc_f_grp = Fugitive
fc_q_grp = Quintaine's MenFor the Missions stuff well do the mission Juni want's you to or the mission your already on.
That's the first time I've ever seen that one.
Start a new game.
Quote from "indomidable"
Well usually 2 reasons you can't get missions! Your in one at the moment (SP should show a mission where next level $ requirement's are or you've still got one on your map screen) or your faction is too low with the base your at. Try the savegame editor for the faction based problem.
Editing it will look like fc_ln_grp[]House -0.6 (1 is highest, -1 lowest)
List of factions: (don't mess with the Corrupt stuff during single play)
fc_ln_grp = Corrupt Liberty Navy
li_n_grp = Liberty Navy
li_lsf_grp = Liberty Security Force
li_p_grp = Liberty Police, Inc.
br_n_grp = Bretonia Armed Forces
br_p_grp = Bretonia Police
fc_kn_grp = Corrupt Kusari Naval Forces
ku_n_grp = Kusari Naval Forces
ku_p_grp = Kusari State Police
rh_n_grp = Rheinland Military
fc_rn_grp = Corrupt Rheinland Military
rh_p_grp = Rheinland Police
co_shi_grp = Samura Industries
co_khc_grp = Daumann Heavy Construction
co_kt_grp = Kishiro Technologies
br_m_grp = BMM
co_me_grp = Deep Space Engineering
co_be_grp = Border World Exports
co_rs_grp = Republican Shipping
co_vr_grp = Ageira Technologies
co_gts_grp = Galactic Trading Service
rh_m_grp = Kruger Minerals
co_ti_grp = Planetform, Inc.
co_ic_grp = Interspace Commerce
co_ss_grp = Universal Shipping
co_hsp_grp = Cryer Pharmaceuticals
co_alg_grp = ALG Waste Disposal
co_os_grp = Orbital Spa and Cruise
co_nws_grp = Gateway Shipping
fc_c_grp = Corsairs
fc_ou_grp = Outcasts
fc_rh_grp = Red Hessians
fc_bd_grp = Blood Dragons
fc_j_grp = Junkers
fc_h_grp = Hogosha
fc_m_grp = Mollys
fc_x_grp = Xenos
fc_b_grp = Bundschuh
fc_g_grp = Gaians
fc_lh_grp = Lane Hackers
fc_u_grp = Unioners
fc_gc_grp = Golden Crysanthemums
fc_lwb_grp = LWB
fc_fa_grp = Farmers Alliance
fc_lr_grp = Liberty Rogues
fc_or_grp = The Order
gd_gm_grp = Gas Miners Guild
fc_n_grp = Nomads
gd_im_grp = Independent Miners Guild
gd_z_grp = Zoners
gd_bh_grp = Bounty Hunters Guild
fc_ouk_grp = Kress's Men
fc_uk_grp = <no name>*
fc_f_grp = Fugitive
fc_q_grp = Quintaine's MenFor the Missions stuff well do the mission Juni want's you to or the mission your already on.
You forgot fc_co_grp, which is you the freelancer's group. Though the upatched version allies your starting character with co_ic_grp, which is interspace commerce.
Don't want to start a new game ....... I'll lose my 101,000,000 in credits & my maxed out ship :shock:
well, here is another way. Find one particular faction you can beat up on who happens to have a lot of enemies. Outcasts are one of them. Go raid their
home system in Omicron Alpha.
Believe it or not, you kill enough of them, not only will the corsairs love you, but so will Liberty.On the other hand, Kill a lot of Corsairs and about the only faction who will
hate you worse than them, is the Hogosha.Either way, you'll end up with random mission offers again.
Yeh well, what can I say?
You chickened out of too many missions and they finally realise you just can't cut it!
:? Chickened out ........ Ha Ha
Just looking for a quick fix ........... I bailed out of the missions because I was testing different weapons configurations in the same scenario.I've been playing Freelance forever ......... Over the years I have played the story line 4 times with different ships & have 2700 kills in this last configuration currently using Evolutions ......... 110, 714, 000 in credits & a maxed our Raven ( Without Cheats ) .... just didn't want to start a new game. :mrgreen:
BTW ........ Killing Corsairs didn't work, including killing 4 battleships in Aleutia ( did you know you get 200,000 credits for a Fleet Commander at a Bounty Hunter Base ?!? ).......... though copying rep files from a previous mission into the savegame file did partially restore random missions at some bases.
Start killing Xenos. Allmost everyone hates them xD
kill too many xenos, the zoners will hate you. (setback) so be careful.
Has someway to solve it ?
I meaning is, solve "No Missions at Bases".
I'm like to know that, because that, my mod can't play in SP.
Thanx to everyone for their help & suggestions !!! ( I am playing in EVO 1.28 BTW )
No amount of wiping out factions ( even Xenos ) & my limited knowledge of tweaking with a Save Game Editor has given me the desired results of Level 40 Random missions ..... Sooooo I have taken the advise to start a new game ... (sort of) , I found a saved game before the " You Can't Cut It Bud " fiasco where I was building wealth shuttling oil from Moscow to Graves & gold on the return trip with an Armoured Transport ( through Magellan Jump Hole ) ..... & have now rebuilt my Ravenclaw from scratch !
Crimson Cossacks Version
Tisona del Cid ( Class 9 )
Cannonball Missle ( Class 9 )
Stolokov MK5 ( Class 9 )
Stolokov MK5 ( Class 9 )
Quickdraw ( Class 10 )
Quickdraw ( Class 10 )
Nomad Energy Blaster ( Class 10 )
Nomad Energy Cannon ( Class 10 )
2 Novaslayer Torpedo Launchers
"King" Cruise Disrupter
Screamer Mine
Adv Counter Measures
Advanced Pirate Thruster ( ? from the Outcast I believe )
Maxed out Power Config ( Some avail only at Planet Sprague )
Phalanx Molecular Sheild ( Class 10 )
MK IV Armor ( avail at Battleship Kyoto ):mrgreen: Scott ( aka mindzwarped )