i have a few pics and movies of me and my girlfriend id post them but then i be banned for life!!!!!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Posts by the pirate
hey my mom likes to decorate
well maybe not i cant get the link thingy working so here is the addy http://the-pirate.50megs.com/MVC-007S.JPG
heres me <img src=´http://the-pirate.50megs.com/MVC-007S.JPG ´> cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions Edited by - the pirate on 26-01-2002 19:18:51 Edited by - the pirate on 26-01-2002 19:19:19
on my video toaster i have a 1000 dollar sound card it kicks all other cards ass ot hass xlr ins/oputs midi ins outs and digital xlr ins/outs plus on my home pc i have a hercules game theater xp it kicks the platiinum 5.1 ass buit falls short against the audigy platiinum cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
hey i am buildinga website could i have the source stuff gibby?????? please if you could email it to me i would really apperciate it cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
must shoot down super sayjen bringing evilness cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
spam spoam spam spam spam i love spam cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
oh good i was just gonna sugest using a baseball bat but your way is good to cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
i dont know what i would do if this site closed down i might have to get a life!!! cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
i have four ibm deskstar gxp 75gb drives in a raid 0 config and they have worked fine for a year cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
their is a spuadron of f-16s called the vampires but i cant remeber where they base they fly out of cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
i saw it was an ok movie the effects were good and not really noticeable unlesss your a video nerd like me also 1 out of every 3 shots was an effects shot, they plan to re-release the movei with footage from the second movie in february cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
white its a polar bear youre at the north pole cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
yes you won a trip to lancersreactor!!! i picked that tidbit out of a magazine called POST now someone else post a a question cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
actually i am a big post production buff as a video editor and geek i am intrested in this kinda stuff cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
hey guys rtcw wont run on my geforce 2 ultra it says no open gl but when i installed detanoator 4 drivers my computer is really flaky does anyone have detanotr 3 drivers laying around cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
i´m ok i got my SH*T covered well cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
even i the god of pirating knows DONT POST THIS STUFF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gibby will unleash the power of his mouse on u and ban u cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions
we should have this topic pinned to the top of the off topic forums for a memorial cheif video editor Pro Audio/Video Productions