Yah that one leads to Alaska... SP only ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
Posts by Mad Dog
LOL, thats prolly true... and we should have an FL2 in what? 6 years <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
@ maniacbeta, go to the FL guide and click on <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/flstations/default.asp´ Target=_Blank>bases</a> Then just click on a base and it shows what ship it sells ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers
Welcome man, most ofthen ! ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
P3 650MHz Diamond Viper V77o TNT2 Ultra 32MH 128 MB SD RAM 13 Gig HD DVD Burner Soundblaster Live Value Keyboard (yup <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) Optical Logitech mouse Speakers with subwoofer 17inch monitor Logitech Wingman Extreme Joystick HP 610C Printer Getting a new pc in Aprill ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
yup and then kill some bretonia cops to get good with the outcasts again, they are good friends as well you can also get a titan at Leon base in Omega 41 ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
If you are in bad standing with an enemy they will try to kill you so you wont be able to land <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> it;ll just say that the planet/base is hostile there are no cloacking devices or scanner blockers, teh best way to sneak in is to avoid patroll paths About the ships dealer ... no ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
just presing back will disengage the powering up of your cruise engines to correct eb: engines normaly give you a speed of 0 to 79 (80) ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
nah you just have a seperate meter with thruster power, it runs down when you use the thruster and recharges when you stop thrustering ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
<A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/art/other/large/planets-bases.JPG´ Target=_Blank>Sabre</a> Cockpits are just statics, some struts blocking your view, no more ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
another prob: When you are connected to the internet with a modem (usb modem in my case) and i have my other pc on (it connects via NIC´s to my pc) i cant play FL MP becouse my NIC is active, FL think that that is my internet connection. If you have a simmilar prob like this, either disable the lan or yank out the cable ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
Thats what makes the game fun Gountlet ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
just click it , plz ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
Ok.. and the point of all this is? ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
What is this... spam fest? funny pic btw ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
Having each ship have diff speeds would really screw up the game in SP, what if the AI has the fastest and just keeps running away from you ... for ever?! ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
Hey i´m game... but i want that unlimited supply of credits though :p ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
i have not noticed this, when i bought a 120k gun it showed as a 39k gun in my hold immedeatly, then when i went out and sold it a few hours later it was still 39k, maybe you just forgot to repair it after your last mission ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
You can very easely make a living out of mineing, id used to mine the colorado silver fields for 2 hours till i had about $200.000 and buy a valkyre. But then they put in a bunch of "owners" that woud kill you on sight, so getting a tough ship would be a REALLY good idea ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>