Posts by Fear Factor

    Go to its parent website and download patch 1.02, if I´m not mistaken. Or google it. Or else, after exhausting all methods, I can email you the patch. Give me a holler at weesp209 at and tell me your email address. Had the same problem as you once and the patch fixed it for me. And may I say, that MW3 is in many ways (except for its horrible Weapons Bay interface) superior to MW4? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> better story, better storytelling and presentation (it felt like a real military campaign, not like MW4´s space soap opera).

    The boyfriend needs to settle a score. Stay out of it. Ganging on him would not exactly be fair, especially since he´s the &quot;victim&quot; here. I´d be pissed off too if someone tried to steal my gf. But IMO no girl is worth fighting over. She screws around, leave her.

    That, I can testify with my own eyes, is true. The most luxurious mall in my city has one such shop. It´s not shady business done in dark seedy alleys. Those genious crackers in Singapore, Taiwan, and China and Russia can cleave open anti-piracy locks on any cd in matter of days.

    Here´s a tip from a professional blagger: Takes at least two people - bring a bigass camera on your friend´s shoulder, and a bigass spotlight. The other guy should be the &quot;host&quot; &quot;narrating&quot; the entire event of the party to the camera (the camera doesn´t even have to be on) <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. The &quot;host&quot; should be well-dressed, while the others like average joes (jeans and t-shirt and baseball caps, the idea here is trying to look like cameramen and techies) Got within 2 meters of Ilse de Lange once. Told her we were Beijing TV and how she was a hit in Shanghai and Beijing and stuff - she bought it too. Sucker. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    I´m still waiting for the &quot;improbability drive&quot; to power my spaceship. Having one of those blackhole computers to navigate won´t hurt tho <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Urban legend 1</a> and <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>urban legend 2</a>. This has been played so many times before. It started as &quot;don´t drink Coke after [insert date here Where exactly did you hear this from? BBC? a friend of a friend? or the infallible &quot;Internet&quot;? Go check out from time to time - if not for fact-checking, than for entertainment.

    You get me near that SOB cousin and I´ll beat him to pulp for you and your gf or die trying. Tell her parents yourself - this is no time to be sensitive and ****. This is a crime and that bastard needs his face rearranged <img src=smilies/icon_smile_angry.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    *Sigh* if you must know the whole truth, fine. GP slept his way to the uppermost hierarchy of an evil spammers coalition bent on destroying TLR´s way of life - and provided Stinger the opportunity to precision-strike the Spam Boss with his SPD (Spam Disruption Device). GP - Whoring For TLR! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> There, satisfied?

    While we´re talking about FireFox, how do you get rid of the stupid Downloads Tool? how do you use it anyway? It really gets annoying when you try to right-click and quickly save pics <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Well I´m not going anywhere - it´s just that OT is the only forum I visit, I stopped caring about SL and FL (didn´t even finish FL - lost the cds in my last move) for quite a while, and it´s too expensive to wander about the other forums (on dial-up) and mod there. So I´ll just be a regular here in this tiny nook of OT. The others (with their fancy cable connections <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) are able and competent to handle the load.

    Wealth is not the limit - not even close. Bored with your wealth? spend it. Give it away (to charity). Finance a spaceship or something.

    Go to and do some searching - they have a one page article (?) that explains why piracy over p2p is possible and feasible. But in short: apparently this BitTorrent is &quot;turning the laws of filesharing upside down&quot;.

    The Exorcist is on top of my list. But &quot;Spice World&quot; was blood-curdling. EDIT: The Village was not a disappointment to me - it was a huge success IMHO. Shymalan never promised his works as horror - they were shocking and twisted, but he never intended them to be horrors. I was so glad it was not a cheap Jeepers Creepers ripoff - then that would be a disappointment. Gore, superficial monsters, and urban legends-turn-real are way below a refined artist such as Shymalan. And btw even though they weren´t horrors, 6th Sense and Village were scary in their own right. Shymalan´s work is not understood by everyone, I give you that. His works are not simple horrors or sci-fi that are meant to provide mere entertainment. See past them and they´re actually dramas about people, love, their takes of life and death, society, family values, fears and phobias. It doesn´t really matter if the monsters/ghosts/aliens are real or not, you can see that they are mere ornaments - humans and relationships are the true, yet hidden centerpieces of his movies. You can tell just by how those ghosts/aliens/monsters have such a little screen time! It´s a shame that the majority of the population expects something so low from the movies they watch. Edited by - Fear Factor on 10/29/2004 4:04:56 AM