Posts by Spear

    Oh jeez, and I thought I liked swords. Who the f!ck cares if it weighs 30 kgs or 4 pounds, the fact of the matter is that you won´t carry it around with you when on your back home from a game of footy, your girlfriends house, the store or the pub. When you do it´ll be you and your limbs against whatever fate throws against you. Kendo, fencing, Iaido etc might be cool, but I seriously doubt you will have much use for it as you can´t really walk around carrying a long blade. Me? I train what is shaping out to be the Jigo Ryu-style of Ju-Jutsu. Since traditional japanese fighting styles tend to be a bit out-of-date and users of these sports tend to get their asses kicked my sensei has spent the last several years developing a new style of Ju-Jutsu. I am proud to be one of the 100-150 people who are developing the style by training, commenting and practicing. Now almost finished, Jigo Ryu teaches regular fighting, grips, kicks, throws, punches, wrestling-techniques and a steadily increasing number of techniques against weapons, which is always nice. By the Mandrake - Spear

    It´s really a shame that some of the "oldies" have left. I havn´t seen MS here since my return and I´m still searching for Boscoe. Not to mention Mad Dog. I was just sitting here contemplating what happened when I came to insight: Freelancer happened. For, as Archie said, when Freelancer at last reched us we lost the edge on what made us "lancers". Loving a game that is isn´t really that hard. Loving a game that´s two years overdue which holds some crackpot "no-joystick"-function is accuardly a full time job. So here, to TLR, we all came. Each bringing our souls, our hearts and our stories. We exchanged them and sat around the digital bonfire, passed around the computerized jug of liquid and just lived. When the object of our anticipation was here we all stood up and continued with our beings. Some left, some took a nap and some stayed, standing like the statues of the Argonath (yes, I am a LotR geek), watching over the crowd of new folk that started to appear. We can´t turn back time, we can´t "un-do" Freelancer, the only thing we can wait for is, like someone has already said, for the storm to blow over and the next lancergame enters the scetchboard. Then we´ll have another four years of cursing Microsoft, another glorious half decennium of talking about Boscoes kids, another happy era of Zert trying to cross the border, MD and tach trying to beat each other´s posts, me and Archie making peace and the return of Stinger as we know him. I have a dream. Let´s hope it comes true. Spear - Now off to bike around in the Netherlands.

    Archie, I can only see two reasons how you managed to snap your CD-ROM with your shoulder. 1) You´re about 1´5 tall. 2) You suffer from a severe back injury. 3) You´re stupid enouch to have your computer on a shelf above your desk. Anyways, glad things sorted out for both of you. Spear - It´s sodding hot outside, this sun is flaming hot and I stroll about wearing black jeans, a black belt, a black T-shirt, black leather armlets and about half of my furry mane in a ponytail. I love myself.

    Ok guys, you know that I´m more of a LotR geek then you´ll ever be. Disregarding that I STILL think that TTT was crap. Peter Jackson might be a highly regarded splatterfilm dierctor but I still can´t see a reason for over 50 minutes of hack-and-slay masturbat!onin Helms Deep. Neither does it justify the use of elves at the said location or spell out th evil Faramirs venture into Osgiliath. I don´t like the movies, not that it´s going to stop me attending the Return of the King in my new fancy black cloak. Spear - Schoolboy by day, sleeping schoolboy by night.

    This entire "let´s strip all the oldies of their ranks"-thingie that Gib did isn´t really working my way. But what the hell? It´s just a cool prefix....and a big bar of gold on your shoulder.....and a cool uniform......and command of stuff.......and I was going to be an admiral soon *sob*! But who is the sorry SOB who´s taken over my "Biatch of the reactor"-title? Spear - Still alive, still metal.

    Aww... I won´t be ALL gone, it´s just that certain things (girls, jobs, school, lack of internet in room, lack of time due to playing of Freelancer etc) will greatly reduce my being here. hope you won´t miss me all too much. And zert: I hope you did something bad to the bloke that shot you. As the good book teaches: &quot;An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a burn for a burn, a bruise for a bruise, a bulletwound for a bulletwound&quot;. <img src=´ ´> - Israeli by birth, Israeli by fate, Israeli by heart

    It´s ok Archie, I´m glad you´re back as the old bithcing SOB we hall loved and despised, at the same time of course. And as my El-Al plane out of this snowed-in crapheap of a country leaves sooner and sooner for each day that passes I don´t really bother that much right now. Sure, I have a girlfriend but I´m not planning on marrying her. My wife will definatly know how to use a gun. <img src=´ ´> - Israeli by birth, Israeli by fate, Israeli by heart

    Well, 33% of the Israeli armed forces is female and as every girl HAS to learn how to shoot a gun I don´t really have any troouble with this. Quite sad as the Russians look on this as more of a joke then anything else. <img src=´ ´> - Israeli by birth, Israeli by fate, Israeli by heart

    I do back any US attempt to kick Saddams ass (the f*cker scud´ed Tel Aviv, remember?) but humor is always humor and using the weapons inspector as a smokescreen is just bull. i say: kick his ass and just screw what everybody else think. Saddam is stilla despot, he has still gassed hundreds of thousands of kurds and he still gives money to suicide bombers. The same day that the US troops march in terrorism in israel will decrease and that makes me a whole lot easier. But the comics and posters where still funny <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´ ´> - Israeli by birth, Israeli by fate, Israeli by heart