Posts by aerundel

    Viper, your post has nothing to with the Game Voice. You aren´t supposed to start up crap about the joystick here either. Hotkeys are hotkeys, and voice commands for them are simply what they are also. That´s that. Voice commands are all about immersion and the fluidity of control just by SAYING stuff... Btw, nothing´s stopping you from using keys/buttons IN CONJUNCTION with the Game Voice. Map voice commands to all the stuff you can´t reach with your left hand while using the thruster, for instance. Edited by - Aerundel on 02-04-2003 10:17:21 Edited by - Aerundel on 02-04-2003 10:17:55

    But the guy is smart he won´t follow you close enough to be surprised by such maneuvers. This game lets you shoot in a much wider arc than other flight games. Actually...I should say this game HAS a firing arc, UNLIKE other flight games. (It´s a cone if you want to get technical)

    Xaanix, you obviously screwed yourself. You can´t even TRAVEL to the all the best places for ships and weapons in 30 min, let alone survive the enemies, hack you rep, and pay for the items in that time...unless you read spoilers or cheated your way through. I know the story´s short, but there´s plenty of stuff to do find after that. I haven´t finished looking around at 35+ hours, and I haven´t read a single spoiler for this game. But you didn´t even give yourself a chance, so too bad, that´s your fault. And please tell us your name so we can all scan through your mentioned games´ credits for the "I´m The Reason This Game Was Changed" title. If you were such a huge influence, you should be listed right??? Edited by - Aerundel on 22-03-2003 09:59:20

    Yes, deucy, then I deny that statement, and you come back with "sure, whatever," or something to that extent, and the useless arguing continues. So I´ll just do this: I was kidding about my initial post, but you´re the exception. Goodbye now =P

    You designed and sold games, yet you obviously pirated this one going by your words. What kind of a person are you? You´re a traitor to everybody in your occupation! How dare you! And what´s the difference whether you explore the sector and play random missions before or after the story ends?

    Well the pirate ships DO have unusually large cargo capacity for their size. That could explain some of the appearance. The wolfhound kinda reminds me of a train...and while the titan looks kinda weird with the loop around the ship, the centurian looks pretty cool.

    I was kidding with the a**hole term. I wouldn´t stoop to the level of the name caller. But still, in the context of the statement, "care bear" is certainly derogatory. The guy even pointed it out when he said it was for crybabies...another derogatorive, hehe ;-) However, I can now safely say I´m not part of the group. And btw, I´m never a victim, I just said I don´t kill low level players, i.e. NON-PK. Maybe I could be called a PDWIFLI, or Player Dueler When I Feel Like It? =) And Luci, I agree with Apocalypse, sort of. What I mean is, I stopped reading at the same time he did, but it was because I saw how much else I had to read if I continued...=P Edited by - Aerundel on 20-03-2003 23:11:20

    Speaking of server lists, that needs to be tuned up too. There´s no way to limit the number of servers on the list really, since even with a ping of filter of 200 the list is still gigantic for some reason. And you can´t stop the refresh, which is annoying because anything you click on just disappears above or below the screen as you as you click. A "stop refresh" function, more filters, and filter settings that SAVE when you quit the game...that would be appreciated. Edited by - aerundel on 20-03-2003 23:17:41

    What is with this care bear stuff? How about Non-PKers? All we do is call you PKers, because it means "player killers," so why do you insist on giving us a derogatory name? Maybe we should just start calling you a**holes. Yeah, yeah that´s good - a**holes. Has a nice ring to it =P (censored myself, btw...)

    Just don´t use the´re level is just a formality when it comes to multiplayer. If it´s a bug there´s nothing you can do to stop it from screwing up your game, IF it will even do that. I think you´ll be fine. If you´re really worried, start buying up expensive cargo and jettisoning it. It´ll only take you...oh...let´s say, a month =P

    All you´re doing is taking jabs at people you disagree with. Try being constructive. I know your screen name has "sadistic" in it, but you don´t need to be... I know there are quite a few people that don´t feel the need to fight all the time. I hate to be a broken record, but D2 has lots of them, and lots of other Co-op games do too. All this talking has led me to a hypothesis: the only reason some people are so vehemently against putting restrictions on PvP is because there are none at present. That may seem obvious, but it´s very telling of how people are acting right now. I mean, since PvP is technically limitless on servers right now, people will just do it for their own enjoyment, even if it´s spoiling the fun of the newb holed up in that base you´re camping at. The newb may like PvP too, but he isn´t getting the chance to build up a ship so that the fun would be MUTUAL. Again: PK, bad; PvP, GOOD, when it´s a challenge.

    I would´ve left this post after my last response, but my words aren´t being quoted in full. Yes, you can play MP with 56K, and you can run the game with a weak machine. HOWEVER, that won´t make much of a server, which is what was "recommended" to me. Being able to make a server is a given, but making a stable, playable one is another matter. Where are the people that like PvP but don´t want to do it every single time the opportunity arises? That´s the group I´m in. I won´t be able to access ANY PvP if I go to a server that doesn´t have it. You can´t mod something that isn´t even there; you have to alter PvP where it EXISTS. I´ll fall back on D2 again since it´s a good example. That game isn´t focused on PvP, but lots of people make characters that are focused on it. BUT the game has rules and settings for PvP, it isn´t just "on" or "off" like it is in FL. This lets everybody enjoy the game, and none of the PvPers complain, since there are plenty of people to duel anyway. I don´t know about you, but the lvl 30+ people are the majority on my server, so they have plenty of people to fight against besides me. I´m in agreement with the person above me that says servers should be given more parameters to affect PvP. There have been many ideas in this thread that could be of use. This game doesn´t need to be black and white on this aspect of gameplay. You can call me an idiot, say I´m crying, tell me to go to a "care bear" server, or otherwise degrade my views, but they´re still valid.

    I told you I´m not getting PKed at all, I´m just defending the issue. So I have nothing to "suck up". Nothing´s stopping me from making a server? What if I had a 56K connection, or I have a bare bones PC to play the game? I have better, but you didn´t know that, so why assume I can just make a server for me AND my friends? PvP isn´t the focus of the game. It´s a little switch you turn on and off. It should be optional and challenging for BOTH sides of the fight. I really don´t wanna go to a non-pvp server because I would like to do some PvP. However, I´d prefer it not to be with my Rhino against a Titan/Sabre/Eagle with nomad/lvl 10 weapons and shields. And that´s all I have to say about this matter.

    I´m not a pessimist. All I said was I didn´t want to freaking switch to another server just because some punks keep killing new players. They should be dealt with, one way or another. You know, sometimes people don´t FEEL like fighting, even in a PvP server. When I get high enough equipment, it won´t automatically turn on my "killer" switch. I´ll fight sometimes, but then other times I just want to cruise around and trade and stuff. The problem with this game is you can´t just switch servers like in D2, which complicates the issue a great deal. If a PKer is waiting for you outside a base, you either have to stop playing, wait at the base for who-knows-how-long, or launch and die. We´re supposed to ENJOY the game, not suffer through it. And the only people that think any restrictions would be "draconic" is just a bully in the first place. If you don´t pick on weaker players, then the rules won´t even affect you. Let them build up a formidable arsenal that will actually be a challenge, THEN fight them...stop being selfish. Edited by - Aerundel on 18-03-2003 09:31:18 Edited by - Aerundel on 18-03-2003 09:33:53