Posts by TheOrder

    Interesting, it´s definitely got that "drugged up" feel down pat. I wonder if in the sequel the houses will catch on to Cardamine´s true effects and start fighting over it like the spice in Dune... The truth sets you free.

    1. A model was never made for it in the game, I guess they just wanted to save time. 2. The house militaries pretty much have their own problems to take care of in their territory, to strike on a pirate homeworld would take some serious resources that they probably can´t spend. 3. It probably couldn´t, Freelancer is not an accurate economic model, it´s just entertainment. 4. Probably to save space in the systems, bear in mind that an entire star-system in Freelancer is only about 100-150 KM accross, an accurate gas giant would fill up the whole thing. The truth sets you free. Edited by - TheOrder on 21-09-2003 16:02:04

    As Wong said, "Bretonia" is a derivative of Britannia which was the Latin word for what is today England. Rhineland refers to a specific area of Germany surrounding the Rhine river. Edited by - TheOrder on 18-09-2003 19:31:17

    Correction, the GMG is a <i>Kusari </i> lawful faction. The Kusari Police and Navy are on their side, but that doesn´t necissarily mean anything to the other colonies. The truth sets you free.

    About 511 MB, I also have a Creative Ensoniq Audio PCI card and have been having some sound problems, are there any known problems with that card? The truth sets you free.

    I have an AMD Athlon 1.4 ghz. GeForce3 64MB... Yeah the specs are right. Although I just found out one of the cooling fans on my motherboard had gone out and I think that might be part of the problem. Ever since I took it out FL seems to be running a little better. The truth sets you free.

    Whine, whine, whine... Yeah the ships don´t go differen´t speeds, but it´s got to be one of Microsoft´s rare good achievements that the game is still balanced. The ships all have different maneuverabilty and handling don´t they? The truth sets you free.

    That sounds a lot like my prob. Every time I try to go into a jump gate the game crashes, and I just reinstalled the game and that Freihoffer Codec thing... The truth sets you free.

    This is probably more suited for the tech support forum, but I have gotten nothing but crap trying to make this game run properly. Just wondering, but is your PC ready-made or did you build it? The truth sets you free.

    &quot;Trust me, you don´t want a quickie with <b>my </b> wife.... but thanks anyway.&quot; Hmm, I´ve been to Buffalo before but don´t remember seeing them there. Thanks