Posts by Uranium - 235

    If you die you should just ´respawn´ like it was an autosave... sucks because 3/4 of enemies always gun for my freighter which hasn´t fired a shot, not the fighters flying around killing them. If DA resorts to crap AI tricks like that, then don´t screw the players like this. Edited by - uranium - 235 on 09-03-2003 18:27:00

    I think the cruise disrupters are WAY too fast... and cheap. Here I am limping through the Omicron-Alpha system and the stupid game thinks I want to fight hordes and hordes of enemies... stupid and cheap. Furthermore, when I stumble into a fight between corsairs and BMM or something, for example, I won´t even engage the enemy and they´ll all waste missiles firing cruise disrupters at me. I think they´re pretty stupid... I mean, players almost never need to use them, and every enemy with a ship carries 50 of these. They´re nothing but a cheap trick to kill players more often.

    It was Bill Cates <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> And no, that white sun is NOT destroyable. Put on god-mode, flew until I bumped into and I pumped 50 SunSlayers, 50 Lancers, and about 5 minutes worth of level 10 nomad cannons into it... NOPE! You loose! Edited by - uranium - 235 on 09-03-2003 07:50:23

    I did send it to you, like three hours ago... here, I´ll try again... EDIT: Hmm if only I could READ! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> What´s this mail you speak of? I got a note from someone at, that´s it. When I get my system maps up, I want everyone to check them. If you notice I missed something, which I more then likely have, then PLEASE tell me so I can go discover it. For the most part, the system maps should be nice and complete. BTW: They´ll just be screenshot right out of the game. I´m not going to do anything sexy like align the names and point out every jump hole. I´ll blow up the image, but if the names are stacked one on top of the other, then you´ll have to live with it... remember, I have 50 of these to do! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - uranium - 235 on 09-03-2003 07:46:07

    - AI ships attack whatever they can find, NOT all going straight for you... &quot;Dammit Marv! My hull is cracking! Life support failing! Get this guy off my 6!&quot; &quot;Just a second Jeb, me and the rest of the gang are going to waste our Wasp missiles knocking the cruise engines off of this freighter that´s carrying nothing!&quot; - If you escort a convoy, you can get paid for it, based on how long the run is, how much fighting you did, and how damaged the freighters got. - Maybe even some GTA-ish missions from the criminals, like ´Distribute this Cardamine to Manhattan and Denver! Make it snappy!´ and you have to run from law enforcement... - Dunno if I mentioned this: AI gameplay, like seeing a battlecruiser and some fighters fly off on their on ´missions´ where you can tag along and get paid. They´d fly off to take out a space station, groups of terrorists, etc. Combined with the ´Rogue Army´ missions... you´d be in for some FANTASTIC firefights! Battlecruisers broadside eachother, the gunboats skirt between ships and fire off missile salvos...

    ... reactor upgrades, hull upgrades, lol the list is huge. <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>On the economy, I would say that it could be more dynamic on the multiplayer side if it´s not a huge change in prices, imagine, some other person on the server sells a huge load of diamonds and the price goes down siginificantly...that would ruin your day and that of others if you were depending on the price to be there when you try to sell something. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I know. I considered this. I love it. This would totally DESTROY the ´get-rich-quick´ schemes, where they run diamonds from Sigma-Whatever to Tokyo. Eventually Tokyo wouldn´t care for diamonds any more, and would need maybe... construction machinery to do something with the diamonds. Furthermore, have the values change from time to time, maybe to simulate AI cargo loads. This way you´d have to consult your charts to see what will be valuable where and how long it´ll take you to get there <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Pwnage. Oh and they REALLY need to make it more appealing to be a fighter pilot/pirate. I don´t know how, but it´s MUCH more profitable to just be a humble merchant.

    I´ve seen Juni with zero hull and shield. We went through a jump gate into a new system and voila.. back to full <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    lol. I´ve had no problems with any of the missions mentioned... except two. The Toledo Nomad Fight, mainly because the game doesn´t let you buy stuff on Toledo and throws you right back into space, with whatever ammo, (In my case NONE) you have. I reloaded and it lets me buy stuff from the base... fun. The Escape-From-Liberty, mainly because I accidently pushed ´dock´ and got stuck 800 m from the jump gate slowly cruising in and got pulverized. Was wondering why I couldnt´ move... I beat the race first time, and I thought that Rhineland Fleet was fairly easy. However, it was one of the best fights, IMO.

    Neutron Stars are semi-collapsed stars, in a sense. What happens when you run out of protons (Helium) fuel? All you have are neutrons. The pressure in a neutron star is so great that it squashes protons and electrons into more neutrons, and thus they DO have a very intense gravitational pull, enough to warp light. Don´t believe me? Here´s a computer simulation using software provided by Nasa. This is the earth as a neutron star. NOTE: MPEG MOVIE. APPROX: 147k <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Click here</a> I never said planets could be black holes, I said ´if´, so I´m making a point you can understand easier. And the gravitational law of attraction STILL EXISTS, but since you haven´t ADDED anything to the black hole, it´s still going to have EXACTLY the same mass as it did as a star. And like I said, if you fall into the regular-star gravity-well, where there used to be a star, but there is now nothing, then you´ll be pulled in with a much greater force. This is where your Gravitational Law comes in. And please type a little clearer, it´s hard to take you seriously when you say ´omgz0r teh accreation disc pwnz0r u´. You may be right, but seriously... And only one thing can truely escape from a black hole: It´s radioactive decay, known as Hawking Radiation. Black Holes will eventually decay away. Edited by - uranium - 235 on 09-03-2003 04:34:07

    Rippers, you must mean. I love em. They may not be the best but I love the firing sound and the rapid-fire feature. Lil´ machine guns <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>