Posts by Matt8705

    Hope the arm goes ok jagged, drop in every once in awhile. You should know by now that you never really can leave. This is my "im back" post by the way, no need for a thread just for that. I´ll try to get some pictures up from my trip when i have some time.

    Ive been over in The Adrenaline Vault reading all of his posts from arcon´s linky. This boy has some serious mental problems. If he does come over here, which im afraid will happen. Things will start out at first as a good debate. Then once he realizes we dont want him to do that to the freespace series, the flame war will begin. He is one that once his mind is made up, he is not going to change. He´s posted more then once his idea from freespace will be what happens. He does not want any outside help or any help from the freespace mod´ing community. Just go read some of his posts over at TAV.

    In my last year of high school and work at Krogers, going to college to be a engineer/architect.

    The boulder isnt big enought Indy, im heading to unlock the doors the the nuclear bomb shelter. I have room for about 20 more or so. I also ask you please edit the devils name out of your post mee. Only bad bad things will happen.

    Umm....give us some background. What level are you? What stations have you tried? How much cash do you have? Do you have any mods installed? Have you had any other problems with the game? Is you computer up to par to play the game? Matt

    Piercings - I dont have a problem with some piercings, but some I do. For example I happen to like a small stud in the ear. I also dont have a problem with the ears as long as there isnt more gold then there is ear. When it comes to the mouth area, i dont like those. Bellybuttons i like, but dont go any farther south then those. I dont think I have to explain that one. Tattoos - Tattoos depend on the person and on the tattoo. I like small tattoos on the lower back or maybe even on the base of the neck/upper back. I´m not a fan of the "full body" tattoos or the very large intricate designs that some people get. I also dont see the point in getting names all over yourself, espically if your not married. They just cost to much to get taken off. Well theres my 2 cents for what its worth. Matt

    Good luck in what ever you´ve got going on Nickless. At least drop in every once in awhile if you can, you couldn´t ever really "leave" this place could you.

    This is just going to be like moving cities, just a whole bunch of people at once. At first people wont like it and will complain. After awhile though people will be saying, "How did we ever live with the old forum layout, this is so much easier." I think the new forums are looking great personally, the only thing that im worried about is avators. I never have been a fan of those things. Edited by - Matt8705 on 7/12/2004 10:04:06 PM

    I live for two very simple and powerful words. The first of those is love. I live because I have a family that loves me and because I love them. I live for my girlfriend that i´ve been dating for a very very long time. The second word isnt really a word per se. Fear. Im afraid if I was not here or if I died what would happen to everyone that I know. This one is mainly dedicated to my girlfriend but to my family also. The reason I say this is I dont think I could go on without her in my life and I know the feeling is the same for her. I think she knows me better then I know myself most of the time. So I guess you can boil those two down into the simple statement. I live for my girlfriend and for my family.

    I personally dont see the point in being a "Vegan", not to offend anyone. They take the vegetarian thing and turn it up into a whole new level. If humans were made to eat grass all day long then our teeth would be alot different then what they are. We were "made" to eat meat. Of course if that was true then we would have green peace all over us saying to stop harming the grass blades! Edited by - Matt8705 on 7/8/2004 9:00:12 PM

    Thats not to bad at all J-Dawg. How many pieces total is it. Maybe Esqy can get a little bit of sleep now. Whats up next for your lego builds? By the way, I went to the link to get to your mechwarrior stuff, and i couldn´t get in. You have that gallery password protected so no one from here can get into it without a good hack or two. Edited by - Matt8705 on 7/7/2004 10:34:43 PM

    I just turned 17 this last may. Im sure not one sould here knows the surroundings of where i live. I´m over in the states in good ´ole Indiana. The towns called Brazil.