Posts by Zenic

    What are you talking about.... You dont need a star for planets to retain existance. The star is usually required for a planet to be made, yes, but its not required for a planet to stay in existance. A planet without a sun will simply stay in place, these planets are usually dead planets or poison ridden crap holes (as I like to put it) As for our system, Pluto would eventually fling off into space over a matter of generations, continueing to gain speed until it slamme dinto something or exploded into an asteroid. A planet rotating around a star will eventually be destroyed if the stay explodes, unless the star simply "dies" and turns into a black dwarf (dead rock) and will then retain no gravitational force, and thus the planets will lightly be let off their axis, and slowing obtain their own "rotation" in that system, but that really depends, the small the planets will most likely slowly fling off into outerspace, while the bigger ones gravity will pull on eachother and create a magnetic effect, and they will all rotate around eachother or in a sister lock, which would stop them from flinging into space.

    Well the REAL Sirius Star doesn´t exist anymore. It supernova´d not to long ago. That basically means the Coalition isnt going to go LOOK around the Sirius Star, seeing as how it doesnt exist anymore. As for the system they most likely arrived in, its a good bet that it is Alpha Centari, because its only Ten Light Years away from the Sun. Now, the only problem is, Alpha Centari is 1 Star... and .. well.. Sorry guys, but the Sirius System in Freelancer has something like.. 200 stars.. So.. obviously we would have to find 4 galaxy/nebulia close to eachother, or at least a good goop of stars that are in a globular state around earths local system. The closest one would be Orion Nebulia... but the problem is its not exactly.. that many stars. Lots of dust clouds and things of that matter, but not that many stars. Now if they DIDNT stay within the Milky Way, which is unlikely, but might have happened, the only other galaxy close enough to house such a huge array of 5 systems and hundreds of stars would be Andromeda. Its about 1.5-2 million light years from our sun. Well.. im not an astronamer, and Im only using a star chart and some other basic math to figure this out, but it seems only likely that either, 1) Sirius System is Orion... 2) Sirius system is Andromeda Outside of the Milky Way. OR 3) Sirius System is Canes Group(Cluster) 15 Million Light Years from the Milky Way. Its very likely that it could be Canes Group... because it does have a high consentration of stars, but also holds a close position to our solar system. Information about distance and stars obtained here

    Ya they menchion it in the little "Storyline adders" Given by NPC´s. It was during the first warp gate tests back in da day. They were using it in conjunction with an already slightly formed Warp Hole and something went wrong and the nuclear fussion used within the gate exploded, and the warp hole also collapsed and spread devistation throughout the system.

    I do think the topics getting old, but I also agree with the fact that its something that should be stopped. Killing someone when their docking is a lame way to get anything in their storage, and its to avoid any real confrontation. The point of PVP is to fight head to head, and when one head is cut off due to game controls, its no longer head to head, its simply one head ripping the other one in half without any skills or atleast challenge. I simply dont care about it anymore, but I bet you anything, if you protend to dock, and then boost out not docking and then beat the crap out of the people who were camping the dock, you will feel a lot better and the people will probably stop. I mean its not hard to dock camp, but its not hard to fool the camper and just fake a dock and then slam his ass into the side of the station. lol Just my 2 cents.

    Newbies, in freelancer, HA thats impossible.. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_blush.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Game doesnt advance past you and your mouse and lots of clicking. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Wait most games are like that. Meh, if microsoft would WAKE up and patch this game some and add some kinda system patch to add some new systems for multiplayer only, that would kick ass.. but their not going to because their all million billionaire industrialists that only care about money. Buggers

    The Anubis No Question 6 reasons. 1)Looks like a pimped out Defender 2)Has a Techno Color Rainbow Engine 3)Has the coolest Warp Drive Partical Collection Graphic in th game 4)Has some nice boost speed 5)Is Cheap and Free (even if its a one time buy) 6)Tight Egyption Design on the side Its that engine that always gets me... Its so awesome looking lol.

    Ya um.. you have to rotate for gravity.. *poke the Freelancer Microsoft Game Team* Get a life and read about outerspace before you make a game about it. Daff happy bastads

    I dont want an Expansion Pack. The missions are over.... I dont want more... the storyline was long enough and was too open ended... I want a sequal... and I want a god damn joystick system.

    Doing missions in Omega 11 will also get you diamonds off the ships you kill. Doing one mission (low level like, 20ish) gets me from 10 to 100 diamonds, it really depends on how many ships I fight.