Posts by Gedalia

    "help a guy complete a mission, and after its over, kill him too. (Heh, he earns 5000 from your help, and is saved the flight home!" Hehe that cracked me up, but its very evil. I wouldnt do it, but the idea of it is highly amusing.

    Is it me or does cardmine and the outcasts have more than a passing resemblence to Spice and the Freemen in Frank Herbert´s Dune? Down to the clothes they wear, the nose plugs and the life extending properties of the spice/cardmine.

    Thanks so much IGx89, your program is fantastic! When I first saw the thread on making a Battleship buyable I got quite excited... that is until I saw all the editing you had to do lol. Then I found out about your program and its fantastic! So simple to use, works perfectly. Keep up the good work and adding all these fantastic mods.

    I had this problem in Manhaatan. I didnt blow anything up, but I accidentally shot something I forget, I think it was either the docking ring or one of the stations orbiting and from then on everything in the Manhaatan area was hostile to me regardless of whether overall i was actaully friendly with that faction. I couldnt land on the planet or any of the bases. A serious pain I think you would agree. I eneded up just loading a previous saved game. I have the same problem with the Pablo Station area, but forgot about it and now I cant be bothered loading a saved game from last week just to be friendly with them.

    What would have been great is for the turrents, esepically frieghter ships which are basically all turrents, is to have them auto aim and shoot or for you to be able to mount the turrents and the ship to fly itself alá X-Wing Alliance when you finally get control of the Millenium Falcon. That game was great execpt for the first 5 or 6 missions where it was a bit cack, bloody hard game too.

    Fair enough. Lets just leave it as Freelancer the arcade game, which is what it is and never really tries to be anything resembeling a sim. Which to be honest is allright, as trying to fly in space with Newtonian physics is a bitch am im sure ive played a space game that had it and found it very annoying, im sure someone here will know the name of a space sim that had Newtonian physics.

    The unrealistic distances bothered me a litte at first but then I gave thinking about it and just enjoyed the game. What I did find a bit perposterus is all these hugely dense asteroid fields which are RIGHT NEXT TO PLANETS! Surely the planets gravity would have sucked in all those rocks and the planet would have been pumbled to death! Still, its fun that the asteroid fields are so dense as in reality such as our very own asteroid field in our solar system, you would never actually come across loads of asteroids in one place and they are seperated by something like thousands of miles.

    I agree with AlreadyDead, the sytems are all on 2D planes. Its a bit of a cop out. Ive read most of the posts on this thread and I have to say that the vast majority of the stuff you guys are looking for is (hopefully) going to be in X2: The Threat X2 is looking even better than Freelancer from the screenshots and has all the major stuff we are looking for like having own stations, single group and captial ship combat, realsitically structured universe and stuff like being able to fly INSIDE the stations. I enjoyed Freelancer very much, but felt a bit cheated by its shallowness and am hoping that X2 will be able to supply what Freelancer promised.