Howdy Aravis <img src=´ ´>
Posts by bakedpotato
Well that Mod may not work with the Rebalance Mod. I don´t know because I haven´t tried it. So the next easiest thing to do before actually editing any files is to try the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>IONCROSS Server Operator</a> program by Joe Boomz. This program can do a lot of things and it can also edit Multiplayer saved games. Give it a try...there´s a lot to this program so it may take awhile to understand how to do everything it is capable of doing. Read the information on the download page.
There are several ways you can accomplish what you want to do... Edit the necessary files yourself, use a program or use a mod. In your case I suggest you start out using a mod such as this one... Try the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Server Operators Mod version 2</a> This mod will allow people running a server to select the following for starting players... Their Ship. Their Location. Their starting money. Their Reputation (faction allegiance). If A.I. have regenerating shields. Opens up Alaska and other Systems. Puts some people in those Systems. Some Nomad Invaders.
I think the tutorials Chips refers to is the one that Dark Dragon put together. There are three volumes. He may know of another tutorial... <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Explorer Tutorial</a> made by DarkDragon <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Explorer Tutorial volume 2</a> made by DarkDragon <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Explorer Tutorial Volume 3</a> made by DarkDragon
You´re not the only one that has said they are having trouble with RAW... Maybe you might want to contact the people that run the RAW Server.
Ah there´s nothing wrong with rooting for the White Sox...overruled!!! <img src=´ ´>
Happy birthday to a good friend, all around great Character, excellent Moderator, superior MOD maker and host of the home of the Evolutions MOD at Pathfinder Studios <A href=´´ Target=_Blank></a> <img src=´ ´>
The "kit" you need is flserver.exe which by default installs when you install Freelancer...take a look it will say "server files"... You start - run flserver.exe first you might even have an icon on your desktop to start flserver...I do but I don´t know if you do!!! If you don´t know where to find it browse to C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancerEXE flserver.exe If you´re still having problems, post what they are and some intelligent character will answer your questions...that probably wont be me cause I´m not very smart... but I do know Kung Fu, Karate, and 47 other dangerous words. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Ah! a game of Charades Give us a it good to eat?
62 days of camping out waiting for a date with Junius Maximus <img src=´ ´>
This is just a suggestion but sometimes to get things up and running again you have to uninstall and then reinstall, wheather that be Freelancer, the Mod Manager, MOD´s and anything else you use to play Freelancer with. You don´t have to do a new install every time you use a different MOD but if Freelancer crashes then you know it´s time to follow the steps listed here... <b>Saved games will probably not be compatible </b> after activating a have to start a new game. <b>Instructions: </b> Some MOD´s need a clean install of Freelancer... Especially if you have used any MOD´s before you need to do a clean install of Freelancer. By clean I mean make sure you get a nice shinny new set of files. 1st... Delete your Freelancer folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer Delete your Freelancer folder instead of uninstalling Freelancer to make sure there are no files that sometimes can get left behind after an uninstall, unless you check to make sure there are no files left in any of the Freelancer folder after you do a uninstall... It is very important to make sure there are no files left before you do a reinstall of Freelancer because some files cause a crash... dll files are notorious for getting left behind if you only uninstall Freelancer. 2nd... <b>Delete or move any previous saved games. </b> <b>You have to start a new game. </b> C:Documents and Settingsyour nameMy DocumentsMy GamesFreelancerAccts Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders. Either move or delete any files you find in the folders. If you don´t move or delete your previous saved games and start a new game they can cause a conflict and will make Freelancer crash, guaranteed! 3rd... Install Freelancer from the CD. 4th... <b>Install the Freelancer SDK v1.3 </b> Some of the MOD´s need the SDK files to be installed but it don´t hurt to do it anyway... The Freelancer SDK is set of files (over 1200) from the original game of Freelancer, it contains fixes for all the major errors in the original source. And since modders use it to make mods with it also fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini (the program that is use to convert the files to into text format). The SDK is an exe file...just browse to your Freelancer folder and install the SDK in that folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>You can download the SDK v1.3 exe here.</a> If you don´t follow all the steps above you will probably experience a crash or other problems. 5th... Then activate the MOD in the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Mod Manager</a> 6th... Have a blast. For installing and activating/deactivating Mods use the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 - to download the Mod Manager click here.</a> To install a MOD into the Mod Manager double left click on the MOD file name that you want to install. The Mod Manager interface will automatically unzip the MOD into the mods folder and the Mod Manager screen will pop up, click on the MOD that you want to use and then click on Activate. The Mod Manager will add/change the necessary files in Freelancer and then you´re ready to play. <img src=´ ´>
This is just a suggestion but sometimes to get things up and running again you have to uninstall and then reinstall, wheather that be Freelancer, the Mod Manager, MOD´s and anything else you use to play Freelancer with. You don´t have to do a new install every time you use a different MOD but if Freelancer crashes then you know it´s time to follow the steps listed here... <b>Saved games will probably not be compatible </b> after activating a have to start a new game. <b>Instructions: </b> Some MOD´s need a clean install of Freelancer... Especially if you have used any MOD´s before you need to do a clean install of Freelancer. By clean I mean make sure you get a nice shinny new set of files. 1st... Delete your Freelancer folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer Delete your Freelancer folder instead of uninstalling Freelancer to make sure there are no files that sometimes can get left behind after an uninstall, unless you check to make sure there are no files left in any of the Freelancer folder after you do a uninstall... It is very important to make sure there are no files left before you do a reinstall of Freelancer because some files cause a crash... dll files are notorious for getting left behind if you only uninstall Freelancer. 2nd... <b>Delete or move any previous saved games. </b> <b>You have to start a new game. </b> C:Documents and Settingsyour nameMy DocumentsMy GamesFreelancerAccts Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders. Either move or delete any files you find in the folders. If you don´t move or delete your previous saved games and start a new game they can cause a conflict and will make Freelancer crash, guaranteed! 3rd... Install Freelancer from the CD. 4th... <b>Install the Freelancer SDK v1.3 </b> Some of the MOD´s need the SDK files to be installed but it don´t hurt to do it anyway... The Freelancer SDK is set of files (over 1200) from the original game of Freelancer, it contains fixes for all the major errors in the original source. And since modders use it to make mods with it also fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini (the program that is use to convert the files to into text format). The SDK is an exe file...just browse to your Freelancer folder and install the SDK in that folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>You can download the SDK v1.3 exe here.</a> If you don´t follow all the steps above you will probably experience a crash or other problems. 5th... Then activate the MOD in the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Mod Manager</a> 6th... Have a blast. For installing and activating/deactivating Mods use the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 - to download the Mod Manager click here.</a> To install a MOD into the Mod Manager double left click on the MOD file name that you want to install. The Mod Manager interface will automatically unzip the MOD into the mods folder and the Mod Manager screen will pop up, click on the MOD that you want to use and then click on Activate. The Mod Manager will add/change the necessary files in Freelancer and then you´re ready to play. <img src=´ ´>
I think he was testing to see if adding a new topic worked for him in this forum. There is a thread somewhere where he says he´s having trouble so <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
You don´t have to do a new install every time you use a different MOD but if Freelancer crashes then you know it´s time to follow the steps listed... Saved games will probably not be compatible after activating a have to start a new game. <b>Instructions: </b> Some MOD´s need a clean install of Freelancer... Especially if you have used any MOD´s before you need to do a clean install of Freelancer. By clean I mean make sure you get a nice shinny new set of files. 1st... Delete your Freelancer folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer Delete your Freelancer folder instead of uninstalling Freelancer to make sure there are no files that sometimes can get left behind after an uninstall, unless you check to make sure there are no files left in any of the Freelancer folder after you do a uninstall... 2nd... <b>Delete or move any previous saved games. </b> <b>You have to start a new game. </b> C:Documents and Settingsyour nameMy DocumentsMy GamesFreelancerAccts Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders. Either move or delete any files you find in the folders. If you don´t move or delete your previous saved games and start a new game they can cause a conflict and will make Freelancer crash, guaranteed! 3rd... Install Freelancer from the CD. 4th... <b>Install the Freelancer SDK v1.3 </b> Some of the MOD´s need the SDK files to be installed but it don´t hurt to do it anyway... The Freelancer SDK is set of files (over 1200) from the original game of Freelancer, it contains fixes for all the major errors in the original source. And since modders use it to make mods with it also fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini (the program that is use to convert the files to into text format). The SDK is an exe file...just browse to your Freelancer folder and install the SDK in that folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>You can download the SDK v1.3 exe here.</a> If you don´t follow all the steps above you will probably experience a crash or other problems. 5th... Then activate the MOD in the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Mod Manager</a> 6th... Have a blast. For installing and activating/deactivating Mods use the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 - to download the Mod Manager click here.</a> To install a MOD into the Mod Manager double left click on the MOD file name that you want to install. The Mod Manager interface will automatically unzip the MOD into the mods folder and the Mod Manager screen will pop up, click on the MOD that you want to use and then click on Activate. The Mod Manager will add/change the necessary files in Freelancer and then you´re ready to play.
You don´t have to do a new install every time you use a different MOD but if Freelancer crashes then you know it´s time to follow the steps listed... Saved games will probably not be compatible after activating a have to start a new game. Instructions: Some MOD´s need a clean install of Freelancer... Especially if you have used any MOD´s before you need to do a clean install of Freelancer. By clean I mean make sure you get a nice shinny new set of files. 1st... Delete your Freelancer folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer Delete your Freelancer folder instead of uninstalling Freelancer to make sure there are no files that sometimes can get left behind after an uninstall, unless you check to make sure there are no files left in any of the Freelancer folder after you do a uninstall... 2nd... <b>Delete or move any previous saved games. </b> <b>You have to start a new game. </b> C:Documents and Settingsyour nameMy DocumentsMy GamesFreelancerAccts Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders. Either move or delete any files you find in the folders. If you don´t move or delete your previous saved games and start a new game they can cause a conflict and will make Freelancer crash, guaranteed! 3rd... Install Freelancer from the CD. 4th... <b>Install the Freelancer SDK v1.3 </b> Some of the MOD´s need the SDK files to be installed but it don´t hurt to do it anyway... The Freelancer SDK is set of files (over 1200) from the original game of Freelancer, it contains fixes for all the major errors in the original source. And since modders use it to make mods with it also fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini (the program that is use to convert the files to into text format). The SDK is an exe file...just browse to your Freelancer folder and install the SDK in that folder. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>You can download the SDK v1.3 exe here.</a> If you don´t follow all the steps above you will probably experience a crash or other problems. 5th... Then activate the MOD in the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Mod Manager</a> 6th... Have a blast. For installing and activating/deactivating Mods use the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31 - to download the Mod Manager click here.</a> To install a MOD into the Mod Manager double left click on the MOD file name that you want to install. The Mod Manager interface will automatically unzip the MOD into the mods folder and the Mod Manager screen will pop up, click on the MOD that you want to use and then click on Activate. The Mod Manager will add/change the necessary files in Freelancer and then you´re ready to play.
Check out the <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>The Complete Guide to Setting Up an FL Server thread</a>
Thanks for the comments... I may add more when I get some time.
Chips you´re mean <img src=´ ´> The forum search function will be back this weekend so everyone can gather information and that will bring up lots of older posts. So posting in older threads is going to happen but it will make it easier to get a lot more information about subjects that have been discussed before.
Uninstall the IONCROSS Server Operator and then reinstall it. Maybe even downlaod it again first to make sure you have a good copy...
What are you trying to post... There should not be a reason why you can post in one forum but not in another but who knows...<img src=smilies/icon_smile_evil.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> If it´s a new topic and you would like to have it moved you´ll have to do that in the forum that works for you, then maybe one of the Moderators can move it for you.