Posts by Shadowrunner

    This is what i use for the purpose: in universeuniverse.ini [Base visit = 15; insert / edit as needed nickname = Ew03_02_Base system = Ew03 strid_name = 196721 file = UniverseSystemsEw03BasesEw03_02_Base.ini BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF52 terrain_tiny = planet_frag_asteroid60 terrain_sml = planet_frag_asteroid60 terrain_mdm = planet_frag_asteroid30 terrain_lrg = planet_frag_asteroid60 in universesystemsli01li01.ini: [Object nickname = Li01_01 ids_name = 196766 pos = -33270, 0, -33039 rotate = 0, -10, -10 ambient_color = 255, 0, 0 Archetype = planet_earthgrncld_4000 ids_info = 65759 spin = 0, 0.001000, 0 atmosphere_range = 4200 burn_color = 160, 222, 245 base = Li01_01_Base reputation = li_p_grp visit = 15; insert / edit as needed visit = 15 &lt;-- This will make the objekt show up on the map and make prices known repeat for every base/object... Lots of manual work...<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Hope it helps. Shadowrunner out

    this did it for me: In weapon_equip.ini nickname=fc_or_gun01_mark03 ids_name=263222 ids_info=264222 ;DA_archetype=equipmentmodelsweaponsli_plasma_blaster.cmp &lt;-- old ;material_library=equipmentmodelsli_equip.mat &lt;-- old DA_archetype=equipmentmodelsweapons
    h_gamma_beamer.cmp material_library=equipmentmodels
    h_equip.mat ... ... The thing to remember here is to copy both the ´DA_archetype=´ and ´material_library=´ lines together. Hope it helps...

    Ooops... That should teach me not to post before my morning cup of coffe <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) i just noticed the mention of a ´ship pack´ , guess that is is where i took a wrong turn - sorry , what ship pack are we talking about here ? The info i wrote earlier was focused on ´single engine ships´, as i have yet to see any ships with more than one engine?? (maybe i just have to look harder <img src=smilies/icon_smile_blush.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) with all that said i would like to thank all modders/users for the fantastic work everybody on TLR is doing for the freelancer community!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_approve.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_approve.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_approve.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    The thing you are looking for is this: (in engine_equip.ini) [Engine nickname=xw_engine_01&lt;------whatever engine you are using ids_name=460616 ids_info=460616 volume=0 mass=10 max_force=160000&lt;---this number divided by ... linear_drag=466&lt;--- this equals standard speed ^^^^^ power_usage=0 reverse_fraction=-20&lt;--- Std speed * this number * -1 = effect of Z key in this example my X-Wing goes to 6866 (reads as 999) when i press Z. you might try this: reverse_fraction=0.2 ;&lt;--- original number (if i remember correctly) the result will be that you move backwards at 17 (in this example) hope it helps you out... be cool, have fun, enjoy life, die happy

    I checked the theory about exit game vs. dock/relaunch... Result: 1. T/O from manhattan, loot flint, land on manhattan (to sell loot) 2. return to flint: guns and cardamine present (thank you:-) ), loot it again 3. repeat from step 1 it seems that the loot will regenerate every time the system is loaded, this will also explain why this is only possible in SP, in MP all systems are loaded at server startup (i think) therefore: no system reload=no loot regen... Have a good one...

    I think i got the answer to the 4 Diamondbacks... 1. Loot the wreck first time 2. Save and EXIT! (main menu) 3. Load save-game 4. Go back to same wreck, and loot it AGAIN!!! 5. rinse, repeat... (BTW. in MP restart the server to do this ) Tried it in sigma-13 = 8 Diamondbacks + 8 ONYX + 8 JADE = a boatload of money As for the best guns my personal favorite is 6 BH &quot;Reaver Mk II&quot; (class 9) lasercannons on an Eagle, but taste differs among people... Eagles RULE[![![!