Posts by #Team-Pr0Jectil

    Falcon. Personally I think all Rheinland ships are a failure in design as all of them looks like hell. So definitely Falcon. The 50k extra is worth it. Trust me <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    You have obviously discussed the possibility of time travel and here´s what I know about that subject (probably much or all of which has been said earlier, I´m just too lazy to ready through those looong posts). The only in theory possible way of time travel is going fast. Very close to the speed of light (someone said this by saying &quot;Go around our solar system in 99.3% of light speed and when you come back to Earth things have changed by centuries or millennia&quot; ). This goes only one way, forward in time, since light speed can in theory not be exceeded. If you then go at light speed time would stand still; fly for 1000 years and you´ll not become older, though everybody else will (and die, of course). This is highly theoretical: Let´s now presume light speed is exceeded. What would happen? Since time stands still at light speed, wouldn´t you go backwards in time if you go faster? And to go back to the original question &quot;If you kill your grandfather, what would happen?&quot;. In theory the same second (or 1/1000000000 of a second) that he dies, you should cease to exist. Of course, if your father is already born this shouldn´t happen (except for maybe due to psychological changes that occur when you, or rather your father loses his father). How this would happen I don´t really understand but in my ways of thinking this should happen. I presume then that time is linear and doesn´t change if someone that is now dead is killed before he really dies. If this is true, it rises another thing; can you really change time? If someone tomorrow decides to go back in time (how that now would happen) and he suceedes, shouldn´t you today already live through the possible consequences of his actions? But then, how can you do if he hasn´t already changed time? And lastly: If it is so that you today live through the &quot;altered&quot; world, doesn´t this mean that the future is currently taking place in a parallell time in another &quot;universe&quot;? [EditDamn typos![/Edit Edited by - #Team-Pr0Jectil on 28-07-2003 21:36:14

    Valhalla research is the other <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Anyway the same info is on the Sigma-13 to New Berlin Jump Hole. Probebly just old description data that was changed to the very much shorter one that is used on all other jump holes. I for my part enjoy reading and learning about the game universes I play in so I would´ve preferred these &quot;old&quot; descriptions. With &quot;Monument corporation&quot; changed to &quot;Deep Space Engineering&quot; and &quot;Valhalla Research&quot; to &quot;Ageira Technologies&quot; <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - #Team-Pr0Jectil on 27-07-2003 22:22:46

    I just have to say I adore the hit effects of those house weapons... They look awesome! I haven´t checked the ARC and PAC, I´ve just found them and sold them since I used a liberty BS and didn´t want to lose my plasma missiles.

    Xenocideforme: The components are something on capital ships/transports that you can target just as you target their turrets. I am quite certain those are cloaking devices, yes. Why they are there I have no clue to though. Yay! 100ed post BTW <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, don´t fix it&quot; I say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, break it!&quot; Edited by - #Team-Pr0Jectil on 13-07-2003 19:37:07

    I think they use the hypergate to connect all the systems clusters under their control, just as a very fast jump gate. Just look at the &quot;map&quot; in the cut-scene after you get the power cell to Toledo. I think the distances are too great to use a jump gate to get to your destination in a reasonable amount of time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, don´t fix it&quot; I say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, break it!&quot;

    The Hogosha´s got a base in the &quot;Southwest&quot; asteroid field in New Tokyo, GC got one in Hokkaido in the southern nebula, LWB got a base in the eastern nebula in Stuttgart and the Bundschuh have a base in the asteriod field close to Holstein in Frankfurt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, don´t fix it&quot; I say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, break it!&quot;

    Sometimes when taking off from that storage facility (the Republican Shipping base) near Holstein in a capital ship you crash right into Stulingen. Don´t know if you can do anything about it, just though I´d tell you Ship - Any capital (except maybe gunboats) Reproducable - Just undock from... Mainz I think it is a few times and you´ll probably crash sooner or later. Anyone can do it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Bah. MS never releases expansions (or very rarely at lest). It´s a law of nature, like that Cryo games sucks, and that gravity makes all stellar and planetary bodies more or less spheres. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, don´t fix it&quot; I say: &quot;If it ain´t broken, break it!&quot; Edited by - #Team-Pr0Jectil on 06-07-2003 14:31:47