Posts by oblomov

    Ether Dragon: "Oblomov - What I did was set up my weapons into weapon groups. It required an extra step, but it let me single-fire any weapon that was listed above 10. Freelancer defaults with no keyboard settings for creating weapons groups, so you have to go in and set it up yourself." Ether Dragon, how did you manage to do that? I am stumped at how to set up weapon group config and manual had nada on that. There is "Assign Weapon Group", "Activate Weapon Group", and "Fire Weapon Group". So, say I want to use ´Q´ to fire my missiles. I select only my missile/torpedo/cruiser slots, hit my "Assign Weapon Group X" button. Then when I try to fire this weapon group (assigned to Q), only thing I fire are my main guns. Michael Dan: " Oblomov, the answer is simple, press shift-Q to fire the missiles. " I tried that, and no go, missiles did not fire. Not sure how torpedoes would fare, since I haven´t really used them much. Oblomov

    Don´t forget, you can also change the difficulty with included .bat files. If a particular mission is too hard now (escape from Manhattan comes to mind), switch to lvl. 1 difficulty temporarily, and ratchet it up again afterwards. Better loot comes with increased difficulty, you can only loot weapons and cargo at lvl.1, but you can loot shields/engines/scanners at lvl. 2.

    What would really be great as mentioned is persistant large-scale Freelancer Universe. Some features of EvE, including corporations, mining etc..., plus actual flight system you can control. Throw in multi-crew ships, and... joystick support is a must for such a game. Mouse is fine and dandy, but you can´t beat a joystick for accuracty in space-combat game. A lot more people would pony up $12.95 for such a game as opposed to EvE. Oblomov

    Love the mod, it just keeps getting better since I first tried 0.9. Slave 1 is awesome, if a bit underpriced <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Those 8/2 Guns/Turrets can pretty much kill everything in 2-3 hits. Quick question to you guys on missiles. Regular ´Q´ button does not work anymore for me. I assume that is because missile slots have been moved to cruise/torpedo slots. Now, with a ship like Slave 1, where you have 10 guns/turrets, how in the world do you use missiles. If it´s under 10 weapons, you can assign a key to fire, but over 10 does not seem to work for me. I´ve messed around with Weapon Groups, but it just seems to cumbersome. Oblomov

    RPG??? Are we talking about same game here? How in the hell is Freelancer a RPG? It´s a relatively light space sim, maybe with some adventure thrown, a bastard simplified child of Wing Commander and Privateer. There is no RPG, since there is no character development, you can´t really call ship configurations character development. Damn, lay off the guys back, it was a simple question, no need to be huffy. Although, yeah, he should have looked on the main page.

    Didn´t anybody actually watch the intro movie? There is no Sol, there is no Coalition, as far as Freelancer universe is concerned. They all got wiped out 800 years before Freelancer time. Expansion Pack would be a great idea, hopefully adding mission variety, all they need to do is look at Wing Commander series, X-Wing/Tie, etc... As it was mentioned here, escort mission, convoys, retrieval of things, etc... Killing Battleships in Rebalance mod is all fine and dandy, but it´s still a bit boring. Palpatine P.S. Is it just me or did the ending suck.

    I was terribly unimpressed by the beta. The game just seemed no fun. You can´t really compare it to freelancer either, it´s more like EQ, especially in the control department. You don´t fly your ship, ala Freelancer or Privateer, you click on where you want to go like EQ. You click what weapons you want to fire and then watch the battle like EQ (again). Basically think EQ combat system, with UO type mining and some sci-fi setting thrown in the mix. Booorrrriiiinnnngggggg.......

    I have mission 3 problems as well. First off, I get fired upon immediatly during the cutscene, while Juni is talking. So, I have no chance at all even to respond, so by the time cutscene is over, I am dead. So, that´s problem #1. Problem #2 is the one already mentioned, way too powerful guns on cruisers, etc.... They are taking off my shields in one hit basically. That´s just insane. I like the mod, like most changes, and new ships (excepting the white-star-cruiser), but this basically means you have to start the game over un-modded. I guess this mod is much better for either MP or Open SP. Even then though, you do not want to go anywhere cruisers might take you on. Oblomov