Posts by Xenogear_0001

    As far as I know, there are two versions of the Viper. One of them is found in the Next Generation mod by Reynen and Starfyre Studios, last I checked anyway. By the way, you should really be careful about asking for info that many of the more senior members of this forum deem as obvious. I don´t mind, as I remember what it was like showing up here and knowing close to nothing, but others tend to forget. Word of caution, that´s all. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    This would balance out nicely if A: Only turrets took advantage of this feature and B: They were a little more effective than the computer was in SP. Not much, but enough to make them vaguely useful. By they way, has anyone even questioned Nihilist about his claim that this works"..." ? He could just be throwing us some disinformation for the heck of it, you know. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    To Spectre: I meant that I agreed that you weren´t flaming; it had nothing to do with Uba. Sorry, should have made that a little more clear. Pronouns can be trickier than most think. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    I´m not understanding your logic, Wolf Demon. You will only incense him with taunts, and he will only incense you. Do not flame for flame´s sake. And I agree with Spectre that he´s not really flaming. If we can all laugh about it, and not resort to petty insults and bitterness at the mere mention of his name, then we´re all the better off. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    You know, I think UbaNew/Uba is smarter than he lets on. Perhaps he doesn´t realize this, but his mere presense now generates such immediate hatred that all he has to do is come back and pretend he did nothing wrong. So you see, negative feedback is his ammunition, and we are continually supplying him with it. We must ignore. However, the first time he steps out of line, slap him with an instant, and hopefully, permenant ban. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    Wow, that´s pretty. Me wants. There seems to be a lack of good ships being brought to FL. I mean, they come along, like this one, but all in all, they´re nowhere near as prevalent as they should be. It´s almost enough to get me to start modeling, something I´ve been avoiding for years. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    You could just go to their website, you know. Go to the Starfyre Studios forum and find a post where Reynen makes a comment. He has a link to it in his sig. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    I just want a way to LOCK-ON to multiple targets <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Come on, you know there have been times where you just want to shoot swarms of missiles at many fighters at once. The closest I can come to that now is pressing the fire missile button followed immediately by the next target button and then repeating indefinitely. But yeah, I noticed this about tractor beams a while ago. It seems stupid, but whatever. I can´t think of a way to get around the problem. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last

    I hope so, because this would scale the universe AND the planets and moons. Think of the possibilites: Multiple docking rings for different parts of the world (I don´t know if this is possible, actually, but it would be cool), multiple stations positioned around the planet and it´s moons, the fact that there ARE moons (I noticed a surprising lack of them in the game), and a realistic looking planet! Holy crap that would be cool. A few issues might arise, however. The texture for the planet would have to be upped somehow, or have multiple textures applied to it to cover it´s arse, and I´m not sure how this would effect some people´s machines (mine could handle it). I´ve heard, and seen, the effects of what happens when you up the size of a planet. It, for some reason or another, tends to crumple in on itself. Now, HOPEFULLY, this problem can be solved and someone is up to solving it. If it´s a problem with the game engine, we´re screwed. I´m going to go explore the dyson system a bit and see whats up with all that. I mean, that thing is HUGE, and if that can fit in the game, then I suppose a planet near that size could too.

    I´m not used to bright as all get out models, so the green with the silver is a pretty stark contrast. Generally, green is hard to match with other colors. You could always opt to make the green a bit more dull and pair it with black (not pitch, but a very dark grey as to allow some detail to show through). That´s the course I´d take, but then it´s not my ship. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    You know, that reminds me of two wasps I saw doing the nasty in my gutter outside my house. Big, big wasps. The one that was mounting/fighting the other had a red throbby back end. Insects have never disturbed me so much, before. Long story short: You get points for originality. With a decent skin it might.... no, what am I saying? That stinger is just awkward. Maybe if it didn´t look SO much like a real stinger, and only vaguely incorporated design elements into it that suggested the name somehow fit the model. Say, for example, I´m making a ship, and I want this ship to be called the Flying Squirrel. I wouldn´t make it look just like one, but rather, have it vaguely resemble it. You get what I´m saying? It´s not my thing, but at least you´re putting something out. I can´t say that about myself. I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the end The first and the last