Posts by tyco

    Silvik, TIE Universe mod definitely needs very good fighter/freighters with lots of defensive capabilities and agility. The hold does not have to be huge, actually can not be huge if the ship is supposed to have an acceptable stearing. Traders should have the option of doing trade runs and/or mining. On the servers being a trader usually sucks so bad it is almost depressing. Therefore being a trader is usually a temporary stage of a player instead of being a life-long role. Strong freighter could give the chance of staying in trading for someone who wants to trade all his FL life.

    @DrkMatter: Thanks but no thanks man! If I wanted to be an admin I would set up my own server with my own server MOD. I can MOD very well. It is just I don´t want my FL experience to become a job or something like that. I usually take stuff really serious

    Silvik and DragonBorn: Actually there are three ships in patrol 27. So you will get 12 TIE Defender Blasters and 6 TIE Blaster Turrets. I suggest to keep 6 blasters and 4 turrets and sell the rest. When you buy a TIE Droid you will need them. TIE Defende

    @DrkMatter/Reaper: Well it is impossible to make 193mio in 18 minutes without cheating. You first need to buy a Scimitar to get to that figure. That ship is 3mio and it alone takes longer 30 minutes to make that money. It takes about 2 hours to hit $9

    @DrkMatter: Hey man if you check my character HanSolo on your server you will see a cash of 999.999.999 (top cash you can get on a server). Don´t be alarmed that I spawned or anything. It is the Scimitar. That thing has 100K cargo hold! It is inevitable t

    Silvik : Maybe we can do it like this: I will propose some modifications to the Omicron Major systems and post them here for evaluation and suggestions. If we agree on them I will implement and test them and send the script to you for your inspection.

    Silvik : I played on the oregon TIE-U server for at least 10+ hours. I have a top fighter and a top trader character. I really liked what you did with the freighters. Especially Millenium Falcon. There are some minor details that needs to be fixed but as

    Hey TIE-U addicts! Let´s compile a list of TIE-U servers out there! Please post TIE-U server names you know so that everyone knows your servers name. Tyco -- The "free as a bird" Freelancer--

    @DrkMatter: I am all over that server man! My nick is SaberTrader. I beat the hell out of nomads in New Toledo system in a Shadow. It is such a pleasure to play MP with this MOD. I adore the Order Missiles! Nomad cruise disruptor is a uber weapon which I

    Trotzkie : I played on your server until I kiss the space after 2 minutes <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Give your visitors more startup money man! 50K or so would be great. At least something enough to buy

    Well, it was just that I needed to increase the detail level... Nice mod... So far everything was smooth... Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--

    I installed TIE-U MOD and now I cannot see any ships in the game. They are all invisible ghosts. Here is what I did: - Installed a new Freelancer - Installed SDK 1.3 - Installed and activated TIE-U I checked whether SDK was installed correctly, yep. I did not install the FL update. I checked some of the modified files, they are ok. I tried 3-4 times, the same result. Anybody having the same problem? Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--

    Another Sabre XR MP question. I post here for reference. ---- e-mail from a server admin ---- Okay... maybe a recomendation on the file posting in Lancer´s should specify SP, MP or both. I run a server and it was getting old playing with the same old same old so I was gonna try and spice it up for me and my buds. I was looking over the reactor saw your addition and knew I had to have it. Question for you .. if I add the MOD to my client machine and then run on a UN-MODED server will that kick me out the same as the MODED server with a unmoded client? Do you have any additional fighters for MP mode? ----- answer ----- Answer is yes. Server may even crash... I strongly recommend you to keep server and clients in sync at all times. And posting whether the MOD is SP or MP or both is a very nice idea. I will do it. No, I don´t have currently any other fighters. You can check other ship MODs around. Happy gaming! Tyco --------------------- Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--

    Subject: Using Sabre XR MOD in MP. I got a mail from a server admin today about a problem he encountered during MP with this MOD installed. I already answered him and I want to share this info with TLR members as a reference. ------e-mail starts here ------- --- wrote: &gt; Everytime I try to start up my server after adding &gt; the Sabre XR Mod all the &gt; clients will log into the server and then be blow &gt; back out of the program &gt; completely.. what step am I missing... I am using &gt; the 1.2 Mod Program to start the &gt; server up. The server was patched to the 1.1 patch &gt; Offical relese from MS. &gt; &gt; Any help will be grealty apprecaited. &gt; &gt; Brian &gt; Hi Brian, I wrote that MOD for SP not MP. Therefore, I did not tested it for MP, maybe I should. In the next version I definitely will. This is what I understand from your description of the problem: When a client tries to connect to the server, it crashes/logs off/refuses to connect/or whatever and the server will stay intact. If this is the case: The problem is that the clients have to install the MOD too. If they do not they will crash due to newly added references in the server data that are non-existent in the clients. If you read the MOD readme file you should know that Sabre XR is not a modification. It is an addition to the game. It adds several new components like new ship, engine, thruster, shield, etc. If this does not solve your problem, let me know, I will setup a server and test it. Thanks for using Sabre XR MOD. Tyco ------e-mail ends here ------- Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--

    IGx89, Please check base info card of Planet Pittsburgh after you install the Adv. Beam Weapon MOD. You will see what I mean. I really don´t want to be pushy but when can you post the fixed FLMM? I think I will soon come up with a nice little MOD after I get the next version of FLMM. Thanks in advance! Oguz Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--

    IGx89, I want to report two problems in FLMM v.1.2. I am working on adding multiple new items to the game. I mean a new ship, a new weapon, etc. I really don´t want to mess up with the resource dll´s for the info cards, so I am using the GENERATESTRRES and GENERATEXMLRES commands of the FLMM. I hit two problems: 1. GENERATESTRRES and GENERATEXMLRES use different counters for the next available resource index. Since every single resource in the game need a unique resource id, and these commands generate same resource id´s for different resources, that makes the infocards a mess. The MODs provided with the FLMM 1.2 have this problem too, check Advanced Beam Weapon MOD, base info card of Planet Pittsburg. I had to tweak out the usage of this commands to get the effect I wanted: all infocards properly showing the informaiton they are supposed to do. The solution is obvious: using the same counter in both commands for the next available resource index. 2. I discovered that for each buyable item in the game there has to be a string and a XML resource containing just the name of the item. With this I mean that for the ids_name of every buyable item we need a string and an XML resource assigned. The string is used in the equipment dealers list and the XML version is used in the base info card. Again I tweaked the script and managed to get the effect I want, but believe me I am not happy with it. A new command something like the following is needed: [shield generator ids_name = 0 ;GENERATERES(&quot;Adv. Tachyon H.F. Shield&quot;, &quot;&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-16&quot;?&gt;&lt;RDL&gt;&lt;PUSH /&gt;&lt;TEXT&gt;Adv. Tachyon H.F. Shield&lt;/TEXT&gt;&lt;POP /&gt;&lt;/RDL&gt;&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> The above command will generate a string and an XML resource for the same resource index. I don´t understand the logic behind assigning two resources to the same resource index, maybe I am missing something somewhere, but I tested it: the only way to have a correct base info card is to do this. FLMM is a great MOD development tool, expecially when one wants the improve/extend/enhance the game, congrats to you! However, it has a some more way to go to reach its full potential. Thanks for your patience in reading this long mail, Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer-- Edited by - tyco on 15-07-2003 08:40:21

    It would really be great if someone with the required skills can make a new ship MOD for ST-DS9´s Defiant NX-74205. I have pictures, specifications, schematics and wireframe models of it in jpg format. If someone would seriously think about making this nice ship available to FL fans I can gladly provide all information I have. Unfortunately I neither have the skills nor the time to do it by myself. Which I really wish I could. Tyco -- The &quot;free as a bird&quot; Freelancer--