Posts by TEMARFlashFire

    Computer specs are a great idea... AOL sells some in various stores... they´re kind of an orange-ish color, the idea is to better see the colors in your monitor. HOWEVER, that may be contrary to what you need. The big one - sit further back from your monitor. That always helped my buddy that had strained eyes from work.

    Chips´ story is pretty accurate... except that I was getting promoted to Sergeant, a non-commissioned officer rank, not to be mistaken with commissioned officers. Anyway... just wanted to thank chips for leaving me a mention in the Evolutions MOD. And by the way... I haven´t been shipped off to Korea just yet... still a couple of months to go on that. Also, I may not be going at all if some paperwork goes my way. SGT Melo - signing off. For now.

    I think this actually may be some kind of easter egg in the game. I was playing for a few hours, not noticing anything peculiar... when out popped the two following people... George Bush Harry Karey Now George Bush I can see be randomly generated, because both George and Bush are common names... but Harry Karey? Common´.... and in the same fight? I wonder... we need to figure out the way this works....

    I run Elite: Evolutions. It is a server dedicated to using Chip´s "Freelancer: Evolutions" MOD, or The Elite´s MOD Project as it was once known. If it were up to me, the whole world would be using Chip´s MOD, it´s that much better than regular Freelancer. And it´s not like other MODs. It keeps the FEEL of Freelancer. There are no Star Wars vessels flying around or anything like that. All of it feels authentic, and it has many more options for you. In creating Freelancer: Evolutions, the idea was not to make a MOD, but to complete Freelancer from where Microsoft scrapped further development.

    There should be no reason that you can´t play occasionally. VERY FEW servers will delete people who do not play frequently, and most of those are run for a different purpose other than the enjoyment by the general public. It´s not like Ultima Online where you´re going to be left in the dust if you play very little.

    I have to agree. This evidence is weak at best. If it was one of my members, and you can prove it to me, then I will gladly discharge this individual, as I feel that this is crossing the line. Plain and simple. You don´t hear any arguments from me (Other than demanding better proof than &quot;TE hates us therefore it must be them&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>.

    Alright, I´ve had it. Raynen - You have crossed the line. Whining and complaining away... and when you finally see that you have no grounds and no support... &quot;Oh... uh... I meant to do that! I was manipulating you all! See.. I´m just too smart for you!&quot;. .... Is anybody else sincerely irritated by that fact?

    The reasoning for the TEMP MOD - I hate to claim any credit with this thing... I know squat about modding, all I did was provide a few resources for a member of my organization. I &quot;initiated&quot; the project, but I´m sure Chips was already working on something when The Elite´s MOD Project came into being. There are even MORE features than what he listed here. Anybody who has ever had interaction with The Elite and its members will get a good chuckle out of several things that they will find. I &quot;initiated&quot; this project to make sure that The Elite and its members would be remembered long past the organization´s existence. Chips has done an outstanding job, and I can say that througout playtesting his MOD, I´ve been proud to be affiliated with him. Now if I can just finish the music stuff....

    When I say they hold the keys to that (putting in your ships with their codes), I mean ... &quot;They have a means to an ends&quot;... Fact is, they don´t want your MOD to exist. Something you did caused them to write you and finish it. If you EVER modify their files, you´re technically already guilty. They choose to enforce their rights as they see fit. Also... I see people debating &quot;What they are copyrighting&quot;... as the MS letter said, the issue is settled, and Reynen´s copyright was closed. In the interest of the Freelancer community, don´t let this damage everyone.

    Reynen... I´m sorry. But I have to side with MS. When the Boston Pops Orchestra plays Star Wars, they contact John Williams´ company first. The law is clear. When a community band plays Star Wars for free, they don´t need to contact anyone. The law is also clear. We know you did not attempt to make a profit... but you did attempt to copyright their material. Even if not EXACTLY their material... a ship put into a game was still put in using their code. And they hold the keys to that. I suggest you back down, Reynen. Just... let it slide as a lesson learned on behalf of the Freelancer MODding community.

    I posted this in the Starfyre area, but as that may not be around much longer I think it´s appropriate to post here... also... this thread is degrading to a flame fest so hopefully this will focus people. This is not a time for immaturity, what you´re dealing with here is a serious legal matter, I cannot stress that enough. This game has just crossed into reality.... This is a toughy.... My suggestion is to do what they have told you. Microsoft is a very... affluent... organization and of course has the financial resources to take things as far as they deem necessary. The fact you received a warning is generosity enough. (You think MS is bad, try Disney....) What happened, in my opinion, is that the MODding community raised a red flag with Microsoft. MODs normally extend the life of the software, despite being technically illegal. When you attempted to copyright your material, they felt now that their rights were being infringed upon. For example - Microsoft is within their rights to shut down The Lancer´s Reactor because the material presented here is copyrighted to Microsoft, and therefore they are entitled to control its use. However, they do not wish to do this (at least not to any extent presented by that letter). I´m deeply sorry for your loss, Reynen (I know it sounds like someone died, but something you created just did). To everyone else cited in the letter, I suggest you tread carefully. Microsoft will never tell you &quot;We don´t mind *blank*&quot; because that could potentially harm their legal position. Microsoft felt that TNG could cause harm to their Corporation, and they are entitled to defend their interests. Wouldn´t you?

    I beg to differ... don´t get me wrong, I LOVE Freelancer. I think people who whine and complain about it´s limitations should try to program something similar themselves with this much quality and see where they get. (From the ground up, not modding.) However, there will eventually be no list server for Freelancer. Multiplayer will consist of browsing the internet to find IP addresses of the last few servers that people still care to run. It´s a rather desolate vision of the future, and I certainly hope the day is still far in the future. But its sad really, that one day Microsoft and DA´s list servers will be shut down to make room for something else. Of course, I really hope that something else is Freelancer 2... but that´s another thread.

    Thank you, Finnegar. Heretic, please, we really didn´t do anything to you. We´re a no-PK organization. Due to the fact that for a long time you were a PKer, are you at all surprised if one of my members would be reculctant to come to your aid? And THAT´S assuming that your claim is even true! I BEG the admins of these forums to just lock this thread and let it die. Heretic, you are more than welcome to post on our Forums in the &quot;Jeers&quot; section (Yes, we even gave consideration to people like you when we put them up. :-) ). I can promise you that your posts will not be edited. Besides that, even if I wanted to edit it, the forum will say that it has been edited.

    We love you too, Heretic. I only have one thing to point out... you obviously started this thread to flame The Elite, so congratulations, you have proven that you are the king of the schoolyard. You just showed up and said &quot;TE sucks!&quot;, watched as people came to our defense (obviously they don´t all think we suck! :-) ), and then proceeded to repeat yourself with more &quot;TE Sucks!&quot;. So... I bow to your intellectual superiority, Heretic. Big man. Way to go. Whee. ---Marshall Apollo &quot;FlashFire&quot; Melo

    Just a point of legality... Although I think it is unethical, it is legal to &quot;steal&quot; from other MODs, simply because you did not copyright your work through the proper chains... and even if you made an attempt to get a final copyright, you cannot do that without the blessing of Microsoft and DA. Just something I thought I´d say....