Posts by Shamrock

    For all of you out there saying mods will save this game, I hope you are joking, i have played most of the mods and see a re-occuring theme, rediculous top level ships, such as the shadow in the TNG mod, that was absolute crap. the games are always so unweighted. If any modders out there here this, to make a proper mod keep the orginal universe then add things system by system ship by ship and gun by gun to what free lancer already has, then test it and MAKE sure it works 100% before you update the mod, also don´t go tell everyone there is new stuff let them discover it them selves. Also with the ship mods, keep a theme, not starwars, bablon5, my mums volvo and a fedex ship all crammed into one mod. And i don´t know id anyone has tried this yet but the problem with having to erase accounts everytime the mod is changed, can´t we get some resolution on this with the program to be able to adjust all players stats, for exaple if you add a new system you may have to re-start everyone back on planet manhatten, or you may have to realod peoples ships due to chnages in them. No offence but ATM there is no mod even the slightest bit close to being able to save FL.

    There is areally good trick you can do in multiplayer, if you are lets say totally in the red with the corsairs, but you friend is just neutral, join in a team (using invite) then get him to go do a mission for the corsairs, you will both be selected for the mission... let him go do the mission and then you rep will be made better with the corsairs one it´s finished, just watch your player status though as too many missions for one group of people will screw you with others