Posts by jeeves

    well, if you lok at blazeme´s mod fith gear ( no i am not advertising it!) it balances everything out so that if you are good, you can take on an entire fleet of vhfs with lfs, only if your VERY good mind!

    to you newbies out there, listen up, run while you still can. get out of here, once u enter the circle of the reactor the magnetic force (or magic force!) won´t ever let you go! there is only one way to escape... wait, someones coming. run! ruuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn!!!!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    is it just me or do all the male members of lancers reactor fancy juni, man if you can fancy that sort of graphical detail wait for half life 2 to come out! (i know, chances are very unlikly!) but theres this hottie who aparently acording to px gamer tries to get it off with him, ya, right! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    i don´t see the point of them, i agree that they´re probably just there to irritate you. all they say is, look at the nav map for details, you´ve completed the mission objectives or stuff like that, that don´t actually tell you anything new, cos u already know if you´ve destroyed some rebel and destroyed their base. In space, no one can hear you scream!

    Ok.... isn´t that ment to mean that some weird and freky thing happens to everyone who hasn´t answered a certain chainletter (i forget the name now) but it said, if u do not answer this letter and send it on to at least 500 people then when venus is in alignment with earth you shall die In space, no one can hear you scream!

    lol! thats funny, i myself have never sampled the delights of multiplayer gaming, but rest assured, if ever i do, an i find ne one of u scurvy naves, i shall blow u up in my starblazer! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> an die trying! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    The ultimate nasty, a friend told me about a time he hired someone to escort him an his freighter ful of diamonds to someplace. After completing the mission successfully he gave the escort 50,000. The escort says ´wow, 50,000, what are you carrying?´ my friend says ´diamonds´ ´diamonds eh...?´ BOOM!! My friend has lost his ship his diamonds and his progress, next time, make sure you sell the diamonds first! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    Only until the exams are up for me, hah Blaze! unlucky!! Wos it donners? if so, Hes a wan*er (sorry for the rude word if u think its one but he is!) so don´t pay ne attention to him, i don´t an look at where i am now. got the best results in my test for biology out of the 3 sciences!!! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    I totally agree, i see your a recruit, so you probably won´t have seen the threads already on this sort of topic and for the sake of my comrades here who have probably had enough of it i should probably not go into it again. But wot the hell! I think it would be col to combine GTA and freelancer so you can walk around on planets and take em over. BTW, on the offtopic forum there is a thread concerning a game being made my the worms creators an they say it may have this aspect included. It´s called Deep space legends although BlazeME said it changed an i don´t no wot to. But ne ways, welcome to LR (get out while you still can!) In space, no one can hear you scream!

    Wot is it with you weirdo oldies! Teenagers are only annoyed at people who attak us for being teenagers (plus the small factor of our hightened testosterone!!) And mabey the occasional spammer (not naming anybody - nickless!! I´ve been talkin to Blaze!<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) Blaze just said that you arn´t that bad a spammer tho! He´s worse! Your evil Jeeves! Hey, stop taking over my account Blaze! Nooo... heee´s coming for me!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    well, ne ways (sorry to bring this back up!! i´ve bin doing it for my english courseowrk!) is that why britain tried (and failed miserably) to get beagle 2 to mars wot hapended to beagle 1? did it blow up on building it??! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    ermm... stinger, i don´t know if you noticed (i´m not meaning to make you look bad here, wot with you being a mod an all that!) but he is actually saying what absolute crap the game is, and from this i can probab;y say with much confidence that he is probably not a fan!!! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    again, i ask the question why do threads always change their subject to something completely different??!!! u [beeps! why can´t u [beeping keep them on the [beeping topic! hey! WT[beepingF happend to my [beeping brackets!? In space, no one can hear you scream! Edited by - jeeves on 3/10/2004 9:18:22 AM

    ermm... i think the fact that the moon was made of cheese past with the movie from wallace and gromit: a grand day out so funny when the robot trys to kill them!! In space, no one can hear you scream!

    Wow! you like the Imperial guard!!! thats what i used to collect! great for masses of infantry with cool tanks! rock on! ne ways, to the original poster I rekon you shouldgo for wotever preference you have, if you like masses of infantry wid cool tanks (namely the leman russ, chimera and basilisk - man they saved my army more than once!) - Imperial Guard If you like cool looking armor with a fair amor rating Eldar Cool, genetically enhanced warriors with power armor and a nice tank caled the land raider - Space marines Masses of little beats with several big beasts mixed in for blasting big holes in tanks - Tyranids Then of course theres the sisters of battle, basically female space marines! and the new Tau fire warriors, they came out after i stopped collecting so i don´t know about them, they look like alien versions of the space marines. In space, no one can hear you scream! Edited by - Jeeves on 3/9/2004 9:31:58 AM