Posts by Killa

    And fourthly, it makes it look incredably stupid and like I´m five years old. And Fallen Angel was right, my arguement about this is mainly for my story. If I can´t express what´s on their mind clearly, then it really takes away from character devolipment. And as Fallen Angel said, this isn´t set in Eden, it´s set in a grimy 32nd century in a place almost on the other side of the galaxy. Not to mention, with all the stuff that´s supposed to happen in this story, people will think that THIS is a judgment of God, the Tribulation, all that stuff and begin questioning their faith. I´ve seen it happen, people lose their faith because they´re wondering why a God that loved them so much would send them through Hell on Earth. This is mainly about my fanfic, as I want to be able to post it uncensored, and I would like to post it here to reach more people. I could creat another site but I suppose some people just don´t have the time to go there. I will make a site and try to post the chapters there, but I would like to be able to post them here too. And thank you Fallen Angel for seeing the point I´m trying to make, or at least seeing where I´m coming from.

    Yes, a few years ago I had a sheperd-chow mix. She hated women, but loved me and my grandfather. I could have walked through hell with that dog and been safe. But she finally bit my grandmother and we had to give her away to guard a mechanic´s shop. Then I reciently found out she got hit by a car three years ago. I know how you feel, I loved that dog to death. Now I have a Tibetain Terrior, and he is the best dog I have ever had. Found him living under a trailer on my mom´s ex-boyfriend´s property. It was a pitiful sight to see him, all matted and dirty. It looked like he hadn´t been bathed in years. So we took him home, and this is one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen. We´ve had him going on five years now, and I don´t know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. When my cusion died in a fire it´s like my dog (my mom named him Shaggy) it´s almost like he knew what was happening. I admit that I cried when I found out, and he would just jump into my bed and start rooting at me like a cat. If anything ever happened to him, I just don´t know what I´d do, I love him to death. I do know how you feel, when I found out what happened to my sheperd-chow mix I was pretty upset. You have my sympathy. And I´m sorry to hear about this.

    I think it´s a little too early to make a deffinate desision. However, as of right now I´m leaning toward the PS3 because of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, even though it´s not comming out for another year. __________________________ Okay, since someone who will remain nameless was offended by my last sentence, I´ve changed it. For those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started a new fanfic, The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley. (Congrats to Taw, he was the first to get it right.)

    I wonder if I could get eighty bucks for my perfect condition Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow case. If that works, then hell, I´m getting an Xbox and getting my PS2 fixed. Mike , I know you got part of my sig right, but still, NO COOKIE FOR MIKE! Edited by - Killa on 10/9/2005 7:12:40 PM

    Happy birthday dude. Now you have some cheer in your otherwise bleak life! __________________________ And for those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

    Yes, I´ve been bored so I have done a little grave digging. But only on topics that are about a week old. __________________________ And for those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

    I say use FireFox. The Launch music servace doesn´t work with FireFox, and that´s the only thing I use IE for. FireFox won´t download anything without asking you first (as far as I know, correct me if I´m wrong) but IE just doesn´t care. And I like the ability to have multiple tabs open in FF. I can be looking at four different sites and only have one application of FF running. __________________________ And for those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley. Edited by - Killa on 10/5/2005 1:45:42 PM

    Aah yes, but remember guys, I did ask you to be brutally honest. And, I warn you now, Frank Johnson does have a pretty dirty mouth. There WILL be some language in this. And in case you haven´t guessed already, he is kind of a hillbilly. He is from Planet Houston in Texas and is kind of country. Well, let´s just say sort of a cowboy. He is a real smart ass (just like I am in real life) and he is a con-man. But, I´d better get back to work on chapter 1.

    Marine: Hey sarge, why are we listening to this old stuff anyway? Sarg. Johnson: Watch your mouth son, this stuff is your history. It´s to remind you what you´re fighting to protect. Marine: But sir, it´s the Spice Girls, we use them for psychlogical warfare. <i>If you wanna be my lover...... bla bla bla.....more bla bla bla.... ´cus that´s the way it is. </i> Master Cheif: Whew, it´s finally over. Thank God, now I can finally take this helmet off. Cortana: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!1!1one Master Chief: Okay okay, I´ll put it back on. __________________________ And for those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

    Hum, only six posts here including mine were made by non-mods. And here´s my favorite kind of chicken. Ingredients: A car, gasoline, about $2.50, and a nearby McDonalds. Step 1) Get in car Step 2) Drive to McDonalds Step 3) Order some chicken nuggets Step 4) Pay the cashier Step 5) Eat the nuggets __________________________ And for those of you who just can´t wait, I´ve finally started The Holocaust! __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

    Nice to finally see that you grew up. Now, if you don´t start up with that again, then I will be glad to put all of this in the past and welcome you to TLR. Remember what I said before, we here at TLR have respect for one another. I don´t know any of these people here in person, but I still respect them. If you keep the maturity level up, then you will get the same respect I give everyone else. These were my first forums that I actually belonged to, and I´ve done some VERY stupid things here, but I learned from my mistakes and try my best to contribute positivly to the community. I hope your new-found maturity lasts, and I hope you will be another good member to TLR. __________________________ 4 8 15 16 23 42 Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I´ll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.