Posts by reeyees

    I´ve done all that and I´m still bored. Wouldn´t it be cool if someone could program a multiplayer mission base online. Where you can join forces and do cross galaxy missions like you can in single play except with other people on-line. Damn, that´s the kinda stuff freelancer should be about. "The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his."

    If u can scan and pick up servers then your firewall isn´t blocking you. You may need to change your IP with you cable company because bandwidth can alternate as I´ve noticed with NTL Broadband. You can check your bandwidth <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> here </a> If your not getting what you should ring your cable company. Or check that a file sharing program isn´t eating up you bandwidth and uninstall it. Even if their not on your programs bar, programs such as Imesh run in the background. You could also use Ad-aware to clean off all the spyware programs hiding throughout your computer. I heard somewhere in the forum that the 1.1 server patch can help people to get on multiplayer games. But make sure your finished in single play first because it´s prone to cause bugs. &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot; Edited by - ReeYees on 26-11-2003 02:20:10

    Forget single player, go multiplay and join a server. It´s alot more interesting than flying around by yourself and trading with simple AI programming. &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot;

    I can tell u this: 1.The Debilitator turret lvl 6 is a civilian weapon and although the Corsairs sell civilian heavy fighters u can´t by this wep at any of their bases. 2.The Flamecurse MK1 lvl 6 is a rheinland weapon and can be found at Planet New Berlin. 3.You can get a Magmahammer MK1 lvl 4 at Planet Los Angeles in california and a Magmahammer mk2 lvl 5 at Planet Manhatten. 4.The Dragoon type 3 lvl 6 is an Outcast weapon and can be found on Planet Malta in Omicron Alpha. 5.The Taransula lvl 5 is a xenos weapon so must be at either (Nome Base,Kepler,6b/c) (Barrow Base,Hudson,3E/F) or (Ouray Base,Colorado,6c/d)as they only have 3 bases. Hope this helps &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot;

    Try this Link: <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Level 3 Walkthrough </a>. &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot; Edited by - ReeYees on 25-11-2003 15:24:59 Edited by - ReeYees on 25-11-2003 15:26:23 Edited by - ReeYees on 25-11-2003 15:31:44 Edited by - ReeYees on 25-11-2003 15:34:44

    ah,I have been running some obscure mods. I think I´ll just delete eveything and re-install. &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot;

    Omicron zeta it says on the computer. I´ve been to both unknown systems but the zeta jumps on the opposite side of the whole sirius sector. You get attacked by monkey fighters and can pick up barilium and gold from their remains Edited by - ReeYees on 22-11-2003 05:29:17 Edited by - ReeYees on 22-11-2003 05:47:48 Edited by - ReeYees on 22-11-2003 20:47:04

    You could mine diamonds in the von rohe belt in Omega 11 or silver and cobalt in the omega 7 walker clouds. Its takes ages to fill your cargo hold but can be quiet profitable. &quot;The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to make the other guy die for his.&quot; Edited by - ReeYees on 21-11-2003 17:21:48

    Entering another system is quite simple. Approach a planet at a speed of about 60, these planets are jumps to other systems. Ignore the docking grid and enter the planets atmosphere simultaneously pouring coffee into your keyboard. This technique should only be attempted by a true Freelancer veteran. LOL. The object of war isn´t to die for your country, but to let the other guy die for his. Edited by - ReeYees on 21-11-2003 14:47:55 Edited by - ReeYees on 21-11-2003 17:29:00 Edited by - ReeYees on 21-11-2003 17:34:32