Posts by Ultra-7

    Man - All this talk about AI and how it is so tough...Well, I would like to see it harder. Killing NPC´s is not hard if you have the right equipment and one thing I feel you MUST have is a shiled killer. I never used em much except for PvP, but after my first NPC fight in this mod, I knew I needed them.

    Favorite Ships...Hmm Tough one because there are so many (all with their own strong and weak points) and I have not flown them all yet... Fighters: Raven´s Claw - Heavy Armor, Many Weapon ponits (13 total I think) Jedi T-Fighter - Only drawback, 1 torpedo slot Whale - Low cost, fast, nimble - Drawback is cargo space Capital Ships: Tempest - Not as big as some, but easy to fly and manuever (my favorite way to trade cargo too) Nagita - The smallest capital ship, but I can fly this like a light fighter Javeline - Torps, Torps Torps Away...WooHoo Traders: Tempest - Why not trade with the speed and security of a cap ship? FR8 Freelancer Special - Cause it´s a truck Fed Ex - Cause it makes me Runner Ups: As for the Firespray (Slave 1 or the Incredible Flying Egg), great ship once u get used to its ´Egg´ shape. Tie Defender becuase of the Cockpit View. Ghost, the smallest and fastest ship and has 3 Torp Slots! Viper - Fast and laser torps are great. Longsword Bomber with nomad torps - Swoop and attack! Dagger Xr Prototype - Only issue is the missing weps. Dislikes: Enterprise - slow turning, not many weapon slots. Leviathan and Damocles - Just too big for me. Cyclone - blah and slow. Brakari Heavy Cruiser - flys on it´s side and very little cargo for its size.

    Chibi...Love the idea of having a dedicated server...Simalar to you, I have the same issue. While hosting, if I play, I add 3-4 ms of lag...I started hosting so I can play when I want to, now if 4 or more log in, I have to log out to keep the lag down...Ummm, kinda defeats the purpose of playing whenever I Oh, by the way, doesn´t matter if I connect through LAN or Internet. MD...Thanks again for this Mod...Is your server up?

    From Chibi´s reply about my server on Pg 2... No I do not block out people from going to EA, just ask that you not fight there. EA is an essential part of the mod and everyone needs to go there to trade or buy ships/weps. I have found out that if people run and and run out...No problems (other day I had 5 people flying in EA and no crashes)...If they want to do fleet battles, I ask that they do them at Malta, Crete or Freeport 9 since fighting there does not crash the server. Other than that...Love the mod and cannot wait until 3.4...When will it be released?

    Hi...I host a server..Ultra´s Place - Please mod 3.3 and the latest patch. Yes you can buy Battleships, Destroyers and Gunboats... Starting money on my server is up to the player - I am on a lot and ask...Many players like to start with additional funds, many like to work for it. Soon I will install aclient version of TeamSpeak and I keep it most most the time...Down on 2/29/04 due to other responsibilities.

    Wow - What a great mod...But I am too having issues hosting and playing due to bugs. Another bug I found was the capital ship in Centauri System...It kicks ya out (like you are buying Niobium in EA system). I want to say thanks for all the players who understand about the bugs and are so patient with them. I also wnat to say thanks to the Creators for making this mod..Can´t wait for version 3.4!