Posts by Aravis
...Who posted as admin? Too bad the admin login didnt work for me..= P
There really is no top server of them all, all have different mods(sometimes), and all have different communities of people. Pick a few of the populated ones and see which one you like the most.
Welcome to TLR, you have the privelege of recieving my first post in this forum in forever. What you need is in your Freelancerexe folder The file will be called "myflaccountid" NOTE : The address for your Freelancer folder will not be the same as mine. It will mostlikely be C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancer, or C:Program Files Freelancer <img src=´ ´> It should come up with <img src=´ ´> (Mine says <NOT FOUND> because I just recently reinstalled and haven´t played yet, yours will be a string of numbers.) You get the ID number (up there) off the computer you used to play it on. Take that id number and put it in exactly when it asks for it after clicking Multiplayer on the new computer´s Freelancer. Then that should do it. Keep in mind you only have shot at that. If you alredy entered in the ID at an earlier time, you are going to have to reinstall to get another chance to enter it. Make sure you are still hosting the server on the same computer as before to keep the saved character files. Edited by - Aravis on 10/21/2005 9:05:04 PM
I never thought of that Wilde. Great point.
I agree with that Mike. My parents still make sure that its a family dinner even now, except when 1 person is missing, then its kind of a free for all.
Evil Thing : I go there everyday, thats where I heard about him, just decided to bring the topic over here. @Aceaz : I like you sloganizer One reason this ticks me off so badly is the parents who listen to him, then they look strangely at me whenev
I´m sorry dude, a dog is a friend like no other, always unwaivering and can always cheer you up. Loosing one is so painful, I lost my dog cause of a heart attack it had because of a weak heart at age of 4, so I know what its like. Just never forget it.
Well, I see your point. I´ve refrained from posting on alot of old ones for even if it is meaningful, nobody cares and gets on your back about gravedigging. And it was just a passing thought.
Actually, I think they pulled this one off rather nicely. Its semi realistic, much more than counterstrike. And yes, I have played both. I´m hoping it will stay this way, but alot the people who are so annoying with their mics on CS stayed there, I haven´t seen too many. The game is good if you like fps. And in realism, the guns for assault and support class actually climb when you fire then so you have to pull down on your mouse to keep it still. Machine gunners are fun. Mount on a sandbag or on the ground. Grenades dont go 5 miles when you throw them. And you can shoot a grenade out in an rpg style way using the rifleman class it still has the same timer as regular grenades..My favorite thing about this game is being able to throw grenades back if its near you. EDIT : Esq, I think you can aso buy it in stores later (or maybe not I´m not sure) if you want to. That how I bought my Half-Life 2. Kinda cool, Valve is auctioning off some nice looking prints <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Prints</a> 100 of em, not sure if they are all of different things, and this is the only one I´ve found so far. Edited by - Aravis on 10/9/2005 8:48:26 AM
Esqu, Steam is free to download...All you have to buy are the games...And buy them once, not pay to play. I hate pay to play, the bill I have to pay reminds me of how much of my soul is going into their vault, so I don´t play paytoplay mmos. DoD is what 20 $ right now? And wyou can get a pack that includes HL2 with it (My favorite game)
There should be a definite limit on the time a post can stay, even on unlimited view or whatever its called. Like a year. That or create another section of the forum, and (I´m not as skilled at java as i´d like, so i can´t write it.) maybe write a script that moves forums to the new section an Archive section thats read only. Maybe move it there if its inactive for 30 days or so.
VII online would suck horribly. Everyone would be named some variation of Cloud using alphanumeric characters.
FD : I´m dying for a good remake of VII. Don´t even touch my story, just give me new graphics and I´ll take it.
I rememberyou well, but either a) noone notices that I lurk, or its that they think I´m still active. I wonder if I count for an oldie...
My uncle is in Houston, we offered him a place up at my house in Dallas, but the traffic was too bad so they just went back and decided to ride it out. That was last night, and I haven´t watched the news yet, but my dad said it wasn´t all that bad in Houston, was it? What got hit hard?
I wonder if I count.
Really, in my point of view, this will only delay the inevitable. Any resource that we can use as fuel with unavoidably be exhausted. The only solution I can see is a power source that we <b>don´t </b> have control over. Such as the sun for solar energy. And where are we getting all this hydrogen from? My guess is water with electrolosis, but I have no idea so someone tell me where we are getting it. And if it is water, yay, congratulations world, now instead of a little inconvienience you now are without water so you can drive places. Edited by - Aravis on 9/10/2005 9:43:34 PM
What we need is a giant bean bag to come out! Like those really big ones that you can buy that suck you in! This one sucks you in, only the paramedics either have sever skin grafting to do or resuscitation to do.. I´m getting a cycle soon.
When I was watching the news, the highlight was " OMG SUPERDOME IS LEAKING" wtf? I think they haeve larger problems like say bodies floating if the levees break(no song ref intended). I´m in north texas, so I´ll be ok, dunno about them.