Posts by WRobN

    2 mods of the Mod of the year awards are having my attention.

    Crossfire 1.82
    Discovery 4.85

    But i dont know wich is the best to play for me...

    Could some point out the good and bad sides of both mods?

    I dont have time to try them both...
    And does anyone knows how many players are online in both mods? (average)

    So i dont like replys with other mods. I only want these 2 mods to be described by people who played them.
    The main site of each mod is a pr thing wich cannot be trusted completely.

    So plz tell me the + and - side of these 2 mods.

    Somebody who doesn't play modded fl says 'lose the mods nobody plays'

    First: I did play lots of mods for other games, but never for fl.
    Second: Im not stupid noob, im a programmer, and im a experienced user concerning mods (i can make them myself).

    So if you have problems with me giving tips from my experience or something, bad luck.
    If i got the wrong impression, sorry.

    If you think; "what is that guy talking about, he never played a fl mod, and now he tells what to do?"

    See it this way.

    I am a member of a lot of sites, from programmers sites, mod sites, i create sites, animations, secured scripts like the PHPMailer reCaptcha script on, etc you name it and i possibly did it.
    I encountered the problem "unorganized" or "overwhelming" etc in various ways.
    And all i want to do is to give you tips from my experience. Ive seen bad things happen just because of bad management from the site.

    My strongest characteristic trait is that im a perfectionist.
    And because i LOVE this game, i like to see it flourish and become really active again. Thats why i offered my opinion.

    See it from a new users view, a user who doesnt know how to, or even doesnt know the game yet.
    For such a user the quantity of the mods is overwhelming.
    The indexing is unlogical, and the help on how to is often not pointed out propperly.

    For this site to be a succes you need to optimize it for noobs.
    Thats why i said my grandmom needs to be abled to install all, guided by this forum.

    And i didnt say "trash all" i said "trash all unusefull stuff"


    Questions for new users;

    Q; Ok fl looks good, what mod to play?
    A; I dont know, search one of the 225 you like and give it a try, and tell me if its ok.

    This needs to be; Look at this section from main page, we have pointed out some good ones. And we use score system for mods.

    Q; I dont know how to install the game propperly and how to put a mod on it...
    A; Somewhere in the forums you probably find the awnser. Maybe you need to read multiple topics. Or google it.

    This needs to be; On main page is a button "Help" it guides new people to a page with links to the right sections.


    I myself was waiting what would happen and am curious how long it takes for this site to change a few things.
    Im acting from a noob perspective. So the reason i didnt even play FL yet is because this site isnt pointing me to a few mods or servers who are active.
    I start playing FL when this community has decided to give new players a quick start.

    I wonder how many players or mail invites have (re)visited this site and thought "i dont know where to start", "i dont know if servers are even active", "this site isnt pointing me to the info i need", "is my fav mod from the old days still active?"


    And plz tell me, if you arent making a section for it right away, what mods are best to play? What r cool mods with active players?
    Where to go?

    Cant you work together with the SWAT portal on this renewing system?

    The index way i talked about isnt complex, its logical, the way it is now is complex.
    You need to search for the right versions now.

    Download - Parent - Child - Item
    way is logical and faster to browse.

    Maybe you could ask them (SWAT Portal) to cooperate on this change...
    I see that the DB is shared.
    Who has the DB under control? SWAT or TLR ?

    If you like to revive FL you need to change the curr syst.

    Like Lordadmiral Drake said, there are newer versions.
    And ofc there are abandonned mods.
    Incomplete mods...

    I know its hard to make choices, but you have nothing on files that are broken/incomplete/etc.
    Some need to select what to keep and what to trash.

    Anyway, the most important change i like to see is this;
    Score/Rank System on files.
    Improved indexing of files.

    Also, for some mods multiple versions are online or the most recent one on the DB is simply outdated

    For example the Hamburg City Server mod, which has v3.03 on the DB, but is actually 3.17c now

    Thats why the old download DB needs to get converted to a new.
    Flush the old system, create new one.

    all you have to do is replace...

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    I just go on in this topic if youre fine with it. Posting all my ideas in 1.

    New indexing;

    Dont do: Downloads - Mods/Items

    Do: Downloads - Family - Child - Items


    Downloads - Crossfire Mod - Mod Versions - v1.82
    Downloads - Crossfire Mod - Mod Patches - v1.7a

    Downloads - Crossfire Mod - Videos - BloodGuard Recruitment video
    Downloads - Crossfire Mod - Non official Addons - .......etc

    Its maybe best to ask a few pro's who played a lot of mods to sort them out.

    You need to trash all old mods that arent finished anyway.
    Just let some peops sort them into the 3 categories. and trash the rest.

    I can not help you with it, i never played fl mods before.
    But i think the 225 mods can be narrowed down to less then 100 for a start.

    Thanks for your input, you are right.
    Ill see if i can most, if not all of it done somehow.

    But I also think that new mods that are not famous yet should also get their chance. Maybe we find a solution to support all somehow without loosing the overview.

    Ofc new mods needs to get a chance!

    But make a section like: "hosted mods" for the important ones.

    Make a "Finished mods" section for the rest and a "in development".

    Then do competitions where modders can try to get in the hosted section.
    Its simple, the only thing you need to do is build a wall between the 2 parts of mods hosted/finished.
    If a modder wants to get into the better area he needs to get support from players and a good mod score.

    Hosted mods are:

    • Finished
    • Have support forums
    • Are in the top rank list.
    • Have lots of supporting players.

    Finished mods are:

    • At least in Beta stage

    In development:

    • rest

    1. Make a score system for mods page, i dont wanna try 200+ mods.
    2. Host the best mods in their own official page/section, So you could link to it.
    3. Hosted mods are official supported mods by this forum, and are given more attention to get them packed with people.
    4. Dont host too many mods, try to get people playing a few mods, you dont want 1000 servers with 5 peops on each server, you want 5 servers with 1000 peops on it.
    4. In short, try to narrow down each part of this forum. Just host a few mods, dont make forum a mess of millions of topics. Make it user friendly enough so even my grandma could install a mod guided by the site.
    5. Filter mods. Delete abandoned mods that still have issues like, bugs etc. Delete all mods that no one wants to play anymore.


    conveniently arranged instead of a mess like its now!

    To make something pro you need to get rid of the waste first!

    Do this and you have me as new player once more...

    I know, your right. But it can help to choose from the immense choice available nowdays. And to be honest i´m stuck with this. Dutch people have a saying: Not abled to see the forest through the trees. Can you say wich are good? And i mean with good, professional (no crap from amateurs). Fun to play, Re-newing. And please do not begin with "its your choice" there are too many things too look at and everyone is saying their mod is the best even when the mod is buggy and childish simple looking. Even if people make a list from good mods your hostile universe mod will probably be there, some must like it. And for crappy childish mods there are often to little people who play it so it wouldnt come on the list. I now it would be difficult for people that make mods, but there are simply to may mods on this site. Edited by - WRobN on 4/19/2004 10:31:59 AM

    I already said that my ideas are probably not usable for u. But i named them anyway. And i do not want a First person shooter. I want a complete world where you can walk on the planets and in ships. So since freelancer is a shooter it would be obvious that you should be abled to shoot when walking. And be honest, a game whit my ideas involved would probably be great. Freelancer is already a working world, i just liked it if they expand it like this. In fact everything could be combined in a game like this. Car races on a planet, puzzles(things to find out) on planets, more places then 1 city (like now in FL) it must be also 3D like the universe, Everything can be destroyed, etc. You must admit that its a good idea. And i think its reachable with today´s computers. I only think you need a big HD for it. Especially when its build to be expanded all the time.

    It could be that my ideas are worthless for you but i will name them What if you merge Freelancer with 3D First person shooters, and games like GTA, Driver, etc and RTS games? You get: [LIST [*<b>First person mode </b> - 3D shooter in space, in vessels and on planets [LIST=I [*In unreal there was a level inside a spaceship. shouldnt it be cool to be abled to walk and shoot in your own spaceship? [*Pirates can enter your vessel and walk in to steal cargo or kill the people inside to hijack it. [*Walk on planets a la GTA, Driver, Maffia, Unreal and other. [*Be abled to enter a vessel with multiple players depending on the capacity of it and fight/defend together (like vehicles in Unreal T2004 and Halo) [*Planets are devided into regions (like GTA Vice City) with roads, buildings, hotspots, things to steal/buy, sub games, etc. [*Planets skys are two sections one sky like in the normal vice city and higher sky for entering space with visible things in the universe. [*Be abled to blow up a planet, big ships and create supernovas if you are one of the big people in the universe. [*Some kind of wrecking and rebuild system so you can blow up a planet or other things and it will rebuild in a time. [*Be your own boss/faction [*Good trade system: prices lower if goods are plenty and higher when shortage. [*Places like miningfields should rebuild slow. So if many are mining there the stock will dissapear, and reapear when there arent many. [*Small Factions should have more comp players than big ones to even things out. [*More kinds of weapons, shields, etc. And more unique eqiupment. It must be so that there is always better equipment. Not like in freelancer that a help file on the internet points out all the best stuff. Even if you have a superb mass destruction weapon there must be a non weapon/equipment that can counter it. [* A good HELP! system. When your in trouble you can ask assistance, even from nearby systems. And your Faction/Other will help you out a little [*Possibillity of adding space to existing space. [*Possibility of changin the looks of your worldpart/ships when your the owner (Special skins, High tech world - Rough Non tech world (Star Trek example: Borg world, Klingon world)) [*The ammount and mixture of trading goods gives a planet/faction the possibility to create new things like ships, etc. [*Your ship or other could be fortified by better metals than the original metal. Or other raw materials (Example: Diamonds for inside weapons) [*More business than in the original freelancer game: Freelancers, Researchers, Defenders on a planet, etc. [*Building in space and on planets a la RTS style. Possibilitys created by the amount and mixture of materials on the (nearby)planet/base [/LIST[/LIST