Posts by weed_eater_guy

    yeah, dude, Freelancer´s kick ass, but if you´re having trouble loving freelancer, wait for a sequal to come out, if they make one, which they better. Freelancer´s awesome, but there are just so many ways they can make it even better, that if they made a sequal, I´d get it in a heartbeat! By the way, nice thoughts on life Wap. Hey, what if in twenty years or somethin they build **** that people can fly in reality, you know, start colonies in the asteroid belt or somethin? yeah, whatever, I´m bored, lol, but that would be pretty cool... Weed

    One word: Scale. It would be a lot more bad ass if the planets didn´t seem as big as, maybe, the city I live in in perspective to the ships and stuff. Seriously, they looked ridiculous when I first saw the game! What happened to the massive planets like in Starlancer? sure, it´s an open universe so you have to be able to cram a whole nebula of systems into a single disk, or do you have to? Use multiple disks! but anyway, if the ships´ speeds and planet size and distances were a little more acurate, like you´d have to do the old jump thing to get to certain coordinates, there´d be alot more realism and openness to the game, not to mention the potential for mind-blowing detail. A million-mile diameter gas planet to your left, full view, maybe little clouds swirling ever-so-slowly, I dunno, something. Suns would be freggin huge, you wouldn´t be able to ride to other planets in minutes at only 300 m/s, you´d be freggin blazin past light speed to get there in a few minutes, warp there in a few seconds! Just ideas, if anyone cares for them! Weed

    Crazy idea, I know you don´t like battleships or "anything crazy", but I just posted something about a battleship a player can use and that other players can dock to. Be pretty sick-ass, right? yeah, just throwin you something! Weed