Posts by redgab

    Thanks for the tip, but my son agrees with me that "god mode" invincibility makes for a very boring game. I´m just asking, is this really the way a new character is supposed to start in Rebalance, with no jobs available below difficulty 30, and not much prospect of survival to get to someplace more reasonable. Seems a very strange way to design a starting position, with no entry-level jobs available. Hmm, I wonder if that cheat can be switched on and then off again in the same game, just to travel to a more reasonable starting system? Is this the standard start for new characters in Rebalance, and is there some way to make him start somewhere else instead? (Some way that will work on Win98SE and not require WinXP to function?) redgab

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I´ve already downloaded the IONCROSS editors (character editor and server admin) and found to my dismay that they require WinXP to function and will not work on Win98SE. Do you know of any similar apps that will run on Win98SE? redgab