Posts by LXP

    > there are some good songs that arent depressing and are uplifting but i cant find > them... Well, to try a far shot, something that I always found uplifting, but which is still in the realm of metal (so it might suit your taste) - ever heard of a band called "Vanden Plas"?

    > you make good sense but there is one prob i only like dark metal... Well, you´re bright and open minded, right? Sounds like a good opportunity to try something else. > Besides i cant tell my dad or aunt im drinking and am depressed and some other > personal stuff. That, among other aspects, is what I meant by ´a lack of distance´. But why do you think you cannot tell them about your trouble? Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 6:45:14 PM

    &gt; It is, if it ahppens again i amgoing to stand up say &quot;Why?&quot; keep my cool. Or, maybe, just slyly ask: &quot;What do you offer in return?&quot; (If it´s a gorgeous girl, I´d settle for a date <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) &gt; But my friends are being awesome about it, and really helping me as is the forum. That´s good. Friends mostly can help temporarily - but a person trained in dealing with depression can help you overcome it - for good, possibly.

    DSQrn : Sounds better. Of course you can love your music - but not every flavor of music is good to hear at any time, right? Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 6:28:52 PM

    &gt; Well there is only one girl. Currently, that is. &gt; so I doubt there would be much flaming. Think again. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    &gt; few things do help... Well, you´re still lucky if there are still things that help. Do those, then. &gt; and the music i listen to just depresses me even more Time to listen to something else.

    &gt; Nope, goverments dont talk with terrorists i dont with arseholes LOL... But you´re smarter than they are, right? Why not let them pay for what they want and by doing so teach them some respect? &gt; Yes i am a underage drinker. it runs in the family my uncle drunk in bars since he &gt; was 12 Seriously? &gt; It is but there is little i wouldnt trade to be what i consider the ultimate person The ultimate person to <b>be </b>, hmm... let me think. Ultimately good looking, smart and rich - that´s a bit boring, maybe.

    &gt; Oh i probably should but i hate talking to people who see me as a source of income &gt; not a person with problems I had the same line of thinking - no good. Let´s put it the other way around - treating a depression is something that easily takes a lot of time - that much, actually, that someone <b>not </b> getting paid for it in most cases can´t spare the time to do it properly. And it requires real skill. I´m not saying I wouldn´t kick a therapist who rips me off. I´m saying a friend mostly lacks the competence and the resources to deal with a depression properly. And a <b>good </b> therapist <b>will </b> primarily see you as a person with problems. And also I´m not saying you should <b>not </b> talk to friends about your depression - you will need both, in fact. But friends alone cannot deal with true depression - my experience. Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 5:57:41 PM

    DSQrn, if this is beginning to worry you, it is time to get <b>professional </b> help. Depression can be treated, is often played down by laymen (which causes proper treatment to get delayed) and is a potentially fatal danger. Trust me, I know what I´m talking about. Yes, I have been through it, and still am fighting with it - I´m currently dealing with a depression that has grown since about 20 years. The sooner you get help, the better. And it´s important that you get help from a <b>professional </b> - laymen, even if they are friends - tend to make things worse. It´s a question of professional skills and the proper distance. Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 5:43:31 PM

    sycho, that´s actually a difficult question. For starters, what is &quot;more&quot; scary? Or &quot;scary&quot; by itself? The views on that alone are very personal and therefore varying. For myself, I couldn´t really say what is more scary. Movies tend to be more intense, but the impact doesn´t last that long - movies wear off quickly. Some books´ effects, on the other side, seem to last forever - and the best are at least as frightening as a movie. Which boils down to: Personally, I would say books are potentially ´more´ scary.

    LOL... But I really suggest seperate stickies for girl/boy trouble. Although it might be fun when combined, I doubt it would be more than a continuous flame war - just like in real life. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Wow, sounds like you got a very interesting mix from all imaginable sources. Sounds fun, really. Are you playing this like a conventional pen-and-paper RPG - or better, in that case, strategy game? Did you define your own ruleset?

    Whoa, we sure have a discussion running here. Cool. &gt; Sorry if i confused or angered you, im guessing your 16 roughly. No worries. I was just wondering. I´m a <b>bit </b> older, in fact. 42. &gt; What i mean about the popular people is the minority of the good looking strong, &gt; oft stupid people who treat people like me (lightly built, short no athletic people) &gt; as ****. Hmmm... well let me just check if I get this right. Your personal experience here is a problem of appearance, and what I would call a lack of respect (by the good looking people) for those who are not that lucky. Correct so far? &gt; Now when i deal with these people i know they could kick my sorry arse Is there any particular reason why they would, or are you refering to your experiences again? &gt; but thats something i am willing to let happen to me as a matter of pride and &gt; belief... im a bloody dying breed. Well, welcome to the club, again. I feel the same (as in bloody dying breed), but I´m really getting tired and even hopeless sometimes. - &gt; if all the rich people gave 100 dollars and all the goverments 100,000 it could &gt; help greatly... But after all who wants to care for anyone but himself I think that´s one central aspect here. Rich people have not become rich because of generosity or by spending their wealth, but by keeping it for themselves. And that´s what the world today is too much revolving around - gathering and keeping wealth. And if someone is willing to be selfish enough, it can work for him - but it can never work for everyone. Someone has to pay the bill. Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 4:09:08 PM

    &gt; Welcome to high school lxp. Interesting. What do you think is my age? And how old are you? &gt; My view on the world isnt a bright shiney one like the one i have been raised with. Welcome to the club. &gt; &quot;Your a selfish prickish ****&quot; another is &quot;I dont take **** from the top&quot; You have to help me out here, my knowledge of english slang fails me here. &gt; Dont buy into the ´popular´ people or the ´popular´ suck ups who make you do &gt; stuff. I wasn´t talking about nigerian scam. I guess you know it´s very hard to tell sometimes. Even impossible. &gt; but if someone needs help and you can afford to help, dont be a arse lend them a &gt; hand. If you got a coffee and have a buck left over and there is a man starving &gt; on the street. Give up getting a donut later. Thats how i feel about it. So do I. But unfortunately, not too many people seem to share that opinion. Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 3:26:34 PM

    Thanks for the info, and I will keep my eyes open for it. However, I just realised Jackie Chan´s &quot;Drunken Master&quot; is on TV tonight, and I guess I´ll just have some good laughs watching it. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 4:25:59 PM

    Am I the only one who feels lost in this thread... or should I say ´has lost this thread´... or ´has been lost in this thread´...? I am confused, or am I? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_shock.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 2:57:55 PM