Posts by Cassy

    You can ask bp about the schools, he works on the computers at the schools, hospital and businesses around where we live. If you´re wondering how I know I´m friends with his daughters.

    I don´t know the person personally but maybe you should ask someone that does like maybe Eraser the other admin he must know personally instead of accusing someone of lies. Maybe she is sick and in the hospital who knows. All I see here is a bunch of kids mouthing off and having no clue what they are saying other then they have a chance to bash people and are taking advantage of it. I can see this is not a very friendly place.

    Hello Arcon nice to meet you and all the others. I´m new to posting but not new to the site or Freelancer. It can be a very addictive, Freelancer that is! I think your words will fall on deaf ears. From what I was told by bp´s daughter on MSN he wont be making any more appearances in the off topic forums. You can use it as a fight club if you want. She also told me that bp is the most honest person that she has ever meet even though it is her father shes taking about and may be bias. She also said that he is very dedicated. Helpful and generous to people of all types and is a very busy person and cant understand why he wastes his talent and time on a stupid little web site that in the scheme of things is nothing to what he has accomplished. He don´t need the aggravation but continues to spend time doing things for this site even while his wife is in the hospital with MS he still finds the time to do what he does. Strange how people don´t look at that and just continue to abuse one of the good guys.

    Looks like this site is labeled with ICRA and has been. Here´s the info on ICRA. The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working to make the internet safer for children, while respecting the rights of content providers. ICRA has long believed the best approach to protecting children online is through "user empowerment" - giving families the tools to control their online experience. When used voluntarily, tools like ICRA´s empower families to match their online experience with their values, without compromising free expression or undermining other users´ access to information. Key word here seems to be children which is what some of you are acting like.

    There is just no pleasing some people is there. You seem to have an attitude that is one sided. I´m reading through these forums now and I cant for the life of me see where this bakedpotato person has offended anyone. All I see is the great work he has done in making this site what it is and your complaining about him. Just seems to me you should appreciate the fact that a person like him takes the time to keep this site running but instead your insulting him. That makes no sense to me at all. I for one appreciate him and this site.

    I have never posted in the forums on this site before but I have been playing Freelancer for some time now and coming here for the things this site has to offer. From what I can see bakedpotato does allot of the work to keep this site up and running. I would imagine he spends some time doing it because of the quality of his work. He apologized which in itself shows allot of character and integrity. And your still not satisfied. I´m wondering what it would take to satisfy some of you. What more do you expect of this man?