Like you, Arania - PFY, I wasn´t around for the cloaking chaos either, but I feel that if enough work is put into it, that it could be changed for the better. As you can see from what Alcander is capable of doing by editing the exe, he is able to change a lot. I feel that if I can find the right lines like he did for the tradelanes, that I could change the cloak to be at least 65% fair. The other 35% are the misusers, which if I can find a way to make a "cloak disrupter", like the cruise disrupter, and give it to the admin´s, then that will help too. All I see in the cloak is another way to have a little fun, after you edit the hell out of it. That is why I started this thread, to see how many people would actually want to have a cloak in the game, and make it somewhat cheater proof. "Nothing is impossable, just a lot of things are improbable"
Posts by alfa_astrix
After seeing that demo of the tradelane speed, thare are only two things left to say; 1) Screw cruising everywhere. From now on I´ll leave the cruise speed alone and just use tradelanes. 2) Seat belts are standered in most ships, right? Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/10/2005 11:49:50 PM
Her are a few things I would like to say, 1) I wasn´t trying to advertise my site. I am sorry you feel that way. In the future, I will better word my posts. 2) I have searched for all the cloaking forums that I can find, only to hear the same thing over and over again. If you know the url´s, please post them. 3)May this site never feature the mod, is a small but understandable note. The server that is hosting my forum about the cloaks allow me to post a file >20 megs. for download. Hopefully the final version will be small enough to be posted on there. Note to Chips: If it wouldn´t be too hard, could you please email me the file with the SP working cloak, so that I may try and find a way to improve it for MP. If you do not, that is understandable. Also, thank you for not locking this thread down. I would like to say sorry for the insult, but I doubt it would make a difference. The only reason I made the insult was because I fealt you were going to either lock this thread down, or delete it. Note to AluminumHaste: Thank you for the correction. Please be advised that you too have made a spelling error. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/10/2005 11:35:46 PM
There is no way to, "give away a game", inless you save the entire cd into a zip, then post it on the web for free. Even if you took every file on your computer that you see is related to freelancer, their are still dozens of files that are either hidden, or hard written into your registry. Believe me, I´ve tryed both copying an entire cd, and getting all the files for freelancer to get to a friend, and it wouldn´t work on his computer.
I had the following ideas; 1) I was wondering if there was a way to create an engine that if you activated through the kill engine trick, you would automaticly jump to another system, like a jump drive. 2) I was wondering if there were a way to make the universe contineus. What I mean is like if another system is directly below your´s on the nav map, and instead of jumping to that system, you could just fly in the direction of that system for hours until you finally got there. 3) I was wondering if there were a way to get the planets to orbit, not just spin, but orbit. I always thaught it would be cool to have the game in real-time, like every second of ours is a second in the game instead of 1800 seconds = a day. 4) People have been talking about making the flight more realistic, well instead of messing with the stats, I thaught, "why don´t we just make it look like real ships do, and make it look like they use a thruster in one direction to make the ship go in the direction you want". I thaught about that form the game, Nexus: the Jupiter Incident. 5) Make the ships use fuel, pilot need´s lifesupport, water, and food. 6) Joystick capable 7) Some kind of radio
If you have alien races, different types of money 9) choose to play as a femle or male (I´ve experimented with that to only get hell back) 10) Fleets; be able to be the admial of your own fleet 11) Personal Log; type your own log in while playing the game instead of the pre-edited one. ("Captain´s log, stardate..."<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> 12) Home, with guarge, so you can store an assortment of ships. Also, be able to buy and own property. 13) different ammo limits per ship. So if you have a huge cruise, limit is high, but if you have a junked over, flying piece of scrapmetal, the limit is very low. 14) different cruise speeds (see 13) 15) Interacual npc chat. Such as: "Hello Freelancer, how can I help you? [A: Get me a drink [B: Know anything, any good rumors? [C: Bribe [D: Ask for a job [E: No thanks Also, on this level, haggle with dealers to try and get prices down. 16) More than just three ships per base for sale 17) in MP. see other characters like at bars and other place... 18) Be able to steal equipment from other people and npc without destroying them. 19) Ship interactions, such as like the liberty fighter, hit a button, and the wings retracts, and stuff like that. I´ll think of more later... Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/8/2005 10:42:55 PM Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/8/2005 10:48:58 PM
Just to through my 2 cents in, but I doubt Microsoft will care what we do to Freelancer, as long as we don´t make money off what we do, and we don´t blame them. The reason I say that is because if you look at some of the mods now, mostly the "Warriors of the Sky" mod, they edit frelancer so that it isn´t itself anymore. All I´m mostly saying is that if Microsof didn´t want any of this to happen, they would have encrypted it much better, so that we wouldn´t be able to do these kind of things. And also if they don´t like what we are doing, the worst that they will do is block the servers that uses the mods that they don´t like, then send a message to the creator saying "don´t do that!". All I can say, is that you could do what ever you wanted to freelancer, as long as you don´t make money, and you don´t complan to them. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/8/2005 3:44:03 AM
Hey man, you never answered my question, how´s the mod coming? Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
As I can see, no on really gives a damn about this. Well, if anyone is interested post it here, but if you don´t,(unable to be shown to public). Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 6/7/2005 10:39:19 PM
Anyways, we need to get this topic back into line and what it is really about. As we of Technological Colony aren´t the greatest at do squat. We are asking for anyone that can make anykind of ship that is realistic looking, to please let us know and peost a thread here. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
You may find this funny, but about a month ago, I found that if you could get a hold of one of the editors of the game, Freelancer, it would take them 5 to 10 minuets max to create a joystick mod. Well, I called microsoft and went from one person to the next for 7 hours, to find out that there is only one joystick that will work for Freelancer, without a mod, but the information on which joystick it is is "unavalable to noncorporate persons". Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
Just wondering, but how´s it coming? I think this is the first mod I´ve ever been excited about. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
First off, nothing is not everything, nothing is nothing. Second off, when I say, "Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything", It means one thing, You could have everything in the universe, but after some time, you would begin to feal that everything you ever wanted isn´t as great as you first thaught, but if you don´t have anything, even after some time, you would still feel like you don´t have anything. So once again, Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
O.K., as I see, no one really cares about aliens, but looking at some other threads, I´ve found that ships are more important. In this case istead of asking for aliens, how about if we could get some some ships that look like they are from homeworld, or Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. I have found that these two games apear to have ships that we need, so if anyone would like to create a ship from or looks like it came from one of the two games and contribute it for us, we would be most honored. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
Two words, "Who Can´t". Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
I forgot to say it, but if you want, I can help you with the .ini editing. I know everyone knows how to do it, but hey, if you want me to help, that´s what I can do... Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
This editor is the best idea yet. Me and my team are currently working on a mod for Freelancer, and this, this would help us so much that, damn, we wouldn´t have to sit for hours to figure out things anymore. We would be able to actually get out and enjoy the little that life has to offer. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 5/29/2005 12:21:45 AM
Man, your idea does "Rock". I am a huge fan of all the Final Fantasy´s and am glad you are doing this. Sorry I can´t help, but I do want to say that this idea is one of the best that I have heard yet. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.
Thanks for that help, we didn´t think of that. Now we have one other thing that we need, ideas. We want to have a vast amount of aliens, but we have run out of ideas. If you have any ideas of what kind of alien you would like, please post it with the name, way they act, and enough detail about them to create a history and picture of them. Also if you already have a picture of them, that is good too. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 5/30/2005 10:39:10 PM
Could some one please help me out here?!Right now I need alien bodies, and don´t know how to make them. Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.