Posts by alfa_astrix

    On the site, under "The Reactor - Technological Tutorials", I placed a hack mod that I accidently created trying to increase the tradelane speed to 25000 m/s. Chech it out if you want, as I think it´s pretty funny. Note: I have no clue what I really set it to.

    I´ve decided to be nice, and have posted how to change the tradelane speed on <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>my site</a> (it´s under &quot;Editing the .dll&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Just as I´ve said before, please ignore that the site isn´t finished as I´m still working on it. If you know of any other .exe hacks, ore .dll hacks, please let me know.

    I´ll get back to you about the disruption thing, but the reason I say it could be used as a cheat is because of the &quot;trade&quot; part of tradelane. If a cheater needed money, he would change the values to be extremely high so when he is trading, it take´s him less time to get from point A to point B than everybody else on the server, thus allowing him to gain credits faster. Now I don´t know if my way (Editing common.dll) would be detected on the servers, so that´s why I say it could be a ceat.

    About the Field Generator: I would like to point out that what I meant by that. What I meant was like an object (example: weapon platform) has the continuel effect so that everybody within a certain range is unable to cruise, nothing like the missile thing. I wanted it so theeffect was always there, and didn´t require a missle or any ammo.

    1) This has already been mentioned, but was forgotten and later proven impossable. 2) Chips and Alchander are the ones that told me. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/16/2005 9:22:43 PM

    Accushot is right, we need to focus on the subject at hand (but this doesn’t mean that I take back what I said). The main thing that I’m currently trying to understand is, how was Alchander able to know what line did what? I mean I’ve looked over everyone of the .dll’s, and the .exe, and I still don’t understand it. If anyone could tell me, maybe I could help finish what he started. Now I don’t want everyone to think that I’m trying to take his place as a great mod creator, I would just like to see this project finished. Any help would be great. As soon as I get enough information, I’ll post the tutorials either here at TLR, or on <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>my site</a> for what I´ve done (please note that my site is still in construction for the mod I’m working on). Edit: I´ve got 1 on my site, and a poll on what I should do with the tradelane speed. Edit: To submit to the poll, you must register. Please just let me know if you want to be removed afterwords. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/16/2005 10:13:03 PM

    Before we start sucking back up to the moderators, I would like to add my two cents. I am going to have to say that I am with sputnik 66 all the way. Except for Chips, I feel that all the moderators are letting their power go to their head, and are stomping on the community. You may say all you want that the owners of the site don´t want this, and don´t want that, but it seems a little suspicious that they wouldn’t want us to talk about something that‘s illegal, but yet they’ll host mods that are proven to be illegal. I’m not trying to do anything to TLR, but I am wondering what’s going on with the moderators. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/15/2005 1:12:15 AM

    Sorry, but no, I don´t have AIM. Also, I´m agreeing with Bejaymac, and am <b>not </b> going to tell how it´s done until I feal the modding community is ready for it. The reason I say this is because of the idiots out there that would use it as a cheat code. And if that did happen, it would probably be like the whole cloaking thing again. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/14/2005 1:21:15 PM