Posts by alfa_astrix

    Bejaymac Thanks, now I know why I´m having the problem. But I wanted to know if you could tell me whatthe "float" code would be to change the speed to 10k? Also, I did the speed limit thing myself, and I´m not having any problems.

    Finally, now, I have some bad news, and well that’s about it. Here are all the lines I edited in the Freelancer.exe; 0007fe10 Unknown Effect 00080220 Unknown Effect 00081c80 Unknown Effect 00177450 Unknown Effect 0022be90 Unknown Effect 0022e390 Unknown Effect 00253380 Unknown Effect 00262260 Unknown Effect 002d620 Unknown Effect 002a0da0 Unknown Effect 002aa5c0 Unknown Effect 002b4830 Unknown Effect 002b8180 Unknown Effect 002d9bd0 Unknown Effect After editing each one of these lines, I have only come to one conclusion: <b>This was a f***ing waste of time that led to nothing! I have set here for three days doing this and what do I achieve, NOTHING! </b> Anywise, if anyone does find out how to edit trade lane speed, please let me known. Thanks

    I proved you were right. In Alchander´s &quot;Freelimits 1.0&quot;, I posted a post about what happened when I changed the figure for the trl in the common.dll. But if by some chance you find it, please let me know. Also, how do you &quot;debug live&quot; and do all that trainer stuff? Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/10/2005 3:09:01 AM

    O.K., I´ve gone trhough and changed each one of the bytes in the common.dll, and came out with this: 000c7ea0 Unknown Effect 0015a610 CTD on Startup 0015d700 Small SPD increse at first, but later returned to normal Well, that´s all of them for the common.dll, and now I´m doing the Freelancer.exe.

    I´m currently looking for the tradelane speed, and I was wondering if you had come across that line yet? I´ve already tried changing all the &quot;c4 09&quot; text to another number, but nothing works, and I know I´m changing it to an exceptable number: &quot;40 1f&quot;.

    @IronSceptre I don´t know who gave you your information, but this is what I´ve found so far... There are 21 different “c4 09” entries in just the content.dll. I only changed one then tested it. If there was an unknown effect, I replaced

    Just one note, I don´t want you to think that I stole this idea. I´ve thaught about it for a while and finally decided to actually put about 10 min. into it. I haven´t seen anybody else do this, so I just did it. Sorry you feel that way, but just to let you know, I didn´t steal the idea. Also, I agree with you on the whole &quot;everybody submiting P.O.C.´s&quot; thing. It was just an idea. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/8/2005 7:18:28 PM

    @IronSceptre Thanks. I´m still a freshmen in high school, so I haven´t taken the classes on computer programing yet. That´s why I was asking. Edit: I grabed a hex editor, and am currently doing a trial and error (well will when I get home), and wante

    Did you have to buy it, or did you download it for free and from where, or what? Oh, and for which one to change, do a trial and error. Back-up the file, then just keep changing one at a time till you get it. Also, If it´s no problem, could you tell me how you know what the different numbers and letters mean, like a tutorial or something? Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/7/2005 7:17:54 PM

    Sorry Chips, I didn´t know you had already done this. I figure it was just a simple idea, so why not try it. If you wan´t, you can close this thread. I mean, if it´s already been done, no since in keeping it around. Do whatever you want.

    @Alchander I had four questions, 1) In the next version, are you going to put the tradelane speed edit in? 2) Is there a way to fix the money problems? 3) Did you fix the cruise problem yet? 4) What are some of the other things you´re working on?

    I´ve removed the tradelane effect and updated the file, and it´s perfect, except for the slight jurking, Thanks. Also, If you have any other ideas for it to improve, let me know. I was thinking about submiting it to lancersreactor as one of their downloads under the download list, but I wanted to perfect it first. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 9/6/2005 4:02:14 PM

    It didn´t take me long to do this. I´m supprised It hasn´t already been done. But anyways, I would have removed the effect, but I don´t know where it is. If you got any ideas, let me know.