Posts by AestheticDemon

    Ok... path file access errors while running under WinDont Hate...

    Sounds like a classic "do not install moddable games or modding tools to C:\Program Files\" UAC problem.

    Where did you install FL, what folder path?


    Reinstall FL to C:\Games|Freelancer or to a sub dir of a \games in your user area, install iron cross to a 'tools' sub dir of FL, that should avoid the UAC access problems caused by running WinDont Vaster/Windont 7/ Windont Hate versions.

    Atheistic Demon... A nickname I haven't seen for whole ages!
    How have you been?

    Oh so so, played a lot of X3, visited SecondLife, dabbled in Sacred 2, even occaqsionally messed with fl modding...

    Still alive, still following the demise of my enemies plans, lol. Fun thread over at 'the other place' about a mod I predicted would never be made...

    So you're back on the GalaxyLancer project huh...

    Well, that depends on the definition of active :P

    Active - logs in here occasionally, checks for new posts, replies to some...

    Hell, I even played FL last month, and a couple of months back I got around to importing the turrets I made for that Lib erty Destroyer I started a couple or 3 years back.

    Ho Hum...

    Old game, old user list... It's the same for every old game, as the years roll by the people drift away, sure there are new players still even for old old games, but they want answers to simple questions, most of which are covered already in the forums.

    As for the mods, little 1 dev mods are a thing of the past, now it's big modding teams doing big mp mods, that often have their own forum sites.

    Then there's the feuds, as the community shrinks, the remaining diehards are more and more likely to be the sort of strong minded ones who WILL get into feuds with others, and then walk away. I did, over "Despot Dave and the Disco Exile Cabal", Gibbon did over the 24color+8alpha=32bit splash screen argument, and so on.


    Ok, first of all, what operating system are you running, and which mods are you trying to install?

    There can be issues with some versions of windows depending on where you install the game to, and some mods need a newer version of FLMM than 1.31.

    Have you installed the official 1.1 patch, some mods need that, have you installed any of the unofficial patches, some mods (usually the smaller ones) need one or other of the unofficial patches installed first.

    If you give us some more info about your setup and what you have tried so far, we may be able to help you.

    In point of fact, I didn't mention you at all in that reply to dave, I mentioned dave. I'm not 'afraid' of what he will do, I know what he will do, because like you, I to have a length track record as asst-admin/forum mod/community chat host etc., and I've seen it all before too many times, I can spot the symptoms.

    As for Gibbon, Gibbon is Gibbon, he hasn't changed a bit over the last 6 years he just suffers from a bruised ego at not being infalible and getting caught out in public, he's always been like that, but I'd rather see him brought back, promoted, and myself banned as part of one time abuse of power, than see Dave unleashed on this site, than see this site killed again by the same insanity that killed it before.

    He talks about only me being proscribed and others opinions being welcome, just days after a reasonable question by a non cabal member was deleted from a cabal thread with the reason 'dont post here you are not one of us'.

    You mentioned grudges... You mentioned that there were no grudes in the pm when you tried recruiting me for your team (to counter that 20 fluffer 2 modder imbalance), and assured me Dave didnt hold a grudge and would contact me soon re the first meshes to sort out, what I got was a week later, him deleting on topic posts, and insulting me...

    I don't start wars, but I don't walk away from them either. Better they see people willing to fight for this site than some Despot gaining control due to lack of interest...

    I originally stated that I had reluctanly offered to come out of retirement so Dave would not be the only candidate...

    I hope that SOMEBODY who has been a member of this site for MORE than 4 months volunteers soon... I really do.


    Bomber weapons thread, I made posts, some quite lenghty, of a technical bomber weapon related nature, TWO of your renegade disco rabble cabal subjected me to personal attacks, I returned fire, with more technical points... Who stated that 'flamewar', YOUR people.

    Capship lore thread, I post some info about capships and how navy personnel view them from my experience serving in a navy, and knowing a lot of navy people, and naval history, renegade disco rabble cabal subject me to personal attacks, who started that 'flamewar', YOUR people.

    A question by a member of this site about technical aspects of modding, interupted by renegade disco rabble cabal, stating that they didn't know anything about the question, subjecting me to personal attacks, and asking if it matters if people asking tech questions get the right answers, who started that 'flamewar', YOUR people.

    An FYI post about sulpher being yellow, you misquote from a site you didn't even bother to read, claimed to have a pet expert to back your fraudulent claims, then indulged in 'flamewar melodrama' by announcing that you had quit the site, but here you are, going off topic with factually innacurate personal attacks yet again.

    We are discussing the announcement of new mod posts on the site staff, YOU choose to diverge into personal attacks, that are unreated to the topic.

    A moderator is required to bite their tongue, to protect the rights of people they despise to post opinions they disagree with, sometimes to delete posts they agree with by people they admire. This is why being a moderator is a bloody awful job that no sane person would actually want. A moderator is required to read all posts to see if moderation is required, statements like "I dont read wal of text posts, they are always flamewar" or "freedom gets abuse" or putting people on ignore, is not part of being a moderator, you are there to preserve freedom of opinion.

    Being a mod is a thankless task, whatever you do, somebody will whine about it, you deleted stuff you shouldnt have, or didnt delete what you should have... "How can you let X say that crap and delete posts by Y" Everybody hates a mod, mods have no friends except possibly other mods.

    Anyone who WANTS to be a mod is suspect... Anyone who WANTS to be a mod so they can persecute people they hate, is unsuitable... Anyone who can't accept the responsibilities of the job, should not apply.

    The way you and your friend have moderated a small part of TLR, clearly indicates that the only voices you want heard are your own, unsuitable for the job.

    If you want to BE a moderator, practice on the section allocated to you, or start your own site.

    Personally, I'd rather see AdmiralLordDrake in the job, or Adoxa, they are old TLR hands, resonable people, and sound, but you can't nominate other people, I hope they volunteer so that the new posts can be filled without dragging me out of retirement, or handing certain-to-be-abused power to the wrong people.

    I would like to help in moderating the forums, and in time If needed I will learn more regarding other jobs that need to be done.

    Maybe you should learn how to moderate the forum you have already first...

    Then you can proceed with your plan to extend your Rabid-RP-Reich's 'delete and ban all unbelievers' policy over the rest of TLR.

    This is why I volunteered for a job I've done too many times, over to many years, a job I hate, and don't want to do any more...

    To make sure YOU were not the only candidate.


    Looks like you just used the 'auto uv map' option and chose box mapping...

    Works great with some simple meshes, but with something like a ship, basically you end up only using about 20% of your texture map on the polygons, with standard FL sized texture images, 256 x 256, that means you're texturing your ENTIRE ship with a block of pixels 256 wide by less than 64 high, which wil look bloody awful.

    Now, I don't use roadkill myself as a rule, dont even have it installed, cos the modeling app I use has its own uv mapping tools which are completely different...


    1 Read the tutorial I posted a link to, see how it's done, there are pictures of the various steps, even tells you what key to press, and the item English Bob is mapping has far more angled bits than your ship...
    2 Since your ship is slightly different to a dress for poser, with a much lower poly count, it should actualy be easier to map...
    3 Don't just select all faces and hit 'auto map - type whatever'...
    4 Remember that your ship will have more than one texture image, so rather than using 'cookie cutter' mapping (all the bits like little cookies cut out of a sheet of dough) you want to use overlapped mapping, all the bits that will share the same texture laid out over the whole image, all the hull panels that will use the same 'hull panel' texture, laid out on top of each other so one painted panel will texture them all, etc...

    Ok, re the shuttle mesh...

    I've trimmed polys, regrouped material zones, etc., and tried the first cmp export today...

    Hull 16.3 k polys, Nacells about 9.3k polys each, Wings, about 2.5 k polys each...

    Exporting just the hull works fine, but any attempt to export the nacells and or wings, crashes hardcmp, it just does not like the mesh.

    I have this horrible feeling I'm gonna have to rebuild most of the mesh, or even make a new ship from scratch, there is something seriously nasty in this mesh, unless it's just 'too many polys' for the 0.27 cmp exporter to handle.

    1. New mesh from scratch
    2. Partial rebuild
    3. Use a different mesh (there is a type-9 in the 'federation ship pack' here in the tlr dl database, much lower poly count)
    4. Use a different mesh and upgrade the detail.

    Any thoughts?

    EDIT: Hull wireframe in hardcmp...

    What kind of staff are you looking for, just to help people decide if they are suitable applicants...

    Forum moderators, people to handle the dl database, or something else.

    Nah, most annoying thing in gaming...

    X3 Reunion... Follow your '"Father's ship" through a tunnel in an asteroid, in the dark, with walls whose joints are not properly sealed (so you can fly out of the tunnel into the solid rock, and can't find the gap again to get back because its dark, and the 1 sided textures make the gap in the wall invisible), and the 3 evil npc wimps following you can kill your ship just by getting within a couple of clicks of your tail, without even firing, and the script writer assumed that you WILL still be flying an A-Hole Federation M4 class Busted Space Inferiority Fighter with no engine or rudder upgrades, instead of the maxed out top-of-the-line combat-sleekness M3 class Spit Mambo Rapist, that you ACTUALLY fly, and set your speed and handling accordingly, so you die and reload, die and reload, so many times...

    That's the most annoying thing in gaming...


    Ok, been tinkering with that shuttle mesh...

    Initial thoughts... "What a freaking mess..." Some sloppy mesh making here, and a lazy attitude to fixing bits when the mistakes were noticed, at some point it might be worth making a cleaner mesh, reusing some parts of this one, but thats for version 2...

    I've sorted out the various bits into port and starboard nacells, port and starboard wings and hull, to make it easier to produce a decent sur later and the option to have destructable parts at some point, and started rationalising the materials, eg taking the 20 bits that are generic hull white, and grouping them together and assigning one plain white tex instead of 5 or 6 plain white tex, fixing reversed normals, etc.

    There are a few kludgy bits I'm gonna leave for now as fixing them would involve rebuilding those bits from scratch, and they are not critical, chopped a shed load of polys out of the warp coils because there were way way too many, and 45% of em were INSIDE the nacells where they cant be seen anyway. I'm gonna have to rework some of the texture maps, as they come with bump maps for panel lines and FL doesnt support that yet, soooo, merge parts of the bump maps with the diffuse maps for a better finish.

    What with the demands of 'real life (tm)' it might take me a few days to get it all done to the point where I can export a cmp and do a minimum flyable hardpointing and ship script...

    Well, nacels, thats not too hard to figure...

    start with a 'self illuminaed texture' for the glowing blue bits... Then add some suitable edited running lights inside the nacell it's self, to add the glowy nimbus. If we're talking custom ale's here, well, maybe a very faint throttle variable partical trail for the impulse enging hpfx?? hardpoints, and a flameless engine effect for the nacell mounted hpengine?? hardpoints, so you get a big flashy glow n trail effect only when you hit cruise "insystem warp" drive, ramp up the cruise speed and rip out the tradelane rings, it's worth thinking about this early, since in a trek based mod ALL the ships are going to use a similar system. Sooner a decision gets made on how to handle it, the less messing there will be later...

    "Ok, Federation Thingy class starship mesh done, and hardpointed, engine effects, standard fed impulse size 3 and warp nacell size 4..."

    I like a joke as much as anyone... LOL, Yeah Whalley Range... Middle class leafy suburb full of middle managrers and preppy students...


    Tuesday night, watching parts of london burn, parts of the city I knew cos I grew up there...
    Wednesday night, hearing sirens scream past the building I live in, cop choppers hovering overhead, rioters less than a 1/4 of a mile from my door...

    Not so funny...