wat losers. have any of you actually read the book? I could explain it. yet it would take a long time, as your simple minds just wouldn´t be able to cope with so much raw information.
Posts by perpetuator
Well it is certainly interesting to know that you think that about my own learning, it may be interesting to point out that i am top of my year group at maths. This book is not basics, and certainly chemistry, it is only theory of chemistry. Mike (mr chips), you really should at least find out what this book is about before acusing me of disrupting learning. This is a great book and i know it is all theory, but also most "convential" physics as only the most commonly adopted THEORY. I know that this is what i must know to do well in science and maths and other related subjects. i am not an idiot. e expect if i called this a fantasy story you would all recommend it. i know i am not taught higher level stuff, but there is a fact that maybe you should learn about me, i learn it anyway. To support this fact you may like to know that i will be going to london soon to compete against about 80 other 11 to 18 year olds to go to america to represent Britain, this is the final round of a national compitition.
good point, however like i said it is really quite basic.
at my school, and at my own computer we run both . MS office and open office. i find MS office is obviously superior but open office is obviously free, i supose if you don´t do anything complicated with it then it could suit your needs, but it is simply really basic
it is certainly great to see that so many of you are this interested and almost compassionate about what browser you use. i still believe mozilla firefox is best, and i think (i have a very small harddrive currently) that using multiple kinds of browser, eg. opera, netscape navigator, simply confuse my computer. I don´t particularly use IE either and it certainly would never be my default browser. maybe thats the true point i am getting at. Which one actually is your default browser, do you go for things like user friendly advanced controls, or do you prefere a basic interface. Either way Firefox offers both i reckon. Even microsoft nowadays are making large parts of there website more compatible with Firefox. Does anyone have any information on the new version of Firefox?
i dare to contradict. everything can be nothing, or something. however nothing is something, for what is nothing if not nothing, which would in fact give you something, nothing.
well i play the viola and violin and i think the only good composers are the ones whos music is cheap to buy on a sheet and have a great tune. but some may disagree. my favourite peice ever to play is Eina Clina (i have definately spelt it wrong (shows what a musical talent i am))
i agree. whilst halo is an incredibly good game, it has stolen a lot of ideas from ring world, however i would just like to point out how it is not completely ripped out: 1) there is no huge rim wall therefore halos atmosphere should technically be non existant 2) halo does not spin anywhere near fast enough to keep an atmosphere in anyway. 3) strangely ringworld is inhabited but halo is not. i think ringworld is a great book, a bit too much sex in it. however it is very complete and there are few plot hole to the untrained eye. but i think the most obvious rip is the flood. what do you think?
criminals do need more rights in some countries, however i believe they need less in some like holland and possibly britain. also i think prison sentences shouls be longer, not as a punishment for those there, but a somethin to make peoplehave a bit of fear when it comes to stealing. most people only getput in jail for around 5 months for minor stealing, this should be longer, then it wouldn´t happen as much i am not saying that we turn england into a country running martial law, but i am sure oneday we will.
a good high quality steak is what i like