Hi yo!
There're only few ALE suns in FL:
These ones used in intro-scripts.
I want to make more suns for new intros. As we know, intro-script can support only ALE sun.
So it i want to see common sun in intro, i must make ALE-version of the common vanilla sun.
Any examples or ideas?
Posts by Iron118
May anybody tell me how the f*** it is done??
I want effects emit light too! HOW???
Where to download such plugin or what i have to do? -
I thought you hate starport.. : (
I bet he's at his lovely the fucking starport side. He's a kind of spy or agent to diverse TLR.
Hi -.-
Whats with tfsp? Why you ran away from there to here? xD -
Yea, i fond of style i made. I saw Dom'Kavash ships from Crossfire - excellent soulful idea, but not so good texturing job.
In my Dom'Kavash interpretation, they must have more meat, so i did it -
Are there some terms of using them?
What i have to tell about my mod. I'm making it only for russian audience, so our "worlds" never cross: there're a lot of people never heard about foreign mods except Disco. Also, of course, I will write you in mod's readme as starspheres author.
So, any terms or exchange? -
Mm.. ok, i won't touch it O.o
Are you taking things from other mods aswell without asking first? :sad:
No, i just wanted to take only one texture. I never thought that it is a big trouble.. In our country we're more... friendlier maybe in sharing.. -
Models of course nice, but they don't look liberty.
Yo... trouble is not to make an effect. Trouble is to attach it.
Yea. To see some custom effect on fly.
I understand. I mount all shields to the hull, so i can see them. There's no effect.