Posts by polarbear

    What a cuincidence, I've almost finished my first year of C# studies! Well, maybe I'm not in the level of an engine developer, but I can give you a hand with the things I know :)

    Woah!! Finally! I hope this time it will be a successful project (in spite of the other attempts)! maybe if it works out good, you can release the actual "Freelancer 2" as you built it with Crossfire's chapters!
    Good luck OP! If you need any help you might turn to me, not sure if I'll be able to help since I don't have too much understanding with game engine building (I tried to make a 2D engine once, didn't really work...) but I can still try. When you get to the plot part (yes, I say "when" for I am optimistic) give me a cal and I'll help for sure!

    What engine is that?

    Its a brand new one, as I can understand.

    I've been trying to make infocards for a base and a planet. I took a look at the infocards in the vanilla and saw that they're made out of 2 parts: stats and history. Each part is stored in a different XML entry in Infocards.dll. So I made an infocard to a base using Adoxa's FRC, and used it as I saw in examples from other bases: write in the ids_info entry only the stats and right after it theres the history part. I assumed it automatically takes both but it didn't. So I tried making both a single entry, and it showed up as expected, but it didn't show the usual thing about what the base sells, you know, the thing that shows after you visit it and check the info again.
    So, is that something heavily encrypted? or did I miss some parameter I was suppose to add?

    Thanks in advance!

    It sounds interesting, and somehow resembles the general idea of my fanfic "Military Crisis" (which is not finished and therefore not published). Its about a Rheinland military pilot who gets involved in the storyline in Mission 4 (if I remember right) where you meet a few rebellion Rheinland pilots in California. I have a few of those fanfics, such as "Barracuda" which tells the story of a Bounty Hunter squadron that later gets involved in the main storyline as Trent and Juni escape from Liberty space through Magellan and face a few Bounty Hunters that want to kill them for the bounty. Those are not just fanfics, but also storyline missions mods I plan to create once I have time to finish writing them.

    So about your thing: I could give you a hand if I find any free time between studies and my own projects, but don't count on me about it.

    To make missles destructable you have to make the model a SUR file. The size only dedicates how easy it is to shoot them down.

    Micro-missles should be small, so it would be really hard to shoot them down. If you're disturbed by the over-flood of the effect, just edit it so it will be smaller. It is too much for every ship to shoot 10 missles at a time, but if they do the damage per hit should be lowered because you'd die instantly. Personally, I don't think fighters should have those micro-missles, its a pretty massive weapon for such a small ship. You could maybe make them available only for heavy ships, starting from either freighters or bombers.

    No, we can't do it yet. Maybe you could edit the engine and try to add anti-anialising to smooth the edges and then edit the texture to look better. But it takes a lot of time to add a feature to an engine you know...
    You could do it with ships, it would eb awesome!

    The headline says it all. As much as I understood from looking at how other bases work, this code is suppose to be just fine:

    nickname = EW07_01_Base
    local_faction = fc_or_grp
    diff = 1
    msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_base_EW07_01_Base

    num_offers = 2, 4

    faction = fc_or_grp
    weight = 64
    offers_missions = true
    mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 100 <--I'm not sure about how this thing works, but its not exactly the topic now.
    npc = ew0701_001_f
    npc = ew0701_002_m
    npc = ew0701_003_m

    nickname = ew0701_fix_bartender
    body = li_bartender_body
    head = br_bartender_head
    lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
    individual_name = 261821
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp101

    nickname = ew0701_fix_trader
    body = pi_orillion_body
    head = li_captain_head
    lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
    individual_name = 261823
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp101

    nickname = ew0701_fix_weaponsdealer
    body = pi_orillion_body
    head = rh_captain_head
    lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
    individual_name = 261822
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp111

    nickname = ew0701_003_m
    body = pi_orillion_body
    head = syd_head
    lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
    individual_name = 261824
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp111
    room = bar

    nickname = ew0701_002_m
    body = li_bartender_body
    head = ge_male6_head
    lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
    individual_name = 261825
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp151
    room = bar

    nickname = ew0701_001_f
    body = pl_female1_peasant_body
    head = br_newscaster_head_gen
    lefthand = benchmark_female_hand_left
    righthand = benchmark_female_hand_right
    individual_name = 261826
    affiliation = fc_or_grp
    voice = rvp541
    room = bar

    nickname = bar
    character_density = 4
    fixture = ew0701_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_bartender_fidget.thn, bartender

    nickname = Deck
    character_density = 3
    fixture = ew0701_fix_ship, Zs/NPC/Shipdealer/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_shipdealer_fidget.thn, ShipDealer
    fixture = ew0701_fix_trader, Zs/NPC/Trader/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_commtrader_fidget.thn, trader
    fixture = ew0701_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, Equipment

    The vendors work just fine, but in the bar theres only bartender, no more. Could anyone please tell me what am I doing wrong? Maybe I need to mount the NPCs on the spots stated in the thn script of the bar scene?

    Thanks for any help!