Posts by themilkman

    Hi, I am really good at making custom missions but have a couple questions.

    1. How the hell do you do orientations? "orientation = 1, 0, 1, 0"
    I know that if you do 1 on the first number or third, or both, it will rotate the thing around the Y axis (I think)
    I just wanna know the full deal

    2. What are 'clamps'? (PlayerEnemyClamp, GCSClamp, HostileClamp, etc)

    Oh btw on the end of my loadouts.ini is:

    nickname = Rheinland_Valkyrie_Battle_1
    archetype = rh_elite
    equip = ge_re_engine_01
    equip = shield02_mark10_hf, HpShield01
    equip = infinite_power
    equip = ge_s_scanner_02
    equip = ge_s_tractor_01
    equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
    equip = armor_scale_3
    equip = rh_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01
    equip = rh_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
    equip = rh_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon03
    equip = rh_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon04
    equip = rh_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon05
    equip = rh_turret01_mark01, HpTurret01
    equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark02, HpTorpedo01
    cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark02_ammo, 5
    equip = mine01_mark05, HpMine01
    cargo = mine01_mark05_ammo, 20
    equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
    cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
    equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight01
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight02
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight03
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight04
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight05
    equip = SlowSmallYellow, HpRunningLight06
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
    equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
    equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02

    nickname = Bundschuh_Stiletto_m01
    archetype = bw_elite2
    equip = ge_bwe_engine_01
    equip = shield01_mark09_hf, HpShield01
    equip = infinite_power
    equip = ge_s_scanner_02
    equip = ge_s_tractor_01
    equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
    equip = armor_scale_2
    equip = fc_rh_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon01
    equip = fc_rh_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon02
    equip = fc_rh_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon03
    equip = fc_rh_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon04
    equip = fc_rh_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon05
    equip = missile01_mark05, HpWeapon06
    cargo = missile01_mark05_ammo, 20
    equip = fc_ou_turret01_mark02, HpTurret01
    equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark02, HpTorpedo01
    cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark02_ammo, 5
    equip = mine01_mark05, HpMine01
    cargo = mine01_mark05_ammo, 20
    equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
    cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
    equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight01
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight02
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight03
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight04
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight05
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight06
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight07
    equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight08
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail03
    equip = contrail01, HpContrail04
    equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
    equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02

    Hello, can anyone tell me what is wrong with my custom mission code? Not sure if anyone can, I keep crashing upon pressing "NEW GAME":

    mission_title = 1
    mission_offer = 1
    reward = 2000
    npc_ship_file = missions\m01a\npcships.ini

    nickname = Rh_Valkyrie
    npc_ship_arch = Valkyrie
    affiliation = rh_n_grp
    individual_name = 1
    voice = pilot_f_mil_m01
    space_costume = ge_male3_head, rh_male_elite_body, comm_rh_reichman

    nickname = Fc_Rh_Elite
    npc_ship_arch = Bundschuh
    affiliation = fc_rh_grp
    individual_name = 1
    voice = pilot_f_mil_m01
    space_costume = ge_male3_head, rh_male_elite_body, comm_rh_reichman

    nickname = Rh_Valkyrie_1
    NPC = Rh_Valkyrie
    position = -18976, 0, -55242
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = military
    random_name = true

    nickname = Rh_Valkyrie_2
    NPC = Rh_Valkyrie
    position = -18861, 0, -55085
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = military
    random_name = true

    nickname = Rh_Valkyrie_3
    NPC = Rh_Valkyrie
    position = -18700, 0, -55004
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = military
    random_name = true

    nickname = Rh_Valkyrie_4
    NPC = Rh_Valkyrie
    position = -18512, 0, -54977
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = military
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_1
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -16004, 0, -58973
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_2
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -16259, 0, -59121
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_3
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -16554, 0, -59309
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_4
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -16420, 0, -59644
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_5
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -16098, 0, -59510
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = Fc_Rh_6
    NPC = Fc_Rh_Elite
    position = -15844, 0, -59376
    orientation = -0.492300, -0.007100, 0.870300, 0.010000
    label = fc_rh
    random_name = true

    nickname = tr_initialize_init
    InitState = ACTIVE
    Cnd_True = no_params
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_PlayerLands

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_PlayerLands
    system = Rh02
    Cnd_SpaceEnter = no_params
    Act_ForceLand = Rh02_02_base
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_PlayerMoves

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_PlayerMoves
    system = Rh02
    Cnd_SpaceExit = no_params
    Act_MovePlayer = -18422, 0, -55403, 1
    Act_SpawnShip = Rh_Valkyrie_1
    Act_SpawnShip = Rh_Valkyrie_2
    Act_SpawnShip = Rh_Valkyrie_3
    Act_SpawnShip = Rh_Valkyrie_4
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_1
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_2
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_3
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_4
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_5
    Act_SpawnShip = Fc_Rh_6
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_Prep_Flight

    nickname = Goto_Military
    Avoidance = false
    GotoVec = goto_no_cruise, -18422, 0, -55403, 10, false, 100

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_Military_Dead
    Cnd_Destroyed = military, -1, ALL
    Act_ChangeState = FAIL

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_Prep_Flight
    Cnd_Timer = 4
    Act_GiveObjList = fc_rh, Goto_Military
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_OverWith
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_Military_Dead

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_OverWith
    Cnd_Destroyed = fc_rh, -1, ALL
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_Battle1_Success

    nickname = Trg_Battle1_Success
    Cnd_Timer = 4
    Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED
    Act_ActTrig = Trg_MilDocksWithWestfalen

    nickname = MilDock
    Dock = Rh02_02

    nickname = Trg_MilDocksWithWestfalen
    Cnd_Timer = 2
    Act_GiveObjList = military, MilDock

    Here is my NPCships.ini:

    nickname = Valkyrie
    loadout = Rheinland_Valkyrie_Battle_1
    level = d10
    ship_archetype = rh_elite
    pilot = pilot_xenos_ace
    state_graph = FIGHTER
    npc_class = lawful, FIGHTER

    nickname = Bundschuh
    loadout = Bundschuh_Stiletto_m01
    level = d11
    ship_archetype = bw_elite2
    pilot = pilot_xenos_ace
    state_graph = FIGHTER
    npc_class = lawful, FIGHTER

    It might just be a stupid mistake I made, a spelling mistake from typing too fast or some such similar blunder. If anyone could point out my error, and tell me how to fix it, I would be grateful. PS: Is the player starting in the FP7_System hardcoded into the game or something?