SWAT_OP-R8R, that answers the other part of my worries as well. I was unaware of a free version of Freelancer, actually. Is this still floating around, and if so, where, please?
Posts by Corbin
Folgore, apologies. So many companies are releasing legitimate NoCD patches for older games, I often forget that many still aren't. In any case, I do appreciate your answer, it covered exactly what I needed to know.
Ok, I have been pondering the same question here, and this thread has helped a lot. Thanks to all you guys helping out us noobs. I do however have one further question. Will Crossfire and Discovery run on an Acer Aspireone? The vanilla game runs fine, but I know that both games boast improved graphics, and my poor net book can only handle so much . Also, I read above something about discovery not needing the disc. Will Crossfire not work in conjunction with a NoCD crack? It can just be a hassle to hook up my external DVD-ROM to my puter every time I wanna play a game.
Thanks in advance for your advice and knowledge guys!