Posts by Robocop

    yes, all other objects are correctly labeled and identified. It's just the tradelane rings and the jumpgates that aren't.
    Again, it might be that I'm testing it using an MP server that does not have the files on that side yet.

    I have a similar problem with a system i've added.
    The tradelane rings and the jump gates show only 'texas system sector g4' or similar.
    The ids_name for the jumpgate is correctly referenced in the dll
    The space_tradelane_name for the rings are also referenced appropriately.

    This is on an MP server so I can only assume that the reason the info doesn't show up as intended is that it doesn't yet exist on the server side. Once I get the test server back I can verify.

    I will try to get that implemented today or this weekend. Thanks for looking and contributing.

    In the meantime, here's the Nomad CD info.

    nickname = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_motor
    lifetime = 0.625
    accel = 1152
    delay = 0

    nickname = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_explosion
    effect = no_cruisedis01_impact
    lifetime = 0, 0
    process = disappear
    strength = 100
    radius = 25
    hull_damage = 530
    energy_damage = 0
    impulse = 0

    nickname = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_ammo
    explosion_arch = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_explosion
    hp_type = hp_gun
    requires_ammo = false
    hit_pts = 2
    one_shot_sound = fire_no_cruise_disruptor
    detonation_dist = 6.25
    lifetime = 3.125
    Motor = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_motor
    force_gun_ori = false
    const_effect = no_cruisedis01_drive
    HP_trail_parent = HPExhaust
    seeker = LOCK
    time_to_lock = 0
    seeker_range = 2700
    seeker_fov_deg = 120
    max_angular_velocity = 8.71
    cruise_disruptor = true
    DA_archetype = equipment\models\weapons\li_rad_missile.3db
    material_library = equipment\models\li_equip.mat
    mass = 1
    volume = 0

    nickname = nomad_cruise_disruptor01
    ids_name = 263526
    ids_info = 264526
    DA_archetype = Equipment\models\weapons\no_fighter_gun.cmp
    HP_child = HPConnect
    hit_pts = 4215
    explosion_resistance = 1
    debris_type = debris_normal
    parent_impulse = 20
    child_impulse = 80
    volume = 50
    mass = 10
    damage_per_fire = 0
    power_usage = 132.5
    refire_delay = 0.5
    muzzle_velocity = 360
    toughness = 10.6
    projectile_archetype = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_ammo
    separation_explosion = sever_debris
    auto_turret = false
    turn_rate = 90
    lootable = false
    LODranges = 0, 20

    Please take a look at this and tell me if you see anything that would prevent these pilots from launching CDs...
    Nothing jumps out at me as being the cause. I'm going to implement this today and see what happens. *keeps fingers crossed*

    from faction_prop.ini

    affiliation = fc_n_grp
    legality = unlawful
    nickname_plurality = plural
    msg_id_prefix = ignore
    jump_preference = jumphole
    npc_ship = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator
    npc_ship = fc_n_no_fighter_d13-19
    npc_ship = Nomad_Gunboat
    npc_ship = Nomad_Battleship
    mc_costume = mc_fc
    firstname_female = 229608, 229608
    lastname = 229608, 229608
    rank_desig = 197140, 197140, 197140, 10, 15
    formation_desig = 197808, 197820
    formation = fighters, fighter_guild
    formation = gunboats, gunboat_wall
    formation = battleships, battleship_wall

    from npcships.ini

    nickname = fc_n_no_fighter_d13-19
    loadout = no_fighter_loadout02
    level = d13
    ship_archetype = no_fighter
    pilot = FLU_Nomad_Fighter
    state_graph = FIGHTER
    npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d13, d14, d15, d16, d17, d18, d19

    from pilots_population.ini

    nickname = FLU_Nomad_Fighter
    inherit = pilot_fighter_very_hard

    nickname = pilot_fighter_very_hard
    job_id = fighter_very_hard_job
    formation_id= formation_fighter_very_hard
    missile_reaction_id = missile_reaction_fighter_very_hard
    missile_id = missile_fighter_very_hard
    evade_dodge_id = evade_dodge_fighter_very_hard
    evade_break_id = evade_break_fighter_very_hard
    damage_reaction_id = damage_reaction_fighter_very_hard
    countermeasure_id = countermeasure_fighter_very_hard
    repair_id = repair_fighter_very_hard
    gun_id = gun_fighter_very_hard
    mine_id = mine_fighter_very_hard
    buzz_head_toward_id = buzz_head_toward_fighter_very_hard
    buzz_pass_by_id = buzz_pass_by_fighter_very_hard
    trail_id = trail_fighter_very_hard
    strafe_id = strafe_fighter_very_hard

    nickname = missile_reaction_fighter_very_hard
    evade_missile_distance = 2000
    evade_break_missile_reaction_time = 1
    evade_slide_missile_reaction_time = 1
    evade_afterburn_missile_reaction_time = 2

    nickname = missile_fighter_very_hard
    missile_launch_interval_time = 2
    missile_launch_interval_variance_percent = 0
    missile_launch_range = 2000
    missile_launch_cone_angle = 60
    missile_launch_allow_out_of_range = False

    from loadouts.ini

    nickname = no_fighter_loadout02
    archetype = no_fighter
    equip = ge_nf_engine_01
    equip = infinite_power
    equip = ge_s_scanner_01
    equip = no_thruster, HpThruster01
    equip = armor_scale_11
    equip = nomad_cruise_disruptor01, HpTorpedo01
    cargo = nomad_cruise_disruptor01_ammo, 20
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03
    cargo = special_nomad_gun01, 1
    cargo = special_nomad_gun02, 1

    from area_nomads.ini

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 5, 5, sc_fighters
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = fighters
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    Thanks much for the help.


    Funny you should mention that...

    After I posted, I noticed that the other MSN nomad loadouts did have the ammo so I added the line giving them ammo.

    The Nomads still don't fire but the once.

    I didn't figure they needed ammo as the gun is default with the uses_ammo = false line but even after adding it, they still don't shoot the CDs. With 12-18 Nomads flying around me I'd expect a veritable hailstorm of CDs coming my way every time I try to go to cruise but after the initial ambush, if I can evade them long enough to go into cruise, they don't use the CD again until the next time I log in. Then once again, they only use it once.

    My Nomad encounters are working fine, and the Nomads have the Nomad Cruise Disruptor in their loadout. The problem is they don't use it but more than once or twice.

    Here's basically what's going on.

    The Nomads do fire a CD, but only once... I logged into the system and went into cruise. The first Nomad group that I encountered CD'd me and I had to evade and go back into cruise. They never stopped my attempts to go into cruise, and once I was in cruise I was able to cruise around them until I got bored... They never fired a second shot.

    Next I flew away until they were no longer on my scanner. A couple minutes later I encountered another group. Despite me flying around them for a couple minutes, they never fired a CD at me, only their guns.

    I F1'd and came back in and the same behavior repeated. It seems they're only firing one CD and done.

    Here's the important info:

    nickname = Zone_St05_pop_ambient_01
    pos = -22972, 0, -25117
    rotate = 0, 46, 0
    shape = ELLIPSOID
    size = 45639, 24198, 24198
    sort = 51
    toughness = 19
    density = 12
    repop_time = 25
    max_battle_size = 20
    pop_type = Background
    relief_time = 35
    population_additive = false
    faction_weight = fc_n_grp, 1
    encounter = area_nomads, 15, 0.5
    faction = fc_n_grp, 1

    nickname = Zone_St05_pop_ambient_02
    pos = 25270, 0, -18990
    rotate = 0, -27, 0
    shape = ELLIPSOID
    size = 45486, 28486, 28486
    sort = 51
    toughness = 19
    density = 12
    repop_time = 25
    max_battle_size = 20
    pop_type = Background
    relief_time = 35
    population_additive = false
    faction_weight = fc_n_grp, 1
    encounter = area_nomads, 15, 0.5
    faction = fc_n_grp, 1

    nickname = Zone_St05_pop_ambient_03
    pos = 4441, 0, 25117
    rotate = 0, -15, 0
    shape = ELLIPSOID
    size = 53450, 30324, 30324
    sort = 51
    toughness = 19
    density = 12
    repop_time = 25
    max_battle_size = 20
    pop_type = Background
    relief_time = 35
    population_additive = false
    faction_weight = fc_n_grp, 1
    encounter = area_nomads, 15, 0.5
    faction = fc_n_grp, 1

    nickname = zone_st05_pop_nomads
    pos = 112, 2000, 547
    shape = BOX
    size = 53277, 4000, 57373
    sort = 51
    toughness = 19
    density = 12
    repop_time = 30
    max_battle_size = 12
    pop_type = Background
    relief_time = 12
    faction_weight = fc_n_grp, 10
    encounter = area_nomads, 15, 0.85
    faction = fc_n_grp, 1
    encounter = capitalships_Nomads, 15, 0.15
    faction = fc_n_grp, 1

    Nomads spawn just fine, they shoot their guns, they just don't use CDs.

    from faction_prop.ini

    affiliation = fc_n_grp
    legality = unlawful
    nickname_plurality = plural
    msg_id_prefix = ignore
    jump_preference = jumphole
    npc_ship = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Populator
    npc_ship = fc_n_no_fighter_d15-18
    npc_ship = Nomad_Gunboat
    npc_ship = Nomad_Battleship
    mc_costume = mc_fc
    firstname_female = 229608, 229608
    lastname = 229608, 229608
    rank_desig = 197140, 197140, 197140, 10, 15
    formation_desig = 197808, 197820
    formation = fighters, fighter_guild
    formation = gunboats, gunboat_wall
    formation = battleships, battleship_wall

    from npcships.ini

    nickname = fc_n_no_fighter_d15-18
    loadout = no_fighter_loadout02
    level = d15
    ship_archetype = no_fighter
    pilot = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Ace
    state_graph = FIGHTER
    npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d15, d16, d17, d18

    from loadouts.ini

    nickname = no_fighter_loadout02
    archetype = no_fighter
    equip = ge_nf_engine_01
    equip = infinite_power
    equip = ge_s_scanner_02
    equip = no_thruster, HpThruster01
    equip = armor_scale_11
    equip = nomad_cruise_disruptor01, HpTorpedo01
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
    equip = nomad_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03
    cargo = special_nomad_gun01, 1
    cargo = special_nomad_gun02, 1

    from pilots_story.ini

    nickname = MSN13_Nomad_Fighter_Ace
    inherit = story_light_fighter_hard

    nickname = story_light_fighter_hard
    gun_id = gun_story_fighter_hard_style_a
    missile_id = story_missile_fighter_ace
    evade_dodge_id = evade_dodge_fighter_style_c
    evade_break_id = evade_break_fighter_style_b
    buzz_head_toward_id = buzz_head_toward_fighter_style_b
    buzz_pass_by_id = buzz_pass_by_fighter_style_b
    trail_id = trail_fighter_style_a
    strafe_id = strafe_fighter_style_a
    engine_kill_id = engine_kill_fighter_style_a
    mine_id = mine_light_fighter_a
    countermeasure_id = countermeasure_a
    damage_reaction_id = damage_reaction_fighter_style_a
    missile_reaction_id = missile_reaction_fighter_style_a
    formation_id = formation_fighter_style_a
    repair_id = repair_fighter_both
    job_id = story_job_fighter_a

    The pilots exist, they recognize as hostile, they shoot guns, they shoot at least the one CD, and after that it's as if they don't even have a CD anymore.

    What am I missing, what should I do?

    Well then my suggestion would be this:

    Deactivate all of your mods.

    Rerun the SDK or the JFLP, whichever patch you're using (JFLP is best), and then apply this mod alone to see if it works.

    One thing that interests me... Whenever I attempted to ADD something to either the shiparch or the solararch is caused all kinds of problems. I always had to modify an unused entry in those arches to make things work properly. I don't know how extensive your mod is, mine is mostly just a modification of the vanilla files and is set up as an optional client mod so any unmodded player can play on our server.

    What would happen if you were to change something unused such as holoviral_counterfeiting_technology or something to your bountyhunted item? Would it work then?

    in commodities_per_faction.ini

    MarketGood = commodity_bountyhunted, 0, 0 should be MarketGood = commodity_bountyhunted

    Other than that I can't see anything you've missed.

    I presume the info is added to market_commodities.ini and select_equip.ini.

    I have no experience modding singleplayer, but in multiplayer if the ship doesn't have a pilot assigned (the correct pilot and rank), or the ship is missing a critical piece of hardware such as an engine, tractor, scanner, etc. it doesn't appear.

    For me, whenever a NPC didn't appear it was because of one of those two things.

    I'm trying to make the nomad lair airlocks work properly.
    It's a simple matter of course to have them jump to St02c, but the ship doesn't come out inside the core. It pops into the system outside the core, facing out towards empty space.

    I've tried making the dyson_airlock_inside solararch use the jump_out_hp = HpDockPointA01 as that should be far enough away from the jumpgate to place the ship inside the core, but no matter which Hp I use as the jump_out_hp, I always end up outside the core.

    Here's my solararch entry:
    nickname = dyson_airlock_inside
    ids_name = 10917
    ids_info = 10918
    type = JUMP_GATE
    DA_archetype = solar\dockable\jump_hole.3db
    material_library = solar\Solar_mat_misc02.mat
    LODranges = 0, 20000
    mass = 10000
    ;open_anim = Sc_open dock
    open_sound = null
    close_sound = null
    jump_out_hp = HpDockPointA01
    solar_radius = 600
    shape_name = NAV_jumpgate
    docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 100
    hit_pts = 1e36
    phantom_physics = true

    The original jump_out_hp is HpDockMountA. I've tried Hporient and HpDockPointA01 and they all dump me outside the core.

    The jumps work just fine although for some reason the jumptunnel effect from the lair to the core is messed up. If I position my ship inside the core and jump out, I end up where I'm supposed to be (outside the lair) and the jump tunnel effect works fine.

    Both jumps use:
    jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
    and the goto uses gate_tunnel_bretonia

    The Lair seems to be using a different jumphole effect as well. The docks on the Lair are surrounded by a white glowing ring, the beginning jump effect is a goldish plasma swirl, and the tunnel is completely messed up. Mostly a white screen with a blue snake twisting around at the bottom of the screen.

    Does anyone have this working properly?

    I'm not seeing any discussion on this at all searching for nomad shield, tekagis shield, tekagis arch, lair shield, etc.

    Has anyone come up with a way to make the base shields destructible/regennable? I'd like to make the shields so that either destroying something like a shield generator, or even just pounding away at the shield would make it drop permitting passage for a limited period of time, let's say 2-3 minutes, after which time it would prevent passage again until repeated.