HunterKiller : Freelancer runs flawlessly on windows 7, 8 and 10 - for me at least
Posts by Lordadmiral Drake
German games magazine GameStar has presented a list of the Top 10 Mods online yesterday, featuring many cool projects, including Crossfire Mod:
Crossfire 2.0 GameStarThey're laufing the thouroughness of the modding and the many added features, showing that even after 12 years Freelancer is still not dead
Happy Christmas and a happy new year from me too =)
@SWAR: War das Christkind eh brav bei dir?
He's already using it as per his post. Probably its not properly configured
After I got into it I found 3dsMax really easy to work with, though my models are still crappy
Fortunately I can get a 3dsMax license for free legally -
One day, when we make a full remake of the original Freelancer on a more advanced engine, your models will probably be used. So you have that faith
I'm currently reconstructing my other mod, GalaxyLancer, from leftovers, so basically I haven't lost it yet
If you're interested in giving a hand with the graphics, you're more than welcome.
I'm currently working on a game which has its mechanics largely based on Freelancer. Though it's giving me quite some trouble since I recently ported it from XNA to SharpDX (I just can't seem to get the texures working. Whenever I enable them in the render code the game crashes. Also, collision detection a a big pain in the ass) -
Hey Drake! I missed you
Nice to see at least 2 admins active (kinda)Well, that depends on the definition of active
Welcome back PB =)
Welcome back Tuks =)
SWAT, buy yourself some glasses
He already wrote he tried compatibility mode
However, a plain vanilla FL install should run on Win8(.1) without any special settings
I remember a mod by w0dk4 that made the cloak work. But to use it in SP you needed to use singleplayer commands too or you would be always cloaked
Lol, what irony. I come back to check on this thread the first time since I posted it and find 10 threads with unread posts
Title pretty much says it all. Over the past weeks and months I haven't seen any activity here on the forum, neither by veterans, nor by new members. The other sites on the community network don't seem to fare much better.
I think with the ongoing aging of Freelancer even the modding community can't keep up the good stuff, starting ever since the takedown of the original TLR site by microsoft.What are your thoughts on this SWAT (or anyone)?
I think that there are keyboard shortcuts. But I'm not sure cause I dont use subsys targetting
If you wanna keep chatting PM me, I think we spammed this thread enough...
Well, you beat me to it there PB, lol
Whoa, I certainly didnt expect that. Great stuff SWAT
there isnt really much given, only some crude detail. And no, nothing about military
Trade lane speed is 2500m/s ingame
Some character background is given in rtf files on the Freelancer Bonus DVD
hmm, take a look here: Directory listing | Wine (wine-unstable) packages