Hiya BAT!
I'm still around too
Hiya BAT!
I'm still around too
Not sure what it needs apart from more visitors & comments - but then that would disperse the information more.
TSP is down at the moment, could be just an admin error hopefully.
And it is a shame for all that info to be lost.
The best would be mirroring by every sister site but then as we know the admin teams are... um... uh... help me out here??
Some of our sister sites have been suffering from ups and down recently incuding TSP.
There is a lot of unique information, tips and tutorials on these sites, so it may be a good idea for you to find and save any information you might want from them
Here are the links to the EOA site:
Welcome back!
Let us know when you get your memory back! lol
Welcome back!
-Second-lifer, like all of us old kidz!lol
FLMM has the feature to rename the old saved games folder for each mod activation and rename it back when de-activated.
But it doesn't always. Other people told me I'm wrong and that it is working OK for them. But it happened to me more than a couple of times.
Hi Vihamo, and welcome to TLR.
You don't need to apologise at all, your English is very good. My Finnish is zero!
When you need help to make your model, make a new request on the forum and many people will try to help you. Tell us what help or information you need (on your new request, not here).
And we hope you change your mind and join one or two online servers. If you have broadband then there is no additional cost?
In our case we have a commercial server which is under-utilised. And we can only have 2 active User Accounts at any time, so as we need to keep one free for admin purposes, we had to find a way to run all FL sessions in the same User Account.
There are a couple of other servers running in this way but I don't know what their load is.
This technique is useful from time to time, perhaps for running a test version or for trying new mods, and for some groups of friends who want to have more than one version running for their pals as we do.
We're running 4 sessions on a P4 1.6GHz Windows 2003 server without lag at the moment, but there are not many players at once, maybe 6-8 at most and normally 0 to 1. We do have 4GB RAM, this is a more important speed factor.
Each admin will need to watch his server and see.
Welcome Caspa.
There are still around 500 FL players online at peak times, not so bad.
What are most ex-FL people playing these days then?
I can't help you myself.
But look at this, it may help you a little: http://www.swat-portal.com/php…age=Thread&threadID=44566
Louva-Deus has very kindly uploaded the latest hardware database (recognition of your graphics cards).
Here is the link to the main EOA site: http://eoa.seriouszone.com/news.php
The FL Config Database ahs been updated. See here: http://www.swat-portal.com/php…age=Thread&threadID=44616
Where some faces appear black, it seems to be the face is reversed.
Open the model in MilkShape, and firstly do a "Face... Smooth All". This will smooth out any roughness too.
Then right-click on the 3D panel and unselect "Draw Backfaces". Where faces are "reversed", they will disappear and leave a hole. Note where they are, reselect "Draw Backfaces", select the faces one at a time and click "Face... Reverse Vertex Order". Then repeat the "Face... Smooth All" and recheck. You may need to do this more than once, it's not always successful first time. Then do the same with the next face.
If the black disappears and you have a face there and no hole, this means there are two overlapping faces in the same place - you need to delete the black one leaving the good face. To do this, select the good face, press Ctrl+H to hide it, reselect "Draw Backfaces", select the black face, and delete it.
Try "cleaning" the model with "Tools... Clean" and "Tools... Model Cleaner" but note that one of them will duplicate materials and you will need to delete the duplicates and re-assign the original materials to the model groups. This is tiresome at times.
If you go wrong, just press Ctrl+Z and it will undo the previous steps one by one.
Save the model with a new name every time you are happy with your progress, so that you don't accidentally lose changes you want to keep.
Yes it works on 1.8.5 beta as well.
All plugins work fine in 1.8.5beta.
But - If you use a Sur Exporter plugin please make sure you only use v1.1 and not v1.2, because v1.2 was experimental and is not making reliable surs.
Yep, that's why I am here at all, hope to do my bit for TLR in between everything else.
Yeh, I remember dial-up, yellow flashing comms icon almost all the time, and getting killed without seeing the NPCs! Then they would shoot back across the screen and move across me again! Then repeat it a few seconds later!
I think there was an episode of Star Trek where they got stuck in a repeating time warp. Felt just like that! lol
It's a shame large player ships can't appear to be docked at an orbiting station like the NPC freighters do.
The most realistic for small ships is the Pittsburg landing scene I think, the ship flies in and lands.