Oh yeah, I was a member way back in the day.
Anyone remember SirSpectre and his old plays? That was awesome.
Oh yeah, I was a member way back in the day.
Anyone remember SirSpectre and his old plays? That was awesome.
I want to use "You were gone?" for the search feature... <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´>
Merry Birthday! <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´>
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Theres this one where you have to take over a small, former USSR state by any means possible, government, military, crime, etc. That sounded good. I´ll try and find it. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> <A href=´http://www.eidosinteractive.co.uk/gss/republic/´ Target=_Blank>Republic: The Revolution</a> <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´>
Jack Thompson makes my brain hurt. The sheer idiocy of his actions seems, well, just plain stupid to me. <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´>
Freeeow. So, we´re actually making odd sounds now? Hmm. <A href=´http://www.neave.com/lab/imagination/´ Target=_Blank>This is imagination.</a> <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´>
Praying all this might actually work... <img src=´http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Aceaz,black,lblue.png ´> Edited by - Aceaz on 10/12/2005 6:05:16 PM
I actually had to clear about 3 gig´s worth of stuff that I´ve downloaded, puurely because I have no room on this hunk of junk that´s generously named as a computer. Pretty much all of that was MODs for Freelancer, though several were big old total conversions. I´ve had about three copies of Freelancer itself running for a while now, just so I can try out all the TC´s. Edit: Yeah, I need to fix my signature. Edited by - Aceaz on 10/12/2005 6:02:28 PM
Merry Birthday, and all that.
You might not get along with Civilisation then, it´s a similar concept to Rise of Nations, passing through the ages and stuff. Uh, I got nothing. Hmm. Oh, just be happy with Rome, it´s a perfectly awesome game.
Rise of Nations, Rome: Total War, and any of the Civilization series. Google ´em and check them out. Anyone else got any more?
What the devil is this? Oh right, a chance to spam, and stuff. Well, if I´m gonna spam, I may as well make a long and nonsensical post. I mean, that´s what spamming is about, making a post that seems helpful and informative, but actually makes very little sense, and in fact seems rather pointless. Ah well, at least I managed to type for a while about absolutely nothing. I suppose the real reason for this can be traced back to 1927, during which time I was touring the jungles of Africa. You see, while I was making my way through the wilderness..... *staggers out of the room, mumbling vaguely about tigers.*
My faith in humanity continues it´s downwards slide...
If I do get one, it´ll probably be the Revolution, if only because I´m an unwavering supporter of Nintendo, and encouraging creativity in gaming is a good thing. That said, it´s equally likely I´ll just stick with the ol´ PC, and just use the ´cube and N64
Which one, the Hitler joke dealie or the little guy attacking the door?
Merry Birthday, and all that.
<A href=´http://www.bill-bailey.co.uk/downloads/video.php´ Target=_Blank>Bill Bailey.</a> True humor comes from being completely and utterly random.
This is definatly just a little weird. Why do people want to change themselves to this degree?
I dunno...I´m gonna wait until it actually comes out, <i>then </i> i´ll pass judgement on it.
It´s ocassionly around, the hosting seems a tad more unreliable these days.