That was indeed, pretty nice. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>my shoddy little website</a> It´s got, like, stuff and things on it.
Posts by Aceaz5
I saw it on Thursday, after a mate of mine managed to grab tickits for an advanced screening. I´m pretty sure I enjoyed it. There are several jokes in there that you´ll only get from reading the books, and also several homages to Douglas Adams, including a planet shaped like his head, during the tour of the planet factory. Alan Rickman managed to make me laugh with almost every line. Martin Freeman did quite well. John Malcovich´s character seemed a little random, but still amusing. Mos Def did fairly good as well, considering my initial bewilderment to him being chosen for Ford. So, yeah, I thought it was pretty good. I´ve talked to other people about it, some saying that they hated Alan Rickman, hated Mos Def, and despised the director for destroying their film. Clearly, these people are wrong. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>my shoddy little website</a> It´s got, like, stuff and things on it.
I´d say I´m a fairly moderate fan. I´ll watch an episode if it happens to be on, but I havn´t begun downloading entire series over Bittorrent, as I did with South Park. I dunno, occasionly I´ll wince at a particuarly poor bit of dialogue or random plot points, but I find it vaguely enjoyable. Kinda like Mcdonalds for the soul, enjoyable now, but I´ll probably regret it later. Or even better, it needs to be done in moderation. Edit: Oh, and I despise Atlantis. <i>Because it is bad. </i> Edited by - Aceaz on 5/2/2005 3:08:22 PM
I recently got and read the novel. My reactions are thus: I reserve all opinions for the film. The book basically acted as a larger, more expensive version of the trailer. I already know what happens, I want to <i>see </i> it.
To the Popemobile!
Please God...let this film be good...
Anyone rememeber X-Wing Aliiance on PC? The main character in that was called Ace Azzamean. hence, Aceaz. Yes, I am a Science fiction nutjob. (Would have just used Ace but apparantly someone already has that...)
Whoa. Now this is just a little weird.
December 12th.
Happy Birthday, and all that jazz.
But´s blatant advertising. Not even the guy´s own opinion on the game.
I reserve my opinion util after the movie. However, I´m really hoping this turn out okay. ´cos if it doesn´t....
w00t <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>my shoddy little website</a> It´s got, like, stuff and things on it. Edited by - Aceaz on 3/5/2005 4:16:37 PM
Kusari? More specifically, you could try at the Kyushu/Tau 29 jumpgate, I believe there´s a battleship there.
Stoned? Moi? Never.....<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
I loves me Lunix! Yes, if you have asked your parents to witch from AOL, you are a damn dirty hacker...
Me! <img src=´ ´> Edited by - Aceaz on 3/4/2005 4:27:07 PM
Well, that was one of the dumbest things I´ve seen this evening...