Quote from "Lancerwarrior"
I know Miramax isn't the only other fan of SG1/SGA here so I guess it's worthwhile to break the news:
SGA was cancelled, the news broke a few weeks ago, and I'm pretty bummed about it. Some of the best HD visuals on TV and although there were some bumps in the road it seemed to still be running strong. Don't know why, must be ratings but I dunno what the numbers are. ONLY good thing might be that they are going through w/ the next installment called Stargate Universe sometime in the not-too-distant future. Damm reality shows still keep coming back though :x
Here is the news on SGA, ( Heavy sigh and head drops down ) the show was getting way off the funding limit, so they decided that a movie would wrap things up at less cost. What The hell, how can they not just go and look for more sponsors who can give some money to help keep it running, I mean my god when a show has good ratings and a fast growing fan base it is STUPIDITY not to capitalize on that opportunity, I have been involved with many other fans to bring it back ( but its not looking good ), why cant they move it from Canada to another country with a lower dollar or find more sponsors, how hard is it to think outside the box, these guy's are so bent that their straight, I get very angry when people don't try and use their brains to find a way to make it work, they just look for the easy way. Sci-Fi fans are smart and learn fast, they are thinkers and makers from all walks of life, how many other shows / movies or whatever it is can say that about their fan base, not to many I can tell you. Its just not cricket.
Quote from "Tawakalna"
dunno about the SG Universe thing, sounds a bit like Voyager to me. Looking forward to Stargate Worlds though, now there's an MMPORPG i will play!
I have been playing Stargate Ancient Wars which is a MMPORPG, its still new but its quite good, will post the link for anyone who is interested.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sgancientwars.com/index.php?s=g">http://sgancientwars.com/index.php?s=g</a><!-- m -->
Just go here and click on Join the fight and after about two to three minutes your ready to go, be warned that it takes a few days before you really start to get anywhere, but after three weeks I have already created my own alliance and find the game to be a nice distraction from SGA's demise.