Posts by mancer

    After contacting flybyu the things are the following: for everyone´s good, it will be the best solution to recompile the mod again with the necessary changes. Right now i am working on the files, and that will require a little time. So i must ask the community for patience. I have to go over the code and the connections in the code again. Thanks to everyone for the mails, and not blaming me so hard.

    Here is the way I do it: From max export to md3. Its a quake format if you know. With the exporting you lose the textures but not the texture coordinates (the uvw mapping). Import the md3 in milkshape and assign textures again. It worked by me with over 50 ships. You can download the exportmd3.dle (i believe thats the filename<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) for example at Hi

    For various reasons I do not use the Flmm (well, it is not a MUST as far as I know). I used it before, but I had probs. So I could not test if it works. Additionally I do not intend to use it. That´s why I posted this, I am searching for someone who could do it for me.

    Oh and btw if it can be fixed then ill do all the player used weapons. Or at least i will try that. I found those oversized things absolutely annoying.

    Have read your comment at my posting, thx. This is what i have already: -Bulk Transport -Star Hauler -Nebulon B Frigate -Interdictor -Gunships -Freighters -Tie Fighters under construction(plus experimentals!) Planned are: -Outrider -Millenium Falcon -Firespray-class -Rebel Starfighters -ISD,SSD(okay SSD will be smaller<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>),VSD,... -and so on... They are not EXACT copys but have charachteristics so one can recognize them easily. Anyway, many ships are based on fantasy in SW so exact parameters rarely exist. (I think.) If you are interested drop a mail to Please be patient because I am not every day on the Net. If you are interested you will get an answer I promise.

    I do that manually. It is heavier but works always. Open the cmp in milkshape. Open the same cmp in utf editor and create the tree structure. From the milkshape views you can red the coordinates (mouse!). With a little exercise it is a WAY better than thinkering in milkshape alone with that.

    Some other things: 1. Did you copy the dlls to their place? They come with the plugin. 2. The plugin works with ENGLISH as language in photoshop. 3. Be careful when exporting especially when prompted to create number of mipmaps or update the existing ones. (I usually do the second one) Anyway I am not really happy with the dds textures in freelancer since bigger ships look ugly when you do not take your time to thinker with the lodranges. Ciao.

    Download the dds texture plugins from nvidia´s page. Then use utf editor to extract the textures from the mats and name them With the dds plugin u can import them in photoshop. Ciao

    Well I tried to translate too but sadly the audio files will be still in english (as mentioned above) and it is a huge amount of work so I gave up. I got the patience but not the time <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Anyway it IS a good idea specially fot those who cannot understand english. Mancer from Hungary

    I use still 1.59, on XP. It works with the latest exporter-importer plugins too. The 1.59 was zipped so you dont have to install it. Try that. It works very well.