Posts by Kalan Yamato

    Quote from "SlayerDE35BF"

    I had the same bug on my nvidia gforce 9800 gt
    try to change the resolution to a higher value by using this:
    [attachment=0]<!-- ia0 --><!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
    open your starlancer.ini with it, click on "custom" and do: 1680 x 1280 (NOT 1680 x 1050 or other resolution, or the game will crash.)

    Hello, thanks for your response.

    I've tried using it before, it won't do anything. It'll just change back to 1024x768. I've tried to run as admin but it couldn't run that way. It says that COMDLG32.OCX or one of it's dependecies is missing.

    I also can't make it windowed. I try to change the .ini file for the value windowed=0 to be windowed=1, but it runs fullscreen. It looks like Lancer.exe just changes the .ini file on execution!

    I forgot to mention I have Windows 7, and I HAVE to run Lancer.exe on Administrator mode or else it will crash after leaving/winning/losing a mission... xD

    I've already mentioned my problem in my introduction topic, but I think this board is more appropriate to "report" this glitch.

    So, it's like this: StarLancer looks like 16-bit other than 32. There's no bloom, almost no lightening effects (the ships are full bright!), the nebulas are POLYGONS, and overall, the game looks ugly.

    Look, I'm dying to make a StarLancer playthrough, every little bit of help is appreciated.

    Screenshot down there

    Quote from "/\zz/\"

    Old starlancer player nice :) welcome to the site and i hope you find then information that you need

    Even though I did play SL lots of times, I still can't figure out how did I finish the last mission. In one of the last objectives of it, you shoot some pod things that the Alliance drops and in a chance of 1 out of 10 you do it right? :?
    I'm buying a Joystick soon, I'll figure that out later...

    And thanks. :)

    Hi everyone...
    I'm Kalan Yamato, and I love Freelancer, I got it 2 years ago I think, and I've already finished it, and I'm planning to finish it again.
    What can I say... I love StarLancer and FreeLancer, they are my favourite space combat sims. I've played StarLancer for many years, but ever since my joystick went outdated (Sidewinder... grrr... gameport D:< ), playing with the keyboard's not very nice. I still managed to play it again with the keyboard with only those homing laser things... You don't know how hard it is to aim a space craft with the keyboard.

    I guess I'm stuck with Freelancer, since I have graphical issues with SL in my new PC, for example, many (if not all) of the nebulas look like polygons. The graphics look like a blatant Atari Jaguar game, except the ships are still well detailed. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please leave a message; I'm dying to play StarLancer with good graphics again, and I can't be bothered to get an old computer just to do it. D:

    Anyway... nice to meet you guys.

    Also, don't mind me using the 3 little-dot-things (I don't know the definition, I'm not English xD ) alot, I'm already used to it :lol:

    EDIT: Oh, also, not to mention, I've heard of this site 3 years ago when I posted my first video on youtube (Starlancer gameplay) :3