After having contacted Major Warren and Gabriel Urran, Nikolai and Konn entered the bar. Travis was there already at a large empty table, and he greeted the group. He looked a bit unhappy, and Konn heard him grouse under his breath about getting taken off Curacao. Just as Hahukum was about to do the introductions, Rob and Tanya swept through the bar entryway, followed by a man with swirly blond hair, a slightly bulbous nose, and the skin color of a man who never saw the sun. <i>Hmm. Rob and Tanya look different, somehow. Less tense, maybe. Well, who knows. </i> Rob waved at the group, then sat down, plunking an object on the table. He said, “Hey there. First off, I see several strangers around here, so let’s get some introductions out of the way. I’m Rob Schaefer, and this is Tanya Ramirez. Her friend Travis Carter’s also here. This gentleman here is Dr. Tomsons, and he’s a researcher with the Hammer Institute. We’ll need him to look at that loot from the Junkers, Konn.” Konn nodded and said, “With me is Nikolai van Haalein, the man Rob and I rescued off an Outcast base in Omicron Alpha. We have with us a Major from the BAF, Nick Warren, and the freelancer who tipped us off about the attacks in Omega-5, Gabriel Urran. I think that covers everyone.” Nods all around the table. Konn began the meeting. “Let’s get down to business and update each other on what’s up. Rob, I’m going to have to hit you up for three hundred and fifty K to cover a deal I made with the Junkers to get the loot.” Rob whistled. “Yes, it’s a lot, but I paid three-fifty out of my own accounts as an advance payment, plus a minor bribe to the Junker I negotiated with.” “Ok, we’ll talk about it later. Continue.” “The BAF research people on Sprague didn’t get much out of the tractored-in loot we brought them – except for the unusual ship hull construction, but your Dr. Tomsons should coordinate with them to see if there’s anything they’ve overlooked. The Outcasts are very keen on obtaining what we’ve got, and took over Trafalgar to try and get their hands on the equipment and wreckage the Junkers took out of Omega-5. We were just ahead of them in getting to Rochester. “I believe that pretty well covers what we’ve been up to.” Konn rubbed Nikolai’s leg under the table subtly. The Rheinlander smiled ever so slightly at the soft touch. Rob took his cue and stood. He clasped his hands behind his back. “It all started when I got a call from Doc Tomsons there. In a nutshell, he put us on the trail of an expedition to a previously undiscovered system linked to Omicron Gamma. We had reason to believe that Mason might have been involved. “Turns out we were right. The group Mason is working with had sent a large contingent of researchers from the Hammer Institute to one of two planets in the system. It´s designated Primus, and for good reason. The dominant species on the planet is some sort of ape-man. They don´t like visitors though. “The natives killed almost all of the Hammer expedition members. They almost got me and Tanya as well, but we managed to take cover in a giant pyramid thing. That was what the Hammer scientists were supposed to be investigating. “We think some did try as well, but were killed by a guardian of sorts. I´m still not sure what that thing was, but it was mean as hell and killed any members of the Hammer team that the apes didn´t get. Fortunately Tanya and I managed to take it out.” “What was it guarding?” Gabriel asked. Rob looked at Tanya for a moment before speaking. “Nothing. At one point there must have been some sort of very powerful artifact, but it has either been destroyed or taken by some other group already. The main chamber was empty when Tanya and I got there. “So. Tanya and I leave the pyramid thing and, keeping out of sight of those monkeys, make our way to the remains of the Hammer outpost. You know, to snoop around there for any leads on other things that Mason might be after. “The place is pretty well trashed. But we do manage to find one or two useful bits of info. Apparently there´s more than one of those big pyramids in Sirius, and it looks like one is here on LA. It´s a safe bet that Mason and his allies will be here soon, so if there´s anything of use to be found here. I´d like to get to it first. “That covers what’s happened and what we need to do. Take a break and order some drinks, then we’ll get back to what’s got to happen.” Nikolai got up to go to the washroom, and whispered in Rob´s ear. Hahukum, puzzled at the encounter, got up and ordered a tea for himself and a hot chocolate for Nikolai. The others drifted back to the table with various beverages, alcoholic or non, as preference dictated. As he sipped his tea, he thought something was missing. It wasn´t anything definite, but having been told about Rob´s encounters with a splinter group from the Nomads, it sounded as though Rob had left something out. Once everybody was seated, Nick said, “All right. What do we need to do?” “Right now, Tanya and I will go on underwater reconnaissance. Dr. Tomsons will begin analysis of the material Konn brought back, so if all of you help unload the stuff and secure it, we can find out what’s so special about it, and fast.” Gabriel said, “I would like to go with Rob and Tanya, as well.” Rob said, “Do you have underwater diving experience?” “Some. I used to do some deep-lake diving on Denver to get trained on scuba gear.” “Works for me. Let’s go.” Murmurs of acknowledgement swept the table, and the group slowly broke up into smaller conversational units as Rob, Tanya and Gabriel left to get started. --- Just as Konn was about to open the Humpback for Nikolai <i>et al </i> to begin unloading, Major Warren came into the docking bay. He looked disappointed, but spoke crisply. “Hello, all. I’ve just been ordered back to Bretonia with my crew. Seems we’re ready to squash some more Mollys in Dublin. I can stay to unload your ship, then I’ve got to leave.” Hahukum said, “Sorry to hear that, Major. You’ve been helpful. Good luck.” With that, the group rapidly began relocating the mass of equipment, hulls and junk into a nearly research facility Dr. Tomsons had set up in an empty warehouse. The man actually began looking humanly excited as he peered at the weaponry and noted some unusual characteristics of the material. --- Some hours later, In their room, Nikolai said, “Konn, Rob´s hiding something.” “You´re right. Is that what you told him when you went to the washroom?” “Yeah. I let him know I wasn´t fooled. He found something when he and Tanya were on that planet and he´s not telling us. Why?” “Gabriel.” “What does he have to do with this?” Nikolai asked. “You weren´t in the ship´s cockpit when I finally managed to get a hold of Rob.” Hahukum began. “Before he told me to bring everyone here, he told a very short tale of what he had been up to. But some of what he said over the comm never appeared in his little speech at the bar. He mentioned being captured by a secret society – I think he called them the Tau-somethings – and that this secret society has an agent named Gabriel. “Rob is rather a suspicious fellow. I´m sure that when he found out Gabriel´s name, he automatically assumed that our man is the Tau agent.” “Well, Rob better come clean or he´ll get some embarrassing questions in front of Gabriel. I don´t like it when people hide things from me.” A light tug on his shoulder brought Nikolai around to face Konn, who smiled slightly and said, “Forget that. Your chest is a nice pillow, and I’m tired from lugging all that stuff two city blocks.” ----- <b>Summary: Not much, just debriefing and prepping for nailin´ ol´ Mason. </b> <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> OOC: MInor revisions to incorporate suggested dialog change. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 10/10/2005 8:14:27 PM